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2024/08/03 15:18:52
Subject: [H] $ PayPal [W] Ogor ironblaster cannon, hurricanum parts, tyranid norn talons, daemon prince head [WORLD]
Looking to buy an array of bits and am located in the USA but looking for parts from all over.
Ogor ironblaster cannon
Hurricanum (chassis+ wheels, may just need to buy the kit..)
New daemon prince head with helmet or bare with horns
Norn emissary talons + arms or just talons
2024/08/06 14:15:44
Subject: Re:[H] $ PayPal [W] Ogor ironblaster cannon, hurricanum parts, tyranid norn talons, daemon prince head [WORLD]
I have an NIB Hurricanum and an NIB Ogre Kingdoms Ironblaster available. I'm afraid that I'm not interested in parting out the kits. If you're interested in buying either or both complete, just let me know and I'll throw you a quote.