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Convergence of Dominion and Hypercrypt  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Irked Necron Immortal

Jackson, TN

So, an older question came up again about Convergence of Dominion and being able to be targeted by the Detachment rule of Hypercrypt.

In the Deployment section of the rules there is a blanket statement basically saying Fortifications can not be placed into Strategic Reserves.

The Detachment rule lets you pick Necrons Units and put them into Strategic Reserves.

Some are saying that this Detachment ability overrides the rule about no fortifications in reserves, while some are saying that the blanket rule still applies through out the game.

Has there been any clarification in recent months if this is a legal play?
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

If there hasn't been a ruling then I think you have to follow both rules. You can put things in reserve, but they can't be fortifications.

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Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

Barring an explicit exception, Fortifications cannot be placed in Strategic Reserves. Does Hypercrypt give an explicit exception?
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Fresh-Faced New User

Fortifications cannot be placed in strategic reserves before the battle. There is no rule forbidding placing fortifications into strategic reserves after the battle has begun with the hypercrypt detachment rule.
Placing Units into Strategic Reserves
Before the battle, when you are instructed to Declare Battle Formations, you can select one or more units from your army to be placed into Strategic Reserves (excluding FORTIFICATIONS).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/10 17:43:47

Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

This is a case of English language ambiguity. Is the parenthetical exclusion of except Fortifications meant to apply to the timing only or the very ability to place Fortification units into Strategic Reserves? It would have been better if the statement was more clearly stated in its own sentence. That being said, I can't take the contention that the intention is that the restriction only apply to Strategic Reserves placement during the Declare Battle Formations section of the game.

YMMV. I'll expect that GW will get around to cleaning this up with the next FAQ update.
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