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Where to get speed paint in Everett WA?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Elite Tyranid Warrior

Does anyone know where Army painter speed paint can be purchased in the South Everett (WA) area?
Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Do you guys have Hobby lobby near by?
Or a hobby Mom/Pop shop?

Id use a browser to search for "Hobby Store" and see what will pop up. Then I would call them and ask if they carry the speed paints. The Mom/Pop shops are great at communicating, and even if they do not carry what you need, they can always order it for you. You can also try calling your local Hobby Lobby and ask if they carry the speed paints. I know they got good modeling section and I have seen Vallejo there, can't recall if they have ArmyPainter or not.

I like to support local business before shopping on line, however online orders are always a convenient option.
Hope this helps.
[Thumb - Screenshot_20240617-005115~2.png]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/17 08:02:22

Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

 Mothsniper wrote:
Do you guys have Hobby lobby near by?
Or a hobby Mom/Pop shop?

Id use a browser to search for "Hobby Store" and see what will pop up. Then I would call them and ask if they carry the speed paints. The Mom/Pop shops are great at communicating, and even if they do not carry what you need, they can always order it for you. You can also try calling your local Hobby Lobby and ask if they carry the speed paints. I know they got good modeling section and I have seen Vallejo there, can't recall if they have ArmyPainter or not.

I like to support local business before shopping on line, however online orders are always a convenient option.
Hope this helps.

Hobby Lobby does not carry Army Painter or any other acrylic miniature paints beyond a small selection of the Model Color paints (around 40 colors and some of the auxiliary products).

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

 Ghaz wrote:
 Mothsniper wrote:
Do you guys have Hobby lobby near by?
Or a hobby Mom/Pop shop?

Id use a browser to search for "Hobby Store" and see what will pop up. Then I would call them and ask if they carry the speed paints. The Mom/Pop shops are great at communicating, and even if they do not carry what you need, they can always order it for you. You can also try calling your local Hobby Lobby and ask if they carry the speed paints. I know they got good modeling section and I have seen Vallejo there, can't recall if they have ArmyPainter or not.

I like to support local business before shopping on line, however online orders are always a convenient option.
Hope this helps.

Hobby Lobby does not carry Army Painter or any other acrylic miniature paints beyond a small selection of the Model Color paints (around 40 colors and some of the auxiliary products).

Ah yes! My bad, thank you!

Made in us
Elite Tyranid Warrior

I called around a little. Mugu games has them.
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