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Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

Plaguefly Tenders
Plaguefly Tenders


Ranged Weapon
Plaguefly Hive
Blast, Indirect Fire

Melee Weapon
Lethal Hits

Core: Deep Strike, Stealth
Faction: The Shadow Of Chaos

They Sting!: After this unit has shot, if at least one hit was scored on an enemy unit, choose one enemy unit hit. That unit must take a Battleshock Test. If the test is passed, they suffer a -1 penalty to ranged hit rolls until the start of the Tenders' player's next Command Phase. If the Battleshock test is failed, then they suffer a -1 penalty to ranged hit rolls and halve the range of all ranged weapons they are equipped with until the start of the Tenders' player's next Command Phase.

Unit Composition
3-9 Plaguefly Tenders
Each model is equipped with a Plaguesword and Plaguefly Hive.

Infantry, Chaos, Daemon, Nurgle, Plaguefly Tender

Faction Keyword
Legiones Daemonica
Utility shooting unit. Not tons of damage, but can make hitting your other units harder, if you don't have a Gnarlmaw or a Daemon Prince on foot.

Visually, I imagine these guys as similar to Plaguebearers, but each carrying a big ol' hive of flies, full of pus and oozes.

Virulent Masses
Virulent Masses


Ranged Weapon
Chunks Of Diseased Gore
Blast, Lethal Hits, Hazardous

Melee Weapon
Gory Fists
Lethal Hits, Hazardous

Core: Deep Strike
Faction: The Shadow Of Chaos

Sacrificial Ammunition: When a Hazardous Test is taken for this unit, instead of dealing 3 Mortal Wounds on a roll of 1, one model in the unit with a Hazardous Weapon suffers 1d6-3 Mortal Wounds automatically.

Unit Composition
2-6 Virulent Masses
Each model is equipped with two Chunks Of Diseased Gore and one Gory Fists

Grenades, Infantry, Chaos, Daemon, Nurgle, Virulent Masses

Faction Keyword
Legiones Daemonica
A Nurgle unit with GRENADES! And one that will take a lot of damage from their own attacks!

They're a moderately fast (for Nurgle) suicide unit, but they can put out the pain before being obliterated by something, probably their own Hazardous tests.
They take an average of 1 Mortal Wound per Hazardous Test, so if a squad of 2 shoots and charges, they lose an entire guy from their own tests.

Visually, I'm thinking these guys are big, bloated bags of sickening meat. Moving along on horrific legs and tentacles.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

The Fly Tenders seem cool! I like the idea of the sting mechanic reducing range and encouraging the enemy to get closer to all your stabby booger boys. And having them due very little actual damage with their attacks is a refreshing change of pace. While not at all necessary, I could see these guys ignoring cover given that their projectiles, as I understand it, are literally just a swarm of flies being pointed in the right direction.

I feel like I'm missing something with the Virulent Masses. On average each model is doing what? 4 attacks, 2 hits, 1 wound vs meq target. With that one wound turning into half a failed save for d3(2)/2 = 1 point of damage? And then they charge doing just slightly more damage in melee. So roughly one dead meq per mass, but the masses lose about half their own guys in the process. So 6 masses kill about 6 marines but then lose 3 of their own guys in the process. Which is kind of a shame given that self-inflicted mortal wounds are bypassing their above-average Toughness.

It seems like you'd be better off just not shooting or charging with these guys at all and using their T7 W6 bodies to clog objectives. Is there some interaction between Nurgle and Grenades I'm not aware of?

. Psychic tests are unfluffy. Your longing for AV is understandable but misguided. Your chapter doesn't need a separate codex. Doctrines should go away. Being a "troop" means nothing. This has been a cranky service announcement. You may now resume your regularly scheduled arguing.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

Thanks for the Tender compliment.

As for the Masses... I thought it'd be neat to have a Grenades unit, and the visual idea of these masses of flesh tearing chunks of themselves off to hurl at enemies felt cool. But I do see your mechanical points.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

A self-sacrificing booger squad is a pretty cool concept, I think. I just think your first draft has some elements that are working against each other.

Generally a self-destructive unit needs to either be cheap (think spore mines) or powerful enough to be worth it. If the latter, preferably with some sort of challenge to delivering its offense so that your opponent has counterplay against a potentially good trade.

With these guys, they have a high T and W that makes you want to keep them around rather than throwing them away, and their offense is pretty minor. Maybe one or more of the following tweaks?

* Instead of being hazardous, let them sacrifice their own Wounds to do more damage, but then let them heal in your command phase. So you're weighing short-term offense vs your ability to weather the enemy offense.

* Maybe lean into the grenade thing by giving them some sort of bonus when using the Grenades strat? This limits you to only delivering their peak offense when you get within Grenade range and limits you to only doing so with one unit per turn.

* Let them grenade at a longer distance? Booger catapults, basically. This turns them into a more direct damage unit without much reason to take multiple though.

* Guaranteed Deadly Demise? So you're *trying* to get them to explode in the middle of the enemy. Think Boomers from Left 4 Dead.

* Smaller, cheaper, faster. Might go against the aesthetic you had in mind, but helps them make sense as a suicide unit. You aren't tempted to keep them alive on an objective if you know they're too squishy to survive shooting. And you don't mind losing bodies to hazardous if they're cheap enough to trade well.

. Psychic tests are unfluffy. Your longing for AV is understandable but misguided. Your chapter doesn't need a separate codex. Doctrines should go away. Being a "troop" means nothing. This has been a cranky service announcement. You may now resume your regularly scheduled arguing.
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