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Made in rs
Focused Fire Warrior


 ZergSmasher wrote:
Like that Tidewall stuff! Can't wait 'til its finished, awesome work! I'll enjoy watching your progress on your other new Tau models too, as I am getting a Ghostkeel and possibly a Stormsurge in the near future. It might be helpful to watch someone else do theirs before I tackle mine!

Unfortunately, I won't be much of a help except for the TideWall. I'm leaving for Asia and I most likely won't be taking any models with me. The Cadre will have to wait for my return!

My TideWall is pretty much done. Few more details and places to fix, for my own enjoyment. On the other hand, I've put the thing on the battlefield. And ran into a problem. It is fairly big and will be hard to operate.
I've jumped on one of the tables at my FLGS and put the TideWall up. Just like on the box. Gunring in the middle, drone port and command port on the opposite ends of the shield lines. I've used all three deployment methods and it was really hard to fit the whole thing in. Not to mention that some pieces had ZERO degrees of view.

Once you actually start your own game, during battlefield setup, you will definitely place the terrain pieces as best as possible to maximise your view field. Also, the TideWall Rampart allows you to field some elements in proximity of the shield lines (6"), so there are options to utilise your deployment zone and protect your big guns. As much as this Fortification trew Tau to the top of the OP lists, I estimate we won't be seeing too much of Ramparts around.
Some other Fortification options are interesting, but I don't see them as useful and complete as this one. Hopefully I will post a battle report on Sunday.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


Hey guys,

sorry for not posting for a while now. I'm back on the ship, this time in Asia, cruising around the North China Sea.

I decided to bring my un-assembled models, so I can get them together and paint them and make sure they hit the table as soon as I go back home. In Mother*ucking June.

Anyway, GhostKeel is ready for painting.

I'm also working on updating my MAGNETIZING Tau article, with the new models.
Talking about new models, FLGS gave me a discount for old tau models, so I got myself some moar troops!

I'll be posting more updates, might even go on land to play a game in Japan or Hong Kong.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Sorry to hear it'll be June before we get to see more painted stuff. Still, its pretty cool that you can still assemble stuff while you are at sea. Hope you can get some games over there!

Good luck to you, and thank you for your service!

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


 ZergSmasher wrote:
Sorry to hear it'll be June before we get to see more painted stuff. Still, its pretty cool that you can still assemble stuff while you are at sea. Hope you can get some games over there!

Good luck to you, and thank you for your service!

Thank you fine Sir. Please allow me to correct myself.
Since I did bring models on board, I intent to assemble, magnetize, paint and base them... And get them into action as soon as I hit Serbia again.

So, from this page on we'll be looking into expanded forces of 6th SkyLight Patrol Contingent!

At the moment, I'm pretty much done with my XV-8's (old models), and ready for primer. However, I did clamp them down during the assembly. Just to give them that 'Iridium' armour feel.

Also, my weaponry is undergoing some changes. I've counted all my weapons , just to make sure they have magnets of appropriate sides. Also, with these suits, I've decided to try and magnetize some other points (under the arm, instead of the side), so I'll be adding that to my "Magnetizing Tau" article.

I do have few things to assemble, until my order arrives.
Hopefully, some Barracudas and TigerSharks, as well as few more HammerHeads, some special characters and maybe... TAU'NAR! I said maybe. Depends how I go with my flyers...

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


So, working on my Contigent day by day...

I located a GW store in Shanghai, so I may pay them a visit in a week or two. Get a Retaliation Cadre, A Gunport and Farsight Cards. Meanwhile, I need to finish magnetizing my models and prep them for painting.

Also, with the new models on the table, I have chance to update and redo my "magnetizing Tau" article.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


Sorry for being absent for a while... I have been quite busy. I advanced my position in my company, so i have a bit more work to do, but that is why I appreciate my free time more and dedicate it to finishing my Patrol Contingent.

In addition to that, I've been also super busy bidding on Ebay. I got quite a few models to enhance and complete my Tau army. I'm almost there. Few more thing and I will probably stop buying Tau. Just because it doesn't go with my fluff. Like StormSurge for example. I didn't make a single list with it so far. I'm thinking about returning it home and selling it....
One thing that does follow my fluff story is my Air Element. Two OOP Barracudas and a TigerShark AX-1-0 have just landed in my possession.

Accompanying them are three Air Caste members, that will become new Objective markers...

One last thing that happend is that.. I've decided to start another army. Choice fell down on Necrons. I found few lots that were affordable and assembled. So I got them. It will be some time before they reach me here in Asia. Hopefully I'll be done with my suits and Tau.. So I can start my Necron planax.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

In a chair, staring at a screen

Ooooh, necrons I hear. Could you give us a few spoilers for the paint scheme? Mine are just the standard with red shoulder pads and some gold on HQs and vehichles

1500 pts
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Focused Fire Warrior


 Da Stormlord wrote:
Ooooh, necrons I hear. Could you give us a few spoilers for the paint scheme? Mine are just the standard with red shoulder pads and some gold on HQs and vehichles

Well, I ordered 150 Orange Neon Rods for my troops and conversions. I'm aiming at some bone themed army. I'm still developing the fluff story behind it, but general plot is:
"Eternal Planax" - Tried to use the gate shortly after the Old Ones gave them eternal bodies.... But the gate malfunctioned and is keeping them in it's 'transfer matrix'... Bouncing them across the galaxy for ages to come.
Due to constant shifting thru space and time, they lost all of their sanity and now they only march forward...

I have no fliers in my army. But I'll have some FW stuff....


6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


Gentlemen, welcome to the new era in my Hobby.

The Eternal Phlanax is here!

This past weekend in mail came the foundation of my Phalax.

Triarch Stalker; Two sets of Canoptek Wraiths, Two Canoptek Spiders, Three sets of Immortals, Deciever and Nightbringer C'tan Shards, Flyed Ones, few Destroyers, Illuminor, Stormlord, Overlord, Destroyer Lord upgrade, Triarch Praetorians, one set of Warriors and one Ghost Ark.

With it, came a set of 3rd party objective markers. Thoughts?

On the way are the two Battleforces and some ForgeWorld stuff. This will be a nice build.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


While I'm waiting for my Necron stuff to arrive, I'm working on my final Tau bits.

I haven't got time to paint my weapons, so I'm doing it now. I kind-a knew that I'll buy more suits.

With that, Suits are also on the assembly line.

Something that is hot of the press is the Barracuda.

Next in line is the TigerShark AX-1-0. It suffered some damage on the wings and cockpit, so I'm working on sealing all that and making it ready for the basecoat and painting.

Air Caste Engineers done a great job with sealing their cockpit. While they let the sealant to dry, they did some 'kitbashing' and are up by four heavy gun drones.

Lastly, my paint range has been updated. The entire 6th Patrol Contingent was painted using only 8 colors and handful of tools.

Eternal Phlanax recieved a full batch of colors today.

Fun times are ahead of me!

Xie xie for your time.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


My Tau Flyers are up and flying, doing test runs around my cabin.

The TigerShark will receive a full compliment of new power lines. Right now, only the engines are running. You can see Barracuda wing-manning the initial flights.

I believe that I did an acceptable job on covering up that cockpit damage I showed you earlier.

Lastly, I received a NIB Skyray. I need a good ground support for my Patrol Contingent.

It's going to be really really good!

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


Let me kick off with some Tau first.

My TigerShark is almost done. When I say almost, I mean that extension wings and gun turrets need to be done and mounted. I'll paint them here, but probably wait till I get home to glue them on, as I don't want them to get damaged in transport.

And now for the new things.
Today in mail I got 121 custom made neon red rods, for my Necrons. The order was 150 pieces, so I contacted the manufacturer and asked to ship the rest. Says he'll do it asap. Meanwhile, take a look for yourself.

The rods look pretty good as standalone. I believe they will look good on the models as well. If you are interested, here is a link to Ebay page . The guy makes few other colors and also replacements for MONOLITH, which is pretty awesome!

The other thing that I wanted to show you is ChapterHouse Necron compatible defense turret. Follows the Aegis rules and is inspired by the Dawn Of War Necron Weapon Turret.

Entire piece is cast in really good resin and it comes with custom made green (or blue) rods and diamond. Rods and diamond actually have texture to them.

It can be assembled with three different options, or even magnetized for your convenience. Follow the thread and expect updates in the following days.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
Painted = 131 
Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


It is getting hard to manage my hobby time these days. I'm making an amazing progress, if we consider that my team is two man down and that I have to work extended hours in order to cover for everything.
Anyway, I'm back to my Tau. I'm running an XV-8 production line and hoping to finish all 15 suits!

Hands and shoulder pads are also done, but I forgot to take photos, so... Once I actually put them together. I'm thinking about getting a batch of new shoulder pads and equipping all my suits.

On the other hand, Necrons are slowly crawling....
Slowly because they are slow, but mainly because the new paint lot that I have may not be the most suitable for the army I'm building. I did some initial tests on those 'objective markers' and results were not pretty. But, I think I can blame that on the fact that those cubes have texture to them.

This ChapterHouse made Aegis turret is actually super fine... I have also ordered over 150 resin cast bases for the army, all from SecretWeaponMiniatures. And about to finish with lot of destroyers. That will be the last shopping for this army. Hopefully, everything will get on board in time for me to finish the whole project before I head back home.

Also, I've got orange neon rods. They do look really good!

Stay tuned. It is about to get real!!!

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


Hey guys,

I have a good news. Excellent news!!!

I'm able to access Dakka Dakka from company computer. So, expect daily updates.

I finished my first SkyRay, as well as bunch of drones. In addition to them, I converted 4 Gun drones into Heavy Gun drones.

My XV8 production line is amazing and nearing the end. Almost all pieces have been painted and the fresh supply of clear Acrylic bases from LITKO came in today. So, by Sunday I should have all my EastBound suits ready to roll!

Secondly, few more boxes of Necrons before I have everyting piled up and ready to 'complete'. I have just under 3 months to do EVERYTHING. Wish me luck!

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Expect some updates tomorrow!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/03/31 18:42:45

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
Painted = 131 
Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


Production line is going smooth.

Pathfinder squad is undertaking their costume change from pure gray to GALAXY DISCO technicolor.

Also, some drones have been assembled and primed and will be done with the Pathfinders. Included with the Pathfinders is the Third Party model. And it is a female.

More updates tomorrow, once I actually paint everything (right now, you can barely see what the model actually looks like.)

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


Pathfinders are done!

Painted and based and ready to embark back to Ke'lshan Prime.

I did some mix and match of pieces, to get different combinations to those I already have. Here are some details.

Guy with a gun:

Guy with a binoculars:

"Can't talk right now honey. I'm in a middle of something" guy:

The bomber:

"I do have a gun too!" guy:

And lastly, a third party model (can be found on Wargame Exclusive)
A female Shas'ui.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


XV-8's are done and done!

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


Here are all EastBound drones...
Well, all. I'm missing a recon drone that is now being assembled by my Pathfinder squad.

Once I finish commanders (tomorrow), that will conclude the main force of the EastBound Patrol Cadre. From that point on, I will wait for reinforcements from Ke'lshan Prime. Another SkyRay and a GunRing...

P.S. I decided not to assemble my StormSurge. I'll have problem with getting it home.. And it doesn't fit my fluff so far. But, who knows... ETC is coming.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

 StarDrop wrote:

You can check the work gallery here, and on this thread starting page 4. Full Eternal Phlanax is on the horison!

Ah very cool! Could you tell me where these are from / what the brand is?
Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


 RiTides wrote:
 StarDrop wrote:

You can check the work gallery here, and on this thread starting page 4. Full Eternal Phlanax is on the horison!

Ah very cool! Could you tell me where these are from / what the brand is?

This is a 3D print, made by Horizon Creation 3D . I stumbled upon them on Ebay and decided to get a set of these as objective markers.
Being a 3D print, they do have texture to them, which can be sanded off if needed. I kept my in original shape.

I also ordered a set of Tyranid terrain as a gift for a friend of mine. Once that comes in, I'll post pictures as well.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Last year, I had a workshop setup in one of the technical spaces around the ship.
This year, I have to do it in my cabin. Just because I don't have a workshop setup on the ship as of yet. But that didn't prevent me from making mess.

Mess that completed another run of my XV8 suits. I expect a XV84 and maybe few Broadsides, but all EastBound models (that I brought from home with me) are now done.

I'll make a fine photo session soon. Until then, enjoy the suits....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/04/09 15:49:49

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
Painted = 131 
Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


I haven't really worked on my Necrons. Mostly due to the fact that the paint set that I currently have will not do the job. The paints have super high pigment content and water is unable to smooth it enough to what I need it for. I mean, I could do with them, if I didn't knew better and had wish to do better.

Here are some warrior test pictures...

The 'purple' only looks purple under the flash. In real life, it is super gray. On bigger, more detailed models I'll introduce some copper and brass. We'll see how this goes...
I'm tempted to buy another army of Ebay... But having my Necrons still in phase one and needing to revite my jaw (teeth), I think I'll wait for a next offer.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior



I'm back on the track. I had a very long month of May, with a cast changeover in the theater I work and being understaffed in the whole facility (1300ppl theatre, 600ppl secondary venue and smaller, overflow places), with only 4 technicians (including me) to cover everyday activities.

But I managed to pick up three new broadsides and Y'varha. I got them sub-assembled and primed. I also have pictures, but I'll get them here as soon as I transfer them from my phone. I'm also super excited about new Flyer rules and opportunity to use all my Tau goodies.

Lastly, my company's mail service screwed me over and forwarded my GW order to my current site. Which I will leave before the mail reaches me. Let's say I'm pretty angry about that, because it holds certain items I wanted to take with me to ETC2016 in Athens in August...

Thanks for watching. Pictures to follow!

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
Painted = 131 
Made in us
Focused Fire Warrior


What is hip?

My Broadsides are up and running. With plasma rifles nearly completed, I'll have a three new broadsides ready for deployment. Also, I got hold of two more FW broadsides, which will complete my Retaliation Cadre XV-88 choice.

Also, my XV-84 Commander suit came in few days ago. As you know, FW kits at the time were based of the 'old' XV-8 design. But I test fitted some of the parts to the new XV-8 and I might end up buying one more set of new XV-8's. I do love the looks and the feel of the new suits.

Lastly, there were some movements on the Horisont, spotted by my Pathfinders. Apparently, A female Necron Overlord and three Cryptek's managed to teleport a set of Secret Weapon bases came to base my new Necron Army.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


New EastBound Patrol Cadre....

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


I decided to use the fact that my uncle lives in Croatia to apply and take participation in upcoming Agram Arena 2016.

I've been working on the list for a while and I came up with pretty interesting FE 1850 list.

Army is almost ready, mostly because I need to complete my drones and my objective markers. As well as some fresh stuff.

Last of the Drones are on the table, ready to be assembled and painted.
And I'll use my Air Caste crew to 'color up' my objective markers. Should be fine.

This Getting Started Tau box is an amazing package. Gave me everything I wanted to get to round up my army.

Expect updates. I only have week and a half to get myself ready for this.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


StarForge is working with it's full capacity. I denied a festival gig, so I could finish work on my teeth and prepare for the Tournament. I have quite a few things to finish.

I played a 3 turn test game two days ago, against a very strong DeathStar. Needles to say I got smashed, but I tried what I wanted and succeeded. How much pounding I can take and how well I can DeepStrike. Regardless of the dice, I did a pretty good job. After the game, while discussing with my opponent, I got some ideas on how to squeeze even more firepower into my list, while retaining functionality and general science. I'm about to hit my FLGS again and do another game. Let's see how modifications work?

Yesterday I retrieved 15 foam bricks, in order to crate a custom foam for this 1850 army and for that to fit into my small suitcase. So far, it look promising. Each tray can hold 3 suits and 6-8 drones. Riptide tray will hold only riptide (Capt. Obvious), while Pathfinder tray can hold 15 dudes with no problem.

Lastly, objective markers are under way. I practised transfer positioning onto the bases, just to I could paint the shape over it. Once 'flooring' is done, I'll lacquer it, and proceed to adding actual elements on the base. Drone hat, with number, a AirCaste member or some other Tau bits and flock. Won't necessarily match the rest of the army, but will be distinct enough.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


My Objective Markers are coming along nice.

I had to prime one of the markers, due to the fact that I used only 5 colors on my army and that color that I wanted to add didn't turn our good. Which reminded me.. I used the wrong color. I should have used yellow, as I have some yellow details, mostly on eyes and antennas. I'll have to change that later!!!

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


Objective Markers are done, as promised.

Now to my army, to finish what I need for the tourney and touchup some models. First in line, the Drone Blob.

Tomorrow I expect to complete my missile drones and to check my broadsides. And to play few more games. And to complete my tactica book for the tourney.
Woohoo, stay tuned and thanks for checking out.

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


All missile drones are complete, including all the Broadsides.

I have to say I'm happy how they are turning out. I started adding 'gloss over some details and it looks really nice.

And to complete my Area Control Cadre, I'm working on my XV8 suits.
Suits like suits are done, but weapons are far from done. 8 plasma guns and 8 Fusion Blasters. Luckily, I have my magnifying glass to help me out!!!

I'll post some more pics of the entire force once completed. In the meantime, I'm going back to my articles to try and complete them, now when I have collected more knowledge on "HowTto Magnetize Tau".

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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Focused Fire Warrior


Did I tell you that my Drone Sentry team is pretty much done?

It started like this.

Then moved on to this.

And now it looks like this:

Next on the tabletop are two StormSurges. I'm doing sub assembly as we speak, so I'll post some more photos later.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/07/26 08:24:59

6th Skylight Patrol Contingent StarForge P&M blog
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