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Bambu X1C AMS  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Flashy Flashgitz


Newer to 3d printing, been working with an Ankermake m5c for the last few months, upgraded to the Bambu X1C, just checking in to see if anyone has any experience with it, known issues, etc.


3k Points 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I have a P1S. Significantly a better experience than the Ender 3 I had before, but for 9x the cost...

That being said, I finally enjoy 3d printing.
Made in us
Flashy Flashgitz


 bbb wrote:
I have a P1S. Significantly a better experience than the Ender 3 I had before, but for 9x the cost...

That being said, I finally enjoy 3d printing.

I had an old Ender 3 a few years back, only managed a few prints out of it before it broke. Bought a Anycubic resin printer, never got 1 thing printed... it sat for years, before being given away. The Ankermake m5c got me back in, and this X1C has helped me fall in love with printing. The ease of use with it is great, im getting quality prints even with the .04mm nozzle. It was 100% more expensive, but the ease of use and high floor have made it worth it in my scenario for sure.

3k Points 
Made in us
Daemonic Dreadnought

Eye of Terror

I purchased an X1C during this year's Black Friday sale. So far, I've experienced zero issues.

Calibration cubes, torture toasters, etc have come out within tolerances of 0.1mm. The PLA ran out in the middle of a print, I was able to replace the spool in the AMS and it automatically loaded it to complete the print. Still getting used to Bambu Studio's slicer, the interface is simplified compared to Cuda and so far no rpoblems with it.

The Carbon replaced a BiQu Hurakan upgraded with a direct extruder and the dual axes. Compares favorably with the Hurakan in terms of speed and print quality. The input shaping on the Hurakan is not at the level of the X1C, corners and smooth surfaces are visibly superior on side by side prints.

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