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AoS skull helmet recommendations?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Evasive Eshin Assassin

id like to make some stormcast relictors and would pretty much be happy if i could just find a cool AoS skull helmet to put on a random body.
any tips or ideas?
i was surprised how 40kcentric etsy is... :(
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Huge Bone Giant

Puppetswar has a wide range of heads (that's also mostly 40k focused). I know they have plain skulls and skulls with Roman legionnaire helmets. I can't say about their exact size. They're made with Space Marines in mind, so their size should fit Sigmarines as well, but I can't tell from the pictures if they are larger than a modern GW head and would work as skull masks.

Tomb Kings have oversized heads which fit Sigmarines as skull masks quite well. I used one from Tomb Guard to convert my Knight Questor. The only downside is that they don't come with a neck and you have to make one yourself.

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