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Mortal soldiers in power armor or even terminator armor  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Regular Dakkanaut

I have some old obselete MKIII armor SM.it is no longer appropriate in this era of PSM and new MKVI SM.

even some real scale conversion can't make it looks good enought and very hard to do.

but if we think of it differently and think of it as "mortal soldiers in power armor", things become very different.

this is easy to do, the point is just to give them a much smaller head————then they would be some good power armored Inquisition henchmen or some proxy /count-as force of Sisters of battle.

and additionally, mortal soldiers wearing Terminator armor is an interesting idea.
[Thumb - mortal soldier in power armor1.jpg]

[Thumb - mortal soldier in power armor2.jpg]

[Thumb - mortal soldier in power armor3.jpg]

[Thumb - mortal soldier in power armor4.jpg]

[Thumb - mortal soldier in terminator armor.jpg]

[Thumb - mortal soldier in terminator armor2.jpg]

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