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Water-Caste Negotiator


Hi all! The Origins Game Fair is coming up June 19-23 in Columbus OH. BoardGameGeek does a games trade and flea market there. So I wondered if there was something similar for Dakka. Either way, I have some 40K stuff I would love to sell. This in ONLY for pickup at Origins in Columbus, OH.

Here is my list of stuff I am selling. It has a lot of older Black Reach models but more modern stuff too. I am willing to part out as well

1 older GW minis case in Dark Angel green
1 Ammo Runt Ammo
1 Big Mek Kustom Force Field (Extra weapons can be swapped out)
8 Burna Burna
2 Deff Dread
11 Deffkopta Kopta rokkits, Spinnin' blades
1 Grot Oiler Oil
7 Killer Kan
8 Loota Deff Gun
2 Spanners Kustom Zapgun
2 Meganobz (Arms can be changed for different weapons)
1 Nob Big Choppa
1 Nob Big Choppa, Killsaw
1 Nob Combi-Skorcha
1 Nob Power Klaw x2
5 Nob Slugga, Big Choppa
2 Nob Slugga, Power Klaw
4 Ork Boy Big Shooota
2 Ork Boy Rokkit Launcha
35 Ork Boy Slugga, Choppa
10 Ork Boy Shoota
1 Pain Boy Urty Sringe, Slugga
1 Trukk
1 Warboss Shoota, Power Klaw
1 Bag of ork bits - probably enough to make 3 to 5 more figures
(Also a Blood Angels Landspeeder and a single Black Templar available.)

Some pictures on Google photos:

In general I am looking to sell, but I would consider Legions Imperialis or Adeptus Titanicus stuff in trade.

I can take cash or PayPal. Potentially other online payments too like Google or Venmo, but I have to check on that.

Sorry if this is not quite per Dakka standards, but I did not see anything about these types of meetups. FYI here is a link to the BGG flea market if you want to look at over 5000 items and are going to origins.


For the Greater Good!
40K, SW:Armada, Bolt Action, Legions Imperialis(maybe…) 
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