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[H] Zombicide Kickstarter exclusives from the 2nd Kickstarter, plus Votann and other bits [W] £ [UNITED] [eBay]  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Coastal Bliss in the Shadow of Sizewell

Suffolk, where the Aliens roam.

As the title says the main thing I'm selling new this month (In my failing attempts to free up room for new stuffs and extra pennies for the Legions Imperialis fund) is a load of my excess Kickstarter exclusives from Zombicide, I think I backed the 2nd and possibly third kickstarter for the original Zombicide game, so there are 12 individual characters with their cards, three of the Exclusive boxed sets, and four of the Guest packs.

Also most of my Leagues of Votann is still up for grabs, knocked a couple of pound of each to try and make them a bit more desirable.

A few bits and pieces of old auctions, some World of Darkness books and dice, some old Stormcast, oh and two Mordheim figures.


As always thanks for anyone taking a look.

"That's not an Ork, its a girl.." - Last words of High General Daran Ul'tharem, battle of Ursha VII.

Two White Horses (Ipswich Town and Denver Broncos Supporter)
Made in gb
Coastal Bliss in the Shadow of Sizewell

Suffolk, where the Aliens roam.

Just a reminder these are ending Monday evening UK time from 7pm onwards.

"That's not an Ork, its a girl.." - Last words of High General Daran Ul'tharem, battle of Ursha VII.

Two White Horses (Ipswich Town and Denver Broncos Supporter)
Made in gb
Coastal Bliss in the Shadow of Sizewell

Suffolk, where the Aliens roam.

Zombicide lots and a few others ending again from 7pm UK time tonight. (Just under an hour) Prices lowered from last time.


"That's not an Ork, its a girl.." - Last words of High General Daran Ul'tharem, battle of Ursha VII.

Two White Horses (Ipswich Town and Denver Broncos Supporter)
Made in gb
Ghastly Grave Guard


Did any of these go as I have a whole load of new legions imperialis stuff I'm looking to move on
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