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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/07/21 08:27:52
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
Posts with Authority
I need to magnetize my NuBeakies. If you've done this in the past, what size of magnet would you recommend for the job?
I got me a bunch of 1mm magnets, but they are to small for the task. They're perfect for pistol swaps and whatnot, but dont cut it for swapping out entire arms. Also, I think their supposed holding force of 31 grams would be enough to support heavy weapons or resin parts all that well
Also, if you have some good tips on how to best apply arm magnetization for two-handed weapon arms specifically, lets hear them!
"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/07/22 18:04:59
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
I generally use 2mm magnets for marine arms.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/02 04:00:42
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
Posts with Authority
In the end, I found that 3/32" magnets were a great fit for me personally. Thats a bit larger than 2mm, 2mm ones still seemed a lil small and I was concerned there wouldn't be enough force to hold, say, a resin Heavy Weapon arm in a 2mm one.
1mm ones are great for pistol magnetizing.
Still figuring out what will be a good size magnet for Terminator arms.. also, I want to do a couple ball socket magnetizations, unsure whether to use a ball magnet with a curved backplate on the other side or what..
"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/02 08:30:25
Subject: Re:What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
Regular Dakkanaut
First, don't skimp on quality and always use N52 magnets if possible.
For Marines arms, I use 3x1mm in the body, and either 3x1mm or 2x1mm on the arm side depending on the size of the surface.
For applying the magnets, I do the following:
- always have opposite polarity on both arms
- check polarity often (you can use a colored sharpie to help)
- to lessen the risk of polarity issues, I generally do all right arms for a squad at the same time, followed by the left arms
- apply some glue around the hole (I prefer gel super-glue)
- use a tool like a mould-line remover to apply the magnet, they work really well for this purpose, pushing the magnet in the hole then sliding the tool once the magnet is in place
- remove the excess glue with a tissue
- spray some cyanocrylate accelerator spray on it
For 2-handed weapons, there are 2 solutions: the best one if it works is to magnetize the arms on both sides, and glue them to the weapon, as it has the best fit generally. It is however sometimes tricky to pull, and can break. The other solution is to magnetize not only the arms, but also their connection to the weapon. It is generally easier to fit and more durable, but in a few corner cases you may end up in a place where the fit is not perfect on the hands side. One size of magnet that I like for magnetizing at wrist/weapon level is 1.5x2mm.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/02 08:31:06
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/02 11:10:42
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
Moustache-twirling Princeps
Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry
I use 3mm diamater for shoulders on torsos (where possible), and 2mm dia for the arms.
Occasionally, a 2mm and a 1.5mm in both, for stability and top stop swinging.
Like CorwinB, use opposite polarities on the torso.
But use your first model as a reference model, and place all extra magnets on that. If you push in a pre-glued arm magnet, push it onto the reference torso, and you will never get the polarity the wrong way round. In the same way, place the magnet for the torso onto a magnetised arm of the correct side, and push it in using that.
Don't be afraid to use pins or metal rods instead of magnets. Lots of the arms I magnetised at the shoulder will join the weapon or wrist with just a pin into a hole. A large magnet with a pin to stabilise and help it work well with larger parts.
For the wrist or weapon, I use a thin 2mm where needed, meeting a longer 1.5mm magnet the other side. Weapon/wrist and two-handed joins (where I did not pin) usually work out best this way.
Also, there's this:
This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/08/02 11:16:18
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/02 11:58:49
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
Evasive Eshin Assassin
dont you guys have trouble with the magnets holding better than the part that they are glued in resulting in the part coming off and leaving the magnet behind?
i had trouble with this when doing something as simple as magnetizing a base.
gorilla glue just wouldn't stick to the magnet well enough.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/02 12:04:28
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
usernamesareannoying wrote:dont you guys have trouble with the magnets holding better than the part that they are glued in resulting in the part coming off and leaving the magnet behind?
i had trouble with this when doing something as simple as magnetizing a base.
gorilla glue just wouldn't stick to the magnet well enough.
I’ve had magnets pop off bases, still trying to work on a fix for that. But never from models. A little superglue in the drilled hole and push the magnet in. Or in large gaps. Put a little ball of GS in the socket, and then push the mag in. Clean up excess.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/02 14:45:11
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
Moustache-twirling Princeps
Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry
It is probably due to sheer. If there is something around the magnet, not just glued on the end, it will stick better.
Maybe glue some sprue (or GS, as said) on either side on it when attaching, and it will stay better. Magnets in holes hardly ever come out (expecially when you've put them in the wrong way around).
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/08/02 14:53:43
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/02 19:24:07
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
Regular Dakkanaut
usernamesareannoying wrote:dont you guys have trouble with the magnets holding better than the part that they are glued in resulting in the part coming off and leaving the magnet behind?
i had trouble with this when doing something as simple as magnetizing a base.
gorilla glue just wouldn't stick to the magnet well enough.
It happened to me a couple of times. On bases mostly, and once in a very heavy part of a Necron kit where I put some green stuff and the magnet popped out of the green stuff.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/10 18:27:29
Subject: What size magnets for arm swaps? (+ magnetizing tips)
Fresh-Faced New User
A pair of brass tweezers is very handy when you are working with magnets as they are non-magnetic.
You can get things like a pen with a magnet at each colour coded end, these are great for making sure sure get the polarity right though I do like the "do all the left arms" tip.