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Fresh-Faced New User

I used to play 40k and want to get back into it. It's been a while so I am looking for a good modelling and painting starting list.

Are there good value starting kits with tools, brushes and paints worth investing in or just each tool individually?
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The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

robin.curtisza wrote:
I used to play 40k and want to get back into it. It's been a while so I am looking for a good modelling and painting starting list.

Are there good value starting kits with tools, brushes and paints worth investing in or just each tool individually?

Generally any hobby tool bundle is going to be random tools with a name slapped on and a price mark up. GW is horrible about this, not sure how bad other companies are. A lot of tools are nice to have, but not required.

You need a hobby knife.
A pair of flush clippers is very nice.
Glue. Super glue and plastic. (Some people don’t use plastic cement, YMMV)

Small files
Pin vice and drill bits. (Wire for pinning parts, magnets for swapping)
Green stuff

Painting handles
Sticky/poster tac

Probably a lot of other stuff. I’ll add more if others don’t. Welcome back.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks for the response. Ill start with a regular kit, there are some well priced ones on amazon and just get some glue and primer paint.
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