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mechanical rat ogre - how to?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

hi modelers.
i've had an idea in my head now for a skryre themed skaven army but am running short on the how to's of it.
i saw an old picture of a wooden rat ogre somewhere that gave me the idea of making mechanical rat ogres but i cant quite piece together how to go about doing it.
my current idea is to mechanize some oggurs but im not sure if that leans more towards moulder still.

i was hoping for some inspiration here... any ideas?

i'm also looking for those tesla like towers... the kind that look like balls on a pole that are always going bzzt bzzt with electricity in the mad scientist lab
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
i'm also looking for those tesla like towers...
I got some from Zinge, but they're in the UK...

Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

beast_gts wrote:
 usernamesareannoying wrote:
i'm also looking for those tesla like towers...
I got some from Zinge, but they're in the UK...

exactly what i was looking for, thank you!
Now i just need taller, 3 or 4 inches!
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

instead of emulating a rat ogre i wonder how a war machine of sorts would be accepted?

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