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[H] classic metal/plastic EPIC Eldar [W] $$$ [EUROPE]  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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[H] classic metal/plastic EPIC Eldar [W] $$$ [EUROPE only]

The minis were painted around 2000, time to rephoto and show them.
As with my other sales, the minis will go eventually on ebay, but I wold love to sell them here.

From the EPIC 40K era: Ulthwe infantry and Falcons.

From the EPIC 40K era: Ulthwe Super Heavies - Cobra and Scorpion.

The Avatar (age old metal mini) and Wraithguard, Warp Spider and Swooping Hawks.

From the EPIC 40K era: Dire Anvenger and Waveserpent.

From the EPIC 40K era: Striking Scorpions Anvenger and Waveserpent.

From the EPIC 40K era: Ulthwe Nightspinner.

From the EPIC 40K era: Ulthwe Vampire.

From the EPIC 40K era: Saim Hann Vyper.

From the EPIC 40K era: Saim Hann Jetbikes.

If interested, just PM me.

cheers and keep on gaming, Agis - http://www.adpublishing.de

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