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Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

It's no surprise that when the new Ork codex came out, it was glaringly obvious which units and detachments received the most love when it came to either the datasheets or the stratagems. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the Ork codex and although Bully Boyz and Green Tide got smacked down a fair bit by the nerf bat, the balance update hasn't really addressed the Kult of Speed detachment which is by far the most undercooked detachment in the new codex. The main issue is less of the detachment itself and more of the core datasheets that it targets not being great in general. The fact that it's mainly selling point is the enhancement that lets you deploy from a transport and charge on the same turn it moved is a bit of a red flag that it misses the point of a kult of speed type army.

So this thread is going to dive in and see where improvements can be made to the core datasheets itself and maybe tweak a few of the stratagems so it works as intended towards a fast army that to some extent, fills the niche of a more dakka focused list that the Ork codex is currently missing.

Core Datasheet Changes:

Shokkjump Dragsta:

The main issue is that it's footprint size limits it's usefulness in teleporting besides getting into the corners of the table for stuff like engage on all fronts and it's damage output is really bad for the price point. It would be nice if it lived up to it's niche of being a character sniping unit. For its current points, I would add another shot to the kustom shokk rifle like it had in the past, make D6+2 damage instead and add a special rule like "Got Em In Me Sights...", where if it is targeting a unit with the CHARACTER keyword, it can reroll failed hits and wound rolls for attacks made with its kustom shokk rifle. Debating if there should be a caveat for it ignoring the Lone Operative rule, but with teleporting and its baseline movement, I feel like that would be overkill since you can potentially bring 3 of these in a list.

Megatrakk Scrapjet:

Oh, how they have paid for the sins of the past of their peak in 8th and 9th being the go-to buggies. These really should be our front-line bruisers in terms of being the "mini-tanks" of the buggies. I would bring them up to T8 and 10 wounds to reflect this. Make it so that their Nose Drill has 5 attacks at WS3+ S10 AP-2 Damage 3, with the Lance special rule so it rewards you for getting the charge on someone besides the mortal wounds rule it has. Speed Freeks list really lack a decent combat unit and this could plug in that gap. I would also make their shooting actually meaningful again, change the Rokkit Kannon to have D6+3 shots that hit on 4+, with the wing missiles have D3 shots that get +1 to hit against monsters/vehicles. For this, I think it's reasonable to up to cost of Scrapjets up to 100 points each.

Boomdakka Snazzwagon:

They have a really janky rule where it gives -1 to hit for enemy units but only when you're danger close within 6" and it doesn't affect vehicles or monsters, arguably some of the units that you most want to debuff in most enemy lists. I feel like this should be an anchor for a speed freeks list for protection, especially now that the KFF doesn't exist anymore. I could see this being the Orky equivalent of the DA Darkshroud Land Speeder. Change the Dust Trails ability wording so that the aura gives -1 to hit to enemy units for ranged attacks when a SPEED FREEKS unit is within 6" of one or more units with this ability. That makes it so they can keep up and protect your buggies/bikes T1 and into later turns. I would keep their anti-infantry role but buff up their shooting output to be a bit more relevant, maybe make the Mek's Speshul Rapid Fire 6.

RukkaTrukk Squigbuggy:

Similar to the Scrapjet, it's still paying for the sins of its success in previous editions. With how indirect fire works now, I'm honestly not sure what it should receive for the squiglaunchas, personally, I would let it hit on BS4+ and then change the rules for the Buzzer Squigs to work on a 2+ rather than a 4+, in terms of it's movement debuff, so it has more utility than what it does right now. Similarly, for the squig mine rule, I would change it to once per battle round within 6" of the squigbuggy, I would make it work on a 3+ so they can make it more tricky for an opponent to go near an objective that this unit is parked nearby to deal significant damage and make the opponent pause before charging them. I'm 50/50 on whether or not this should have some sort of food truck rule that would support infantry but I think focusing it on being an area denial and movement hampering unit is probably better than making it schizophrenic when it comes to its role being all over the place. I would reduce its points down to 85 as keeping it at 100 even with the buffs is waaaaay too expensive.

Kustom Boosta Blasta:

This is one of the better buggies by virtue of the debuff they put onto units they shoot. I would have them be the "auto-cannon" unit of the buggies with medium firepower, so I would up the Rivet Kannon to S9 and damage 3, but changing the Riveting Dakka rule to increase the AP of subsequent ranged attacks by other units in your army against the enemy unit that it had successfully hit against with its Rivet Kannon. I feel like this would be more useful than the -1 to hit from suppressing fire if we change the boomdakka snazzwagon to be more of a defensive force multiplier with the -1 to hit and it makes it so it doesn't step on each other's toes. I would change the burna exhausts into 12" range (there's no reason for why it's only 6") and make it 4D3 shots rather than 2D6 for better consistency.

DeffKilla Wartrike:

He's in a weird spot because he's basically there to try and fill in the old WB on Warbike model from FW but with a significantly bigger footprint and a mismatched ability since warbikers are not a combat unit, so he's largely wasted in leading warbikers. I would change it so he becomes a Lone Operative and loses his Leader ability to join Warbikers and his Speedboss rule becomes an Aura that gives all SPEED FREEKS units within 6" reroll 1's to hit for both melee/shooting. Give him the following additional ability: once per battle round, you can select one model from your army with this ability and then choose a SPEED FREEKS unit within 6" of the model. That unit can be targeted with a Stratagem. If it does, reduce the CP cost of that use of that Stratagem by 1CP. Make his Killa Jet for the cutta mode 2 shots instead of 1, and 2D6 flamer shots for his burna mode. Up his attacks to 5 and give his snagga klaw re-roll to wound rolls baseline. Increase his points up to 100.

Detachment Changes:

Make Warbikers battleline, so they can meaningfully engage in the new Pariah Nexus missions as well as make it so you have more filler units in the detachment that are Speed Freeks.

The main thing I would want to change are some of the enhancements given the shifts I've made to what the Speedboss does in his new role as the main buffing piece for a Speed Freeks army.

Squig Hyde Tyres - DEFFKILLA WARTRIKE only. Add 1" to advance and charge rolls for this unit. In addition, each time this unit ends a Charge move, select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of it and roll one D6: on a 2-4, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 5-6, that enemy unit suffers D3+2 mortal wounds.

Wazblasta (increase points cost to 20) - DEFFKILLA WARTRIKE model only. It may do one of the following (not both) once in your turn.

In your Shooting phase, after the bearer’s has shot, if it is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 6". If it does, until the end of the turn, it is not eligible to declare a charge.

In your Fight phase, after the bearer has fought, it can make a Fall Back move of up to 6" as long as it ends it's move outside of Engagement Range of enemy units.

For Stratagems, they're actually for the most part pretty good, but I would make them tiered so it can affect more than one unit in the army at a time if you pay extra CP since right now with single buggy units it really is only efficient to use on max unit Deffkoptas.

So for example, you can keep the wording as is for the 1CP usage but add a caveat that for 2CP, you can instead apply the effects of the stratagem for up to 2 SPEED FREEKS units instead.

Anyways, this is what I've got off the top of my head so far. What do you guys think? Does this help address some of the issues with Speed Freeks?

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/08/23 05:21:20

Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

The Deffkilla Wartrike aura feels like a lot.
There's a lot of Speed Freak shooting on a 5+. Buffing it across the board by 50% with a Lone Operative character feels rather much.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

 JNAProductions wrote:
The Deffkilla Wartrike aura feels like a lot.
There's a lot of Speed Freak shooting on a 5+. Buffing it across the board by 50% with a Lone Operative character feels rather much.

That's fair, though to be honest Ork shooting hitting on 5's for most of our units with relatively low volume is pretty terrible since we don't have much in the way of rerolls to hit unlike Eldar or Marines so it just puts us on parity for shooting to the average of most armies. The aura could be brought down to be a re-roll 1's to hit aura, though I'm not sure if that's going to be that useful if we only hit on 5's. This could partly be compensated by increasing the points of the Wartrike up to 120 as well if we keep the +1 to hit aura. Any other suggestions of how to make the Wartrike a buff piece without making it too much of a "must-take" character unit?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/23 05:07:30

Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

RR1s is a good way to do it.
Maybe allow for cheaper stratagems too?

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

 JNAProductions wrote:
RR1s is a good way to do it.
Maybe allow for cheaper stratagems too?

Yeah, that would work pretty well actually. You know I only play Orks because I forget that's a standard rule for a lot of other army's characters. I believe we only have that for Heroic Intervention from our Beastbosses on Squigosaurs. Reroll 1's to hit and making it so once per battle round, you can select one model from your army with this ability and choose a SPEED FREEKS unit within 6" of the unit. That model’s unit can be targeted with a Stratagem. If it does, reduce the CP cost of that use of that Stratagem by 1CP.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/23 05:27:07

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