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Made in fr
Alessio Cavatore

Hello everyone!!!

I introduce myself and my friend Game MoooVies (www.youtube.com/@GameMoooVies) we are youtube creator of Game Movie (Video games in the form of films mixing gameplay and cinematics) which summarizes the story of a game or walkthrough (complete story without game campaign commentary)

Being big fan of Warhammer 40K we come to offer you different films that we have made on the video games of the Warhammer 40,000 saga such as Warhammer 40k Regicide, battlefleet Gothic Armada, Space hulk and many more others.

We do most of Warhammer 40000 and warhammer video games and if you wish you can subscribe via this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZnQRxiTTa9LIec5Lf7adzw?sub_confirmation=1 so as not to miss any videos .

If you like it, I really invite you to like and share and put a little comment directly on the video page. Why am I asking you that well because it's always a pleasure but also it helps to better reference the channel.

And after all, we also do this for our community. And our community is YOU fans of warhammer and warhammer 40k !!!

But enough talking, let’s move on to the videos. Right ?

Well lets start with orks game after all its dakka dakka here. :-)

So we are lucky the game is named Dakka Squadron ;-) You play a flyboyz in a dakka dakka

Then a classic with Dawn of war 3 full campaign summary (all cutscenes)

All the cinematics of Dawn of War 3

Now lets move to a classic tabletop game in space. Yes Space Hulk

So the game is called Space Hulk Tactics

First watch this video its the campaign of the Genestealers and its a prologue of the story of the game.

Then continue the story with the blood angels. Will they make it or not ?

Or if you want to see both story in a single video if have done that one.

Space hulk tactics all kill animations if you want to see more

More Space Hulk games with

Space hulk deathwing full walkthrough (full game)

Or Space hulk deathwing full Game Movie (summary of the game)

Another Table top game, this time its Necromunda

This video is a movie animation based on Necromunda universe that came from the game Necromunda Underhive Wars

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2024/12/09 19:45:19

Made in fr
Alessio Cavatore

Now lets introduce Battlefleet Gothic Armada

Battlefleet Gothic Armada Game Movie with no Hud for a maximum immersion

Or Battlefleet Gothic Armada all cinematics

Or this bonus something closer to the lore of the game.
I mean the Gothic War, the 12th Black crusade

Then its continue with Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 and again with no Hud.

Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 The Fall Of Cadia (Prologue to the main story)

And Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 Imperium campaign Game Movie

Some Old shool gaming fps with Boltgun game movie

All cinematics of Boltgun

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/09 12:48:06

Made in fr
Alessio Cavatore

I continue with this time inquisitor martyr. All these videos are in english with no commentary in 1440P. but some of them have french text.

Inquisitor Martyr crusader campaign game movie

Inquisitor Martyr crusader full campaign + DLC Prophecy game movie

Inquisitor Martyr all the cinematics (honestly you should watch it, they are very nice maybe as good as blizzard's cinematics)

Then you have the story with Tech Adept (the beginning of the story is totally different from the crusader)

Inquisitor Martyr Battle sister full campaign game movie Full English audio and text

Inquisitor Martyr Battle sister full campaign DLC Prophecy Full English audio and text

Inquisitor Martyr Battle sister full secondary campaign Full English audio and text

Full Story playing a puritan battle sister in Warhammer 40000 inquisitor Martyr campaign + DLC prophecy Campaign (all cutscenes with best gameplay and boss fight). Full English audio and text

Made in fr
Alessio Cavatore

New video on inquisitor martyr with this time the hierophant's new class.
Inquisitor Martyr hierophant (radical path) full campaign game movie English audio and text with no commentary

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