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"Primaris" terminator weapons  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in dk
Regular Dakkanaut

Having gotten my hands on the new Terminator models, I find myself realizing that a lot of the weapons, and arms, that I have gathered over the years looks a little too small for my models.. If you guys should recommend a good gw box for bits that fit the new size models, what would it be? I field a homemade chapter, so iconography is not a huge issue, as long as the bits fit size wise..
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

What are you looking to do?

The new terminators are chonky boys, and the latest release. So anything older is going to be smaller due to scale creep. I’m not sure there is something I could point to categorically and say “this should work"

When kitbashing the new TDA captain into a chaplain I used a staff bit from the old GK terminator box. But simple hand/weapon swaps are pretty forgiving for scale creep. I did have trouble sourcing extra shoulder pads for the new TDA kit. Even the older gravis armor pads, which should have been terminator scale, did not fit without work.

When primaris fist came out I used some old terminator arms on them and they fit just fine. And I’ve used old RT terminator bits on more modern firstborn sculpts. Scale creep and primaris/terminator bits are an odd combination.

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