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Points Suggestion for Ork Unit Creation  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in at
Fresh-Faced New User

Hey, I was playing arround a bit with kittbashing and created this flying Orkunit with Grots on board of a Sopwith Camel. I was wondering what you would suggest how many points it would cost to have this on the battlefield. I would love to have this unit to have some drawbacks - like beeing unrelieable and just flying away/deserting or even that they could attack the Orks themselves for how they have been treated by them - any Idea, how I could implement that in the game?
On the other Hand you should have something like a lucky hit - like the plane crushes on enemies with all its bombs aboard and delivers a major blow to some characters on the board.

What do you think of this ideas? Good or bad? Would you have fun playing with sutch a unit and should I even make a Triplane (Fokker Dr1)?
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

How many points?
You need an actual datasheet to judge that. If it has 12 BS5+ S5 AP0 D1 shots and not much else, it ain’t worth much. If it has 24 BS4+ S7 AP-2 D2 shots, and utility abilities, suddenly it’s worth way more.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in at
Fresh-Faced New User

Ok, but not having a datasheet is the problem - I came up with this model without any guidelines. So can you come up with some Ideas what its stats could be?
I don`t have experience so I was wondering if someone with experience could make some suggestions here...
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

Dr.Botnik wrote:
Ok, but not having a datasheet is the problem - I came up with this model without any guidelines. So can you come up with some Ideas what its stats could be?
I don`t have experience so I was wondering if someone with experience could make some suggestions here...
Compare it to existing Ork datasheets-probably the fliers-and use them as a baseline.

It looks, as best I can tell, a bit smaller than the existing Ork aircraft, so I'd probably aim for it to be around 100-120 points.
T7 would make sense.
4+ armor, 6+ Invuln (Ramshackle).
And I dunno how many guns it has-Big Shoota profile would make sense.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in nl
Loyal Necron Lychguard

I would suggest using it as a stand-in for an existing unit like the Ork Dakkajet.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

A dakkajet probably works. I have a weak grasp of the size difference, but it could maybe also work as an especially high-up deffkopta?

Generally, it's less bother to find an existing data sheet that represents your cool model well enough rather than going to the trouble of writing new rules and then getting an opponent to agree to use them. Especially if you don't have any specific thoughts on what rules you want to see yourself.

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