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Flower Picking Eldar Youth


I've been loving Helldivers 2 lately. So I thought, why not take this rusting pile of palinite and transform them into some liber-tea drinking helldivers. This is the result so far:

Test moldel for painting:

Some Wip shots of the guys and heavy weapons:

I plan to use these guys as a space marine scouts kill team. I turned the heavy bolter into a heavy machine gun and the missile launcher into a recoiless riffle. The sniper is an anti-materiel rifle without alteration.

Fingers have tips, but toes don’t. How do I tip toe?
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper

Personal Batcave

These look great! I was wanting to create a kill team based on the helldivers, I considered kasrkin however the palatines look a lot closer especially the helmets.

Per Noctem Volamus 
Made in ca
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

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