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2024/11/08 03:23:51
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos
It would be great if I didn't feel attracted to the 30-40K Warhammer universes.
Hit me with your negativity. Rules, gameplay, background, models, etc
Why should I not like 40K?
2024/11/08 03:40:16
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Longtime Dakkanaut
If you want to like something like Warhammer 40K it’s ok, you can if you want to!
But, it’s expensive and there is a lot of games that are much cheeper and provide excellent gameplay of many variations.
But ultimately some people like things.
2024/11/08 04:00:44
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos
Apple fox wrote:If you want to like something like Warhammer 40K it’s ok, you can if you want to!
Uh uh uh, no. No positivity. Only negativity, thank you.
2024/11/08 04:18:04
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Longtime Dakkanaut
GW at best creates rules that achieve some form of game, but it has no flavour, no interaction or thoughts to how players interact with the table, mission or opponent!
And they are expensive! Happy now!
Necromunda is good, but Mordheim played on an awesome board is infact GWs best game.
You would definitely be dumb not to play one of those instead.
Lord of the rings just wiped out of bunch of army’s, so that’s not included!
2024/11/08 04:37:46
Subject: Re:Turn me off 30/40K
Novice Knight Errant Pilot
40k the main game or all the "Specialist" games they have you buy a bunch of models for and then never support ever again (I'm looking at you Inquisitor!)
Times Mad Doc Grotsnik has made British Pop Culture references I've had to look up: 012 メカ
SamusDrake wrote:If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me. |
2024/11/08 04:40:22
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos
Anything to do with 30-40K. All of it. Denigrate all the GW sci-fi pls
2024/11/08 04:41:40
Subject: Re:Turn me off 30/40K
Novice Knight Errant Pilot
Two Words: Mat Ward.
Times Mad Doc Grotsnik has made British Pop Culture references I've had to look up: 012 メカ
SamusDrake wrote:If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me. |
2024/11/08 09:14:44
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Sneaky Lictor
It's really easy, just try to main any xenos faction. Judging by how it went for me you'll transform into a fresh salt elemental around the third new primaris lieutenant release :p
2024/11/08 10:15:20
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Preparing the Invasion of Terra
Could you not just go on Reddit or something? Or look at the ragebait YouTube channels?
Is a thread dedicated to negative opinions really needed?
2024/11/08 10:39:17
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Longtime Dakkanaut
Gert wrote:Could you not just go on Reddit or something? Or look at the ragebait YouTube channels?
Is a thread dedicated to negative opinions really needed?
Yeah, not sure this is a great idea for a thread. I'm sure you can find plenty of negative opinions of the game, the models or the cost if you look around. Not sure what the point of a thread specifically for that is.
2024/11/08 11:03:27
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Longtime Dakkanaut
WH40K in wargaming is like Monopoly in board games.
It's outdated, random, boring, but most people are not aware alternatives exist so they play it.
If you want 10 minutes of tedious, non-interactive random number generation for every 2 minutes of actual gameplay (decision making, positioning) - WH40K is for you.
If you like WH40K background - try Kill Team.
2024/11/08 11:05:18
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Longtime Dakkanaut
Do you like painting and building models? Don't. It's hard to leverage in this rat race of a world. Clearly, there's no space for hobbies. Perish the thought. We should all be soulless automatons.
2024/11/08 11:08:15
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Decrepit Dakkanaut
You're thinking about this backwards.
Whatever reason you want to not want to engage with 40/30K its not going to work to have other people tell you to hate it.
And if it does work what then? Something that was engaging/fun/interesting to you is now gone and you're left with nothing to fill the void.
Why do that to yourself.
So what's the end game - if you want to move into other games or another hobby its WAY WAY WAY better to be drawn into them than forced out of another.
2024/11/08 16:12:23
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Longtime Dakkanaut
Cyel wrote:
most people are not aware alternatives exist so they play it.
While it goes against OP to say anything good, I have to respond to this.
I don't play because it's the only option I'm aware of- I play because it has a better range of miniatures than any game I've seen and because I'm reasonably sure the company will still exist in another two decades.
If you can find ANY other game the currently has as many models available to a comparable number of factions, noting that the range must also include humans, multiple alien species and multiple Daemonic factions, and note also that the range must include numerous vehicles, up to and including superheavies, by all means enlighten me. Oh, and did I mention they need to be plastic?
I don't expect you'll find any other game that includes all of that, because I don't think one exists.
But on the off chance you do find one? Convince me it'll still be here under the same ownership in 20 years.
If you find that, 40k has competition. If you can't (and I don't think you can), then there is no contest.
Cyel wrote:
If you like WH40K background - try Kill Team.
Here's where I'll get back on OP's negativity request. Four months ago, I would have agreed with you on this.
But then GW decided to excise narrative campaign content from the game, and it hasn't been worth the paper it's printed on since.
2024/11/08 16:31:16
Subject: Re:Turn me off 30/40K
Novice Knight Errant Pilot
I have a feeling this whole thread is just a repository for future angry reddit posts.
My 2 cents:
If you want a deeper story that deals with humanity at war for a decent chunk of time, read and play BattleTech.
It is a little dense in parts, that make Frank Herbert's Dune saga look like the junior novelization of a Adam Sandler movie.
The best part, the magazine, the books, it's all canon. You don't have to run around figuring out who was where.
Also, if you are insane, or like more information than any one person could ever hope to process, has a map of the Milky Way galaxy with every single planet, star, or free floating rock even remotely mentioned in a story pinpointed and flushed out for hours of enjoyment.
And for those of you who say, "Where are the aliens?"
Check out Peter L. Rice's Far Country for all your aliens v. 'Mech joy.
Times Mad Doc Grotsnik has made British Pop Culture references I've had to look up: 012 メカ
SamusDrake wrote:If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me. |
2024/11/08 18:25:50
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Longtime Dakkanaut
PenitentJake wrote:[
But then GW decided to excise narrative campaign content from the game, and it hasn't been worth the paper it's printed on since.
Old Spec Ops, formulaic and bland as it was, is still very much compatible with the new edition, bar minor tweaks.
2024/11/08 23:46:33
Subject: Turn me off 30/40K
Longtime Dakkanaut
Cyel wrote:
Old Spec Ops, formulaic and bland as it was, is still very much compatible with the new edition, bar minor tweaks.
For everyone except Aquillons and Vespid, who don't have Spec-Ops content from the previous edition. All teams released from here on in will suffer the same fate.
As for the blandness piece: I found the actual ops themselves to be very bland indeed- do this tac- op five times, then do this tac- op once and woohooo, you win. That part, yep. Bland AF. But the actual requisitions and assets, the actual skills and specialisms? That part was pretty cool. Not perfect, but cool.
My sincere hope had been that GW would take the opportunity of an edition reset to improve upon the actual spec-ops themselves- I wasn't against a new edition- heck I was happy that they were getting rid of shapes to measure distance and I was excited about co- op and solo. It never occurred to me that they would cut Narrative campaigning from the game. With Kill Team's scale, it's actually more suited to a progression system than 40k is... And that's coming from someone who is the biggest Crusade fanboy you're ever likely to meet.
It makes so little sense that many of the store folk I discuss games with believe there may be a dedicated narrative play book on the way, but I have my doubts; team members no longer have specialisms on their datacards, so there's no infrastructure for a detailed skills system like we had in KT21. It's still possible for them to do it... But if they try to universalize skills, it's unlikely that the system will have the appeal of offering skills based on specialization.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/08 23:46:53