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Rapid Escalation Mission Question  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Stealthy Kroot Stalker

So, in Rapid Escalation, you're able to put Battleline units in Strategic Reserve to be deployed on turn one.

In the rule it specifies that they must be outside of you opponent's deployment zone, and within 6" of a table edge. However, it does not state like the normal Strategic Reserve rule, that they have to be outside of 9" of an enemy unit.

Does this omission mean it's allowed, or are we supposed to assume that the 9" rule is a given? My read on it is that it is allowed because they specify other parts of it that are already included in the general Reserve rule, but I'd like other opinions to be sure.


Made in ca
Fully-charged Electropriest

Rapid escalation only allows you to set up Battleine units from strategic reserve on turn one with restrictions on where they can be set up, and the total number you can do this with, all other rules about strategic reserves still apply so they still cannot be set up within 9" horizontally of any enemy models.
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