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[H] Lord of the rings [W] Cash/ trade [UK ]  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Ghastly Grave Guard


I have the following lotr stuff for sale or trade

Angmar army £150
Witch king ft and mt
Tainted ft and mt
Burhdur hill troll chieftain
Wild warg chieftain
Kardush firecaller
2 orc captains
6 wargs
10 barrow wights/ dead marsh spectres
Orc with banner, shield and spear
Orcs with hand weapons and shields x11
Orc with spear and shield X5
Orc with spear x5
Orc with 2 handed weapon X3
Orc with bow X2
Angnar dice (not pictured with army but included. Separate pic attached of these)

Osgiliath ruins new on sprue £45

Elf army £100
Glorfindel ft and mt
Elrond ft and mt
Elf with banner
Elf with sword X5 (these come with separate shields)
Elf with sword and shield X5
2 boxes of rivendell knights (2 horses built rest new on sprue)
Rivendell dice

In the clutches of shelob £25

Shagrat and gorbag £25

Not 100% sure on pricing these. Could be way off or under. Feel free to message and haggle etc. Pics available on request.

Trade wise looking for necromunda, bolt action, MCP or Horus heresy stuff. UK based
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