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Cartoon cartoon (first attempt) I need some cc.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Been Around the Block

New mexico

Man, this was no joke. I set a 4 hour timer for myself to learn a new style and not over correct.

What do you guys do for the shakes? Good lord I felt I had Parkinsons.

So this has many flaws but I need help with techniques. Cc is needed even if you can't "do it better"
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Sigmar is all but lost here. 
Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


You painting style isnt mine but you have to do something differt with the base off the model, because its very diifficult to see where the mini ends and where the base starts.

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Made in us
Been Around the Block

New mexico

Ah, hmmmm it's supposed to be waves. He is standing on a beach!! I'll figure something out!

Sigmar is all but lost here. 
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Glasgow, UK

I have seen this style before and it is a very cool and original take on mini painting. I wonder if how well it works depends quite a bit on the sculpt? In this mini you get quite some natural smooth shadows (for example on the head) that I feel ‘fight’ against the comic book style super sharp borders. Might be worth trying a bit flatter minis. like spacemarines or other armoured characters? For a first test run I think this has lots of. promise
Made in us
Been Around the Block

New mexico

Nilfisken wrote:
I have seen this style before and it is a very cool and original take on mini painting. I wonder if how well it works depends quite a bit on the sculpt? In this mini you get quite some natural smooth shadows (for example on the head) that I feel ‘fight’ against the comic book style super sharp borders. Might be worth trying a bit flatter minis. like spacemarines or other armoured characters? For a first test run I think this has lots of. promise

Now this.. is helpful!! I did have a hard time with that. I really wanted to do it but all I have are aos and neurons and I really did not want to experiment with my 40k (idk why but my necrons are precious to me) and I did not want to mess them up.

Maybe if instead of just 2 shades I'll bring in a 3rd brighter highlight. Just for those reflections on the rounded surfaces.

I really want to make a board and all terrain 2d style so maybe I'll stick to that idea instead of a comic book obr army.

I was getting overpressured with hyper realism and had to change it up.

Sigmar is all but lost here. 
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