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3D Printed Gladiators from Wargames Atlantic  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Greetings all,

I all ready have a pretty big collection of gladiators. However, my collection was mostly from Crusader, and a couple of chariots from Old Glory.

For some reason, I felt the need to pick-up the 3D printed gladiators from Wargames Atlantics Digital range. I had them printed and shipped to me by Only Games along with some other things. This was not the type of project that would require a project log, more of a 1-and-done.

I did not have much experience with painting 3D miniatures at 28mm. Most of my work was at 6mm. I had a couple other concerns too; such as how these would fit in with my existing range, how they would look painting with Speedpaints, and if they would be too fragile for fame usage?

Overall, I am pretty happy with them! If you are so inclined, you can read more about the process of getting these guys table and game ready and some comp shots on my blog.


Has anyone else gotten these printed up and painted? What are your thoughts?

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in se
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard

Looks like great models with lots of personality to them.
And great paintjob to bring out their individuality.
Do you have them for a project/game or just for fun?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/10/03 16:34:22

Trolls n Robots, battle reports på svenska https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeiubugFqIO9IWf_FV9q7A 
Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Nice looking minitueres.

full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
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4000 pnt Tau
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I use them in The Games: Blood and Spectacles which can be found on the Wargame Vault.

I also use them for Broken Legion from Osprey, Wars of the Republic from Osprey for the Spartacus War, various Ancient rulesets for the Spartacus Wars, and a bunch of other gladiator games like Blood on the Sands, Jugula, and others.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Been Around the Block

New mexico

These are pretty cool! The world of miniatures is so vast! Realistic looking and great blood stains! One of em really looks like a goblin lol. Good job!

Sigmar is all but lost here. 
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