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Had some fun playing around with more lore-accurate Astartes for private games. Thoughts/criticisms?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

Western Australia

Human-sized boltguns would remain S4.
[Thumb - FB_IMG_1723247190744.jpg]

"Authoritarian dogmata are the means by which one breeds a submissive slave, not a thinking, fighting soldier of humanity."
- Field-Major Decker, 14th Desert Rifles

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I think I like them. Seems like your goal is to take a step towards Movie Marines without going full Movie Marine, yeah?

Some nitpicks:
* Not sure how I feel about M8". I get that you want to show them being faster than normal humans, but this also makes them faster than most eldar. But that's a small thing.

* Not sure about DW on the bolters. It's not that I think DW makes them too strong. It's just that I'm not sure it really reflects the lore very well. Bolters aren't particularly good at ignoring terminator armor or bypassing invulnerable saves, you know?

* By making things BS2+, you create some non-interactivity with your heavy weapons. Unless your opponent actively has some sort of to-hit penalty in place, you never have a reason to actually use the heavy rule on your stalker bolter or heavy bolter.

* I'm surprised you didn't update any other weapon profiles. A flamer/hand flamer is a harder sell when you have S5, AP-1, D2 with DW baked in. Similarly, the math on a plasma gun probably still favors a plasma gun, but not as much as you'd think when the bolter hits on a 2+ but the plasma hits on a 3+. Any plans to update the other weapons?

* You made your chainsword straight up worse than your power sword. While you're designing weapons, you may as well try to give each of them a niche. The simple fix is probably to give the chainsword more attacks. Possibly at AP0 if you're worried about those extra attacks making it too good into more heavily armored targets.

* I like this version of combi-weapons. Could be a little heavy on the bookkeeping if you could take a bunch of them per squad, but that's not a problem here.

. Psychic tests are unfluffy. Your longing for AV is understandable but misguided. Your chapter doesn't need a separate codex. Doctrines should go away. Being a "troop" means nothing. This has been a cranky service announcement. You may now resume your regularly scheduled arguing.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

Mechanically? They feel a little cheap. That's a lot of power in 30 points.

Thematically? It feels Bolter Porny.

Marines are currently four times as durable as a Guard infantry-twice the wounds, half damage taken against AP0. Obviously they get worse as damage increases and somewhat worse as AP increases, but you need a weapon that's S8, AP-4 (-5 in Cover), and D2 or better to make a Marine equal a Guardsman.
They're also better at shooting, better at close combat, so on and so forth.

With this change, you'd need a weapon that's S8 or better (no change), AP-5 (-6 in Cover) or better, and D3 or better to make the Marine die as quickly as a Guard. And that feels excessive.

A Plasma Gun normally kills GEQ on a 2+ to-wound, and kills MEQ on a 2+ to-wound, 6+ to-save. That makes Marines only a little hardier against a powerful gun, though Plasma toters can fire more safely upon GEQ because they don't need to overcharge. 20% more durable, to be exact. (50% if they get cover and you overcharge against GEQ.)
With your MEQ... Hits the same. Wounds the same. Saves on a 5+ (4+ in cover). Needs two failed saves to kill.
That makes them three to four times as durable to Plasma.

It just feels too much. Or, I guess, what would you do for, say, Plaguebearers? Custodian Guard? Scions? Genestealers?

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