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Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

is there anyplace to find some good HH 1st edition rules? thinking of getting into it again, and trying to find the rules.

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

So the various articles on the original edition are still available from various 'chans' if you dont want it to cost anything. (2chan?)
If you dont mind shelling out a little for treeware then the red books are about £30 each on leading online trading platforms.

I think the 6th edition rulebook and the legion list from book 1: Betrayal is the best version because titans can still be affected by weapon destroyed and immobilised results on the vehicle damage chart which evened them out considerably. No stomp attacks, no D weapon chart, and no phosphex quad-mortars or relics. Even the primarchs were more manageable at that point.

6th edition can usually can be aquired for free.
I did a quick search and found multiple PDFs

Could you be a little more specific about what exactly you are looking for/need?
Its still copyrighted material is all...

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

 SirDonlad wrote:
So the various articles on the original edition are still available from various 'chans' if you dont want it to cost anything. (2chan?)
If you dont mind shelling out a little for treeware then the red books are about £30 each on leading online trading platforms.

I think the 6th edition rulebook and the legion list from book 1: Betrayal is the best version because titans can still be affected by weapon destroyed and immobilised results on the vehicle damage chart which evened them out considerably. No stomp attacks, no D weapon chart, and no phosphex quad-mortars or relics. Even the primarchs were more manageable at that point.

6th edition can usually can be aquired for free.
I did a quick search and found multiple PDFs

Could you be a little more specific about what exactly you are looking for/need?
Its still copyrighted material is all...

I have the red mechanicum book right now, and I am trying to track down what I need to start playing again honestly. I was never super into it, but I figure I could try it out again if other people are interested

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

Not sure if this link is useful?
It came up when i searched for the age of darkness core rule book.

You can take your pick of 6th ed, 7th ed or Age Of Darkness core rule book to play with, but 6th edition is very underrated generally because of how 40k 6th ed got screwed by formations and certain psychic powers.

To get the army list for anything, get the "Crusade Imerialis Army Lists" for solar auxillia, cults&militia and questoris knight army lists , "Legions Astartes Crusade Army List" for the basic marines (watch it with this book because the first two versions came out before all the legions got their moment to shine) and "Legions Astartes Issvan Campaign Legions" for the extra legion specific characters, units, primarchs and wargear (same caveat as before)
Book 5 for ultramarine and word bearer lists
Book 6 has the blackshields and shattered legions lists as well as some new units (contemptor-cortus dread etc)
Book 7 contains thousand sons, space puppies sisters of silence and custodes army (talons of the emperor) lists and some mechanicum units
Book 8 has the blood angels, white scars, daemons of the ruinstorm list, talons of the emperor additions.. (this book really should have introduced orks as an HH faction)
Book 9 has lists for the dark angles, batman cosplayers and some extras for solar auxillia and the cults&militia
Book 10 didnt get written by forgeworld so i made my own with army lists for the new mechanicum/the mechanicum, the skittarius and the horrors of the red wastes - plus new wargear and units for the collegia titanicus, legiones astartes, legio cybernetica, ordo reductor and cults&militia lists.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

 SirDonlad wrote:
Not sure if this link is useful?
It came up when i searched for the age of darkness core rule book.

You can take your pick of 6th ed, 7th ed or Age Of Darkness core rule book to play with, but 6th edition is very underrated generally because of how 40k 6th ed got screwed by formations and certain psychic powers.

To get the army list for anything, get the "Crusade Imerialis Army Lists" for solar auxillia, cults&militia and questoris knight army lists , "Legions Astartes Crusade Army List" for the basic marines (watch it with this book because the first two versions came out before all the legions got their moment to shine) and "Legions Astartes Issvan Campaign Legions" for the extra legion specific characters, units, primarchs and wargear (same caveat as before)
Book 5 for ultramarine and word bearer lists
Book 6 has the blackshields and shattered legions lists as well as some new units (contemptor-cortus dread etc)
Book 7 contains thousand sons, space puppies sisters of silence and custodes army (talons of the emperor) lists and some mechanicum units
Book 8 has the blood angels, white scars, daemons of the ruinstorm list, talons of the emperor additions.. (this book really should have introduced orks as an HH faction)
Book 9 has lists for the dark angles, batman cosplayers and some extras for solar auxillia and the cults&militia
Book 10 didnt get written by forgeworld so i made my own with army lists for the new mechanicum/the mechanicum, the skittarius and the horrors of the red wastes - plus new wargear and units for the collegia titanicus, legiones astartes, legio cybernetica, ordo reductor and cults&militia lists.

sounds good all areound, I appreciate it! I made a crusade list for Taghmata, but I may have to double check it. I'm more than a little rusty right now when it comes to wargaming.

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
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Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


I have a bunch of PDF's that Forgeworld made available as playtests and never made it into the books if you're after anything specific
Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

 zedmeister wrote:
I have a bunch of PDF's that Forgeworld made available as playtests and never made it into the books if you're after anything specific

That would be helpful too, I am looking for almost anything at this point

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

I found my old mechanicus stuff for HHv1 so I'm pretty happy now. now I just gotta play some games with it!

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and to add to that... any homebrew rules to bring skitarii from 7th ed into HH? they where around at the same time

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/25 17:13:26

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

Na. You can get them in HH 2.0 via an archimandrit warlord.

They are quite good though.

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

Not Online!!! wrote:
Na. You can get them in HH 2.0 via an archimandrit warlord.

They are quite good though.

I did mean for HH1, more or less trying to find a fan supplement or something

but for the archimandrite thing, how do they do it? I've read the rules like 4 times and don't see how?

never mind, I figured out how lol.

but yea, it only makes hhv2 a little more appealing, though I am mainly more enthusiastic about HHv1

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/25 21:31:55

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

Are you sure you're willing to use a Fan-Dex?

My effort at doing book 10 for original edition is a 163 page word document and the Skittarii Army List in it takes up 24 of those pages.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
Made in us
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

 SirDonlad wrote:
Are you sure you're willing to use a Fan-Dex?

My effort at doing book 10 for original edition is a 163 page word document and the Skittarii Army List in it takes up 24 of those pages.

Honestly? the panoptica list is what I was after for liber ingenium, and my group is 100% down with using those rules so I think I am golden

Automatically Appended Next Post:
whoops, forgot this was for HH1! panoptica is for HH2, so I have an in there, but yea I am down for using almost any rules

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/28 18:17:59

413th Lucius Exterminaton Legion- 4,000pts

Atalurnos Fleetbreaker's Akhelian Corps- 2500pts
Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

Hey Tiger9gamer, check your dropbox!
(and empty it)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
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