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Made in us
Outraged Witness

We're back with more Bonehammer! Aren't you lucky!
This is a redux of my previous homebrewed tabletop application. At the time it was move-for-move, measure-for-measure.
But now it is fully integrated with Twitch's IRC so chatters can command their forces in real time, not counting lag.
Today's battle took place in Iliac Bay between 20 players, each with a 200 point squad.

Each unit was taken from the 1st Edition sourcebook Freebooterz.
Two teams of 10 players each were randomly deployed. Red to the west, blue to the east.
The bay itself is walkable ground since otherwise it would've involved too much detouring.
Just imagine it's frozen.

As the armies hurled themselves toward the center the first casualty was Acid's Bad Ork Bikeboyz.
These guys reach the front quickly but have poor defense and so were often the first to perish.
The other "most-likely-to-die-first" candidate was JR's possessed Warphead.
His daemon was a Bloodletter which didn't grant him a lot of defense and without any support he gets bolted down easily.
Note that I allowed players to use whatever they want in terms of sprites or models to represent their troops.
It might be difficult to understand who is what as a result. But after watching for a while you just get used to it.

Another Warphead would be gunned down by Broccoli Man's Speed Freeks shortly after.
At least Algosith got to go down fighting this time; last battle his head just exploded from too much chanting.
Polar Dash's Dreadmob intercepted Moro's Outcast Retinue. One of those dreads turned out to be an absolute beast.
The random upgrades gave him 2 extra arms with another Heavy Bolter AND a Heavy Plasma Gun.
In addition this dread got 2 Scorcher nozzles! This thing just dealt out death like a six-armed god of destruction from South Asian tradition.
His Mekboy and Painboy rarely survived a battle, being much more fragile than their Killer Kan Kreashunz.
They also had vastly different fortunes with their Kustom Weaponz.
The Painboy had a Kombi Weapon consisting of an Autopistol, Multi-Melta AND a Lascannon all in one!
Meanwhile the Mek had a Strength 1 Hand Flamer plated in gold. Essentially a cigar lighter.

And so the squads continued to pile into one another.
The Human Mercenaries, Gretchin Bandits, Khorne Stormboyz and Mutants would all be obliterated in the crossfire as the units coalesced.
I was eager to see how the Gretchin would fare since I'd just implemented the code for their special blunderbusses.
These things fire together in batches of up to 6 and (as far as I can recall) are the only weapons that work this way.
So unlike other weapons that have special conditions on-hit or on-wound, these needed code just for them.
In the end they performed like Gretchin.

Soon everyone was in melee. You'll notice Morgenritter's gigantic robed figure representing his Chaos Renegade.
His Aspiring Chaos Champion of Slaanesh (yes, I know...) rolled the Growth x 4 attribute and became a giant.
In this form his Toughness was so high he was immune to bolter fire and most melee attacks.
While his damage output was unimpressive he could tank for his team like in an MMO raid.

Then it was over.
Crow's Oddboyz, Haggard's Mekboyz, Johnny's Runtmaster, Paive's Minderz, Sylvang's Genestealer Cult
and Captain Awesome's Squig-Brained mob got diced up or shot to pieces by bolt pistols.
Last to fall on the red team was Taste's Wildboyz, who with their two-handed weapons are actually quite formidable.

I've been trying to get more of my friends to appreciate 40k by making it easier, simpler and faster via code.
At this point there's still a lot of core functionality missing or in a buggy state.
But with a little more work we can reach the point where every single mechanic and die roll is represented faithfully.
The battle was equivalent to a 2,000 point tabletop battle yet only took about 10 minutes.

Link to the stream is in my signature. Anyone can just show up and play.

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2024/05/22 18:23:59

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


Not quite sure what I'm looking at, but I like it! Clever stuff :-)

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in us
Outraged Witness

 Skinflint Games wrote:
Not quite sure what I'm looking at, but I like it! Clever stuff :-)

It's a virtual tabletop that automates a lot of tasks.
The rules and units all come from 1st Edition.
If you're on Twitch you can stop by and play without any preparation.
We're live at 2pm PST every odd calendar day.

Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


What an amazing achievement, that must have taken a huge amount of work- well done!

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in us
Outraged Witness

Round two!
Blue team deployed to High Rock while Red team started in Hammerfell.

Captain Crow's Oddboyz, a mix of Mekboyz, Painboyz and Runtherdz, fell in behind Taste's Wildboyz.
Opposite them Haggard's Mekaniaks gathered up with various Red team units and headed to meet them.
Haggard's Chief Mekboy grinned in anticipation... maybe. With the stainless steel mandibles it's hard to tell.
Actually sometimes a smile is all in the eyes, so yeah.

Crow then changes course when he sees Broccoli Man's Battlewagon bearing down on him.
We added tracer fire to the automatic weapons to supplement the other projectile effects.

As the teams mobbed up near the south shore Polar Dash began hitting the more vulnerable Blue squads from the north.
His attacks would start rolling up the Blue line but Crow had been so weakened by Broc's Speed Freek driveby that he wouldn't survive the press of battle.

Blue team was in for some bad times now as Polar and company would push all the way to the twin rock pillars.
The Dreadmob was merciless as it advanced mowing down Genestealer cultists with Heavy Bolter fire and setting the surface of the water aflame with Scorchers.
It looked like you could walk across Iliac Bay on the dead bodies without wetting your feet.

Red team scored an overwhelming victory with 9 out of their starting 10 squads surviving.
Even when a chatter has control over a single unit they can turn the tide by choosing their victims smartly.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/27 03:59:13

Made in us
Outraged Witness

Round 3!
This time someone in chat suggested a Real-Time mode.
I figured it would be an absolute mess but it turned out a lot less buggy than anticipated

The game opened with Spoon's mutants bolting down JR's Possessed Warpheadz within the first few seconds of play.
He then continued on his way to engage in a drawn out battle with Polar Dash's Dread Mob.

While the bulk of the other units quested to the center of map Spoon and Polar just kept wailing away at each other in their own corner of the map.
This was a Free-for-All deathmatch unlike the team battles I showed previously.

As they battered each other down Lazy King found them and advanced his Lusty Argonian Maid Squad (Freebooter Pirates) to pick up some easy kills.
Spoon proposed they join forces against Lazy but Polar just made a break for it leaving Spoon to get annihilated.
Lazy then began to chase Polar's last undamaged Dread towards the center of the map.

Polar plunged into the water and sprinted through several new opponent barring his way.
Paive's Minderz tried to bar his way.
This squad was bristling with a variety of equipment from over two dozen wargear rolls.
But a gold-plated stub gun doesn't really scare a Dreadnought with an unmodified force field save.

Lazy would then become embroiled with Sylvang's Genestealer Ork cult with Paive getting sandwiched between them.
Paive took notice of Polar's tactic and just broke off to sneak away as Lazy and Sylvang focused on each other.
The Pirates were on a remarkable run at this point. Most battles didn't see them this distinguished.
Their squad isn't anything too remarkable: Just some basic Boyz with boltguns and a missile launcher with melta missiles.
Yet at this point they had a high model kill count and 4 squad kill trophies, all while keeping most of their squad intact. Good stuff.

Polar would finally be cut down before he could escape again.
Paive managed to scramble all the way to the center where Taste's Wildboyz had just emerged the winner of the massive melee.
Finally Lazy and Taste crashed into each other and the Wildboyz' double-handed weapons ensured a final, bloody victory.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/28 18:02:39

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

This is crazy, in a good way! I might just jump on and try it out.
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