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Vote for Dakka Painting Challenge Round 113 July 2024: Footslogger  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Which Entries Are Your Favourites?
Daia T'Nara 5% [ 13 ]
Captain Brown 3% [ 9 ]
inmygravenimage 3% [ 7 ]
youwashock 3% [ 7 ]
Pariah Press 3% [ 7 ]
Leopold Helveine 3% [ 7 ]
Lovejoy 8% [ 23 ]
theCrowe 4% [ 10 ]
Geifer 2% [ 5 ]
JoshInJapan 4% [ 10 ]
XvArcanevX 8% [ 21 ]
halfling84 3% [ 8 ]
Midget Gems 4% [ 11 ]
Kid Cthulhu 3% [ 7 ]
ZergSmasher 4% [ 11 ]
Syro_ 2% [ 5 ]
Vejut 3% [ 8 ]
Mr Nobody 5% [ 13 ]
Gulgog TufToof 3% [ 9 ]
Ezki 4% [ 11 ]
Llamahead 3% [ 7 ]
Olthannon 4% [ 10 ]
Maharg 5% [ 14 ]
Nevelon 3% [ 9 ]
DJJazzyJeff 4% [ 11 ]
CancelledApocalypse 9% [ 25 ]
Total Votes : 278
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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

This month the topic was: Footslogger - Sometimes the best way to get somewhere is putting one foot in front of the other. No fancy bikes or tanks. No fancy horses or winged monsters. Just the poor infantry with a good pair of boots. Getting where you need to go and getting things done. Taking ground and holding it. These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do...

As always, you're free to hand out as many votes as you like, and for any entry you feel deserves recognition, based on anything from technical proficiency or model choice, a neat conversion or a cool take on the theme, or anything else! You're also very welcome to leave some feedback here for the entrants, and many of the images click through to the Dakka gallery if you'd like to give out a vote or two there as well.

Daia T'Nara - Xenonian Guardswoman

Captain Brown - Exarchs

inmygravenimage – Setaris Ravagers

youwashock - Mandos

Pariah Press - Genestealers

Leopold Helveine - Looncourt gnomeskins

Lovejoy - Footslogger

theCrowe - Dwarfen Footsloggers

Geifer -Cyber-Ninja

JoshInJapan - Raging Annie

XvArcanevX – Deathwing

halfling84 - Steampunk Great War French Soldiers

Midget Gems - Bretonnia Peasant Bowmen

Kid Cthulhu - Knight of the Order of St. Lacrimosa

ZergSmasher - Tomb King

Syro_ - Nob Bodyguards

Vejut - Oathsworn critters

Mr Nobody - Blood Pact

Gulgog TufToof - Freebooter Shoota Boy

Ezki - Spartans of the Church

Llamahead - Heretic Troopers

Olthannon – Mighty Matilda

Maharg - Bretonnian men at arms

Nevelon – Intercessor

DJJazzyJeff - Foot-Slog-Ers

CancelledApocalypse – Bloodbound Warband

Poll will run for 5 days. Let me know if anything is wrong.

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Wow, no comments at all in here yet? The poll's been running for like 3 days already! Bueller? Bueller?

I wish I had time to comment on everyone's entry, but sadly I don't at the moment. I'd comment on just what I voted for, but at this point I don't even remember. There are a lot of really great entries though! Maybe I'll make some comments for everyone in the next day or two.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 25 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

It's either folks are collectively on vacation or... *puts on tinfoil hat* ... everyone's trying to make me feel extra guilty about commenting too little. Well, it worked! Now quit poking me! Ahem... *looks at calendar* ... might be folks are just on vacation.

Daia T'Nara - Nice, solid soldier with just enough color to contrast against the drab military style.

Captain Brown - The vibrant colors really fit these Eldar. There's a lot going on, but it all ties together neatly.

inmygravenimage - The reddish skin is a nice choice and I like the uneven texture of it.

youwashock - I like the way the browns complement the blue and grey and add interest to uniform troops.

Pariah Press - Always nice to see Genestealers in the classic color scheme.

Leopold Helveine - Cool take with the pink skin and yellow robes. I like it.

Lovejoy - Great worn look with a good balance between heavy weathering and intact parts.

theCrowe - That's a bunch of nice, colorful dwarfs. They also work surprisingly well together for having such a mix of colors.

JoshInJapan - I like the use of different highlighting styles and the overall color composition works really well.

XvArcanevX - Great texture on the armor which fits the overall dark and gritty look.

halfling84 - Tres bien? Mais oui! Also, pardon my French.

Midget Gems - These guys have a nice and effective look with the variety in uniform patterns.

Kid Cthulhu - Nice knight using some of my favorite color combinations.

ZergSmasher - Good choice of colors to keep the model from looking as garish as he might have during his lifetime, without making him look drab and rotted.

Syro_ - I like the way the red and blue establish uniformity with the yellow picking out one model as leader without interfering with the overall look of the squad.

Vejut - Nice critters with interesting heraldry.

Mr Nobody - That's some great Blood Pact with very expressive textures. Neat.

Gulgog TufToof - Cool Ork pirate. I like the color composition a lot.

Ezki - Great use of depth and texture on these guys.

Llamahead - Nice color choices, and the use of different reds are quite effective for contrast.

Olthannon - There's a good bit of color variety on the model, but it all ties together neatly and still retains good contrast and things that draw the eye.

Maharg - Good job painting such neat uniforms and effective highlights.

Nevelon - I like the vibrancy of the blue. The metals are nice and the auspex stands out for how detailed it looks.

DJJazzyJeff - I like the creative take on the theme, and the execution is very good as well.

CancelledApocalypse - Neat work on a color scheme I like a lot.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I know I’m on vacation, so will be just phoning it in until late Sunday.

I did notice the lack of replies, just assumed everyone was busy. It’s that time of year.

Excellent work all around.

Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


Yeah I was on holiday and dealing with the kids so not been paying too much attention at the moment

I'll put some comments in

Daia T'Nara - A nice variation in greens and nice pose
Captain Brown - The colours are looking good and solid and the axe is verry well done
inmygravenimage - They look well done but hard to see, bigger pics please
youwashock - very nice looking blue armour and i like the bases
Pariah Press - The purple and bone look good the blue seems very shine and needs a bit more depth to it
Leopold Helveine - love those models, skin is a nice change and cool bases
Lovejoy - great lopoking rush and aging on the model, really nice work
theCrowe - some good old dwarfs in nicely blocked colours.
Geifer- very interesting model lots of different things combined.
JoshInJapan - nice looking blade and well done for getting the strips on the leggings
XvArcanevX- very well done, the armour has a clean but used look to it which is very well done. The Shield colour transition is very pleasing to the eye.
halfling84 - very cool looking models, i like how you have painted them
Midget Gems - got something in which was the main thing after changing my mind on what to enter half way through the month
Kid Cthulhu - ghost is good and nice checker on the knights tabard
ZergSmashe - good choice of colours and good looking model
Syro_ - definitely some foot sloggers there protecting the boss (of krumping him when no one is looking)
Vejut - awesome looking models with very fine colours.
Mr Nobody - I like your take on the blood pack, well painted i took one of the Gaunts ghosts books on holiday with me.
Gulgog TufToof - nice work some very vivid looking colours there.
Ezki - The leather looks great on your guys, one of the reasons i changed my entry is I was struggling to get differences in all the leather my original witch hunters had on.
Llamahead - cool WW1 theme and very distict models.
Olthannon - the whole model comes together very well, good painting and colours across the miniature
Maharg - good highlights on those colour boundaries, they can go in front of my bowmen
Nevelon - I always like your snow bases and how you blend them into the models legs, screen looks good too
DJJazzyJeff - nice detail and fun artwork.
CancelledApocalypse- i really like these new models and from what I know of their lore they fit prefectly into the footslogger theme.

Well done everyone

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Hi all, I’ve been away for some time so haven’t been able to post much in terms of feedback etc as I was too busy admiring the sites, sounds and tastes of a far flung and exotic land. Im back at The Shire now though so thought I’d post a little feedback for all my fellow Dakkalites…

In order of appearance:

Daia T’Nara - Really nice work on capturing the ‘jungle theme’ here. Nice work on bringing out the details on the model too.

Captain Brown - Crisp, colorful and clean.

Inmygravenimage - Nice idea with the alien themed background here. Good use of color.

YouWasShock - Really nice use of color here and superb layering. Beautiful and subtle work on the leather too. Honestly very nice stuff and pleasing to look at.

Pariah Press - These models are very bright blue. Liking the diorama setting!

Leopold Helveine - These are super fun characters to look at. Nice color palette too!

Lovejoy - Beautiful and accomplished work here on the weathering and rust effects; the figure genuinely looks as though it has been battered and scarred by years of heavy slog in hostile terrain. The minimalist approach to the base with the single coil of barbed wire is also superb. All around excellent job!

TheCrowe - Nice, clean and colorful little gents! Good stuff.

Geifer - This is Sho Kosugi’s partner in crime. Love it!

JoshinJapan - Really beautiful use of color here and the work on the blade is superb.

Halfling84 - Nice clean paintjob

Midget Gems - Really like the work on the fabrics here and you’ve managed to etch out the faces nicely too

Kid Cthulhu - This is a crisp and vibrant paintjob. Nice colors.

Zergsmasher - Nice job bringing out the detail on the armour here. One comment I would raise is the poor quality of the photo, I feel improving the focus on the pic would really have helped people appreciate the work you’ve put in.

Syro - Nice choice of armour and skin color here. Again I think the pics could be a little clearer and perhaps the angle somewhat better. I also think these guys could do with a little more highlighting; particularly on the heads and the faces.

Vejut - This is lovely clean work with excellent use of layering and nice vibrant color. Very nice.

Mr Nobody - Great models here really brought to life with excellent layering and highlights. Lovely shading of the metallics too and the work on the coats is excellent. Love ‘em!

Gulgog Tuftoof - This is a very nicely painted guy and I love the vibrant colors. Good stuff.

Ezki - This is beautiful work. The color palette is absolutely spot on for the characters and theme. The use of the scratchy highlights on fabric is superbly realised to bring out texture for the leathers. The subtle effects of the blades. The carefully painted faces that lie partly in the shade… wonderful. Really lovely work.

Llamahead - The red here is very striking and these are some fun guys. I feel the focus on the pics is a little off and could perhaps be improved to allow for easier viewing.

Olthannon - This paintjob is badass. It is vibrant and clean and beautiful to behold. The choice of color is superb, the highlighting is excellent and the portrayal of gentle and smooth surfaces is nicely achieved in contrast to the rough textures of the leather jacket. Everything is beautifully crisp and easy to read. It’s just excellent and I love it.

Maharg - This is clean and well realised work. Very nice indeed.

Nevelon - I really like this. The bold blue armour is crisp with nicely placed highlights and the attention to the smaller details well executed and clean. On top of the careful paintjob the beautiful snow themed base really suits the palette and the whole piece look vibrant and easy to read when viewed as a whole. Genuinely nice job.

DJJazzyJeff - Very vibrant, very fun. Good stuff. Nice weathering too.

CancelledApocalypse - This is superb work. Beautiful use of colors and superb highlighting. The attention to detail is excellent… even the eyes. Really accomplished. Brilliant job.

Right, I think that is everybody. Thankyou Geifer and Midget Gems for the feedback. Thankyou Nevelon for putting up with everybody. Thankyou Twin Fin Spiced Rum, for being the best Spiced Rum there is.

Over and out.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

It’s been 5 days (and then some ) time for some winners!

In 3rd with 21 votes is XvArcanevX's Deathwing. It’s not all deep striking and Land Raiders; sometimes you need to hoof it to where you need to be.

Lovejoy’s robot had been slogging his way across the battlefield for a long time to get all that excellent weathering, ending up in 2nd with 23 votes.

And walking to doom and victory with 25 votes and gold are CancelledApocalypse's Bloodbound Warband.


As always congrats to the winners and everyone who entered. Every mini painted is a step forward in the endless battle against the Pile of Shame and becoming better painters. Keep moving forward!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/15 10:11:32

Made in gb
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator


Congrats to CancelledApocalypse and XvArcanevX - very well deserved! And to everyone who entered - there was some excellent stuff this month!
A couple of stand outs for me were Midget Gems and Maharg, mostly because I'm always a sucker for anything Bretonnian, and Vejut, because, well, Burrows & Badgers!
Also Daia T'Nara - I loved those old illustrations in the Guard Codex of all the regiments we'd never get to see models for... so seeing one brought to life so well was fantastic!

And thank you to Geifer, Midget gems and XvArcanevX for the kind comments - I really enjoyed trying a new technique on this one.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

Congrats everyone! Excellent work all around and everyone's pile of shame shrinks just a little more.

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

 KidCthulhu wrote:
Congrats everyone! Excellent work all around and everyone's pile of shame shrinks just a little more.

My pile of shame somehow grows by two every time I decrease it by one...

Super work everyone, fantastic models from so many people, not least Lovejoy and XvArcanevX. I'm honestly shocked to have won this one
Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Another month in the books.

Congrats to the winners and thanks for the comments!

Keep it up, everyone!
Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Just dropping in briefly to say sorry, missed the whole poll, still thanks to everyone for the nice comments on my entry.
Been so busy I haven't even been on the forums at all, and will be busy whole next week with work 200% so no time even to work (or have worked) on any mini's (have done barely anything with the glottkin for the 3month challenge either except for finishing all the boils -_- )

Kind regards.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


Congrats XvArcanevX, Lovejoy, CancelledApocalypse and everyone that entered during this normally busy month

I'll get the league table updated as soon as I can

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Oh boy, I'm late to the party this month. Congratulations to the winners!

And thanks for the comments, guys.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/21 10:11:53

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in bd
Regular Dakkanaut


Sorry I'm so late, I have this distinct memory of replying just after the winners were announced, but I must've just planned my reply out in my head and that became a memory of actually doing it (that sort of thing happens to me all the time). Well then - congrats to the winners and thanks as always to Nevelon for running this, and thanks to Geifer, Midget Gems, XvArcanevX, and Lovejoy for the feedback. As I said when I posted the finished mini, that drab colour scheme didn't hold my interest the way my usual flashy chaos gals do, but (as you said Lovejoy) that little sketch to the Xenonian's been in my mind a long time, it's nice to be able to look at my cabinet and see her in physical form at last. It'd be fun to tackle some more of the less-seen regiments from that spread of sketches, but that'll have to be for someone with a much more extensive bits box than I have.

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