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Warcradle Studios - News - September Releases: The Time For Armoured Clash Has Arrived pg37  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us

There have been quite a few hard plastic models for WWX already!
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Alpharius wrote:
There have been quite a few hard plastic models for WWX already!

Yes, but not free ones! :-)
Made in ca
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

Can someone explain why and how I can get this figure for free?

I've been building WWX stuff all weekend and have been having a blast with them.

Now I just need to actually use them for their intended purpose!

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
Can someone explain why and how I can get this figure for free?

I've been building WWX stuff all weekend and have been having a blast with them.

Now I just need to actually use them for their intended purpose!

Hi there,

well there are a few at Adepticon not many but a few.

At Salute in London on April 22md... there will be some - well alot.... if you look in your show bag
If you visit our stand you will see a larger version.

Then at every show we attend this year we will have them to give away, including shows in the US.
We are also giving them to retailers running events and attending shows to give away.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

Guess it's ebay for me then. Hopefully the event attendees don't scalp the minis price too much on ebay. Not many conventions occur in central wisconsin, nor do any retailers around here carry wwx (do all my buying directly from both kickstarters, wwx website, and nobleknight.

I've always bought or preordered every wwx mini as each was released (have done so now with the switch in ownership, but I usually wait until closer to the release date). Sad there isn't a chance to buy one or get one as it's now being released at cons, without going to them.

Please someone pick one up and ebay it so I have a chance!


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/03/25 17:25:21

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I think they said it will be for sale at some point as well. It's only a free promotional model for 2017, so I am guessing maybe in 2018 and after?
Made in ca
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

Yeah, hope it sees retail soon. Looks good but getting to a big convention is troublesome for me.

Are any of the other new releases plastic as well, or will they all be resin still?

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

There is a promotional miniature each year. So 2018 will be a new miniature and Legendary Nimue will join the main range at retail.

If you can't get to a convention/show where they are being given away, just get your FLGS to stock WWX. We send out a bunch of the promo minis to distros and retailers to give away as prizes, incentives etc. US retailers can get WWX from Alliance and Golden Distribution. There are more distros and retailers being added all the time. Spanish and neighbouring European retailers can get it from Dia Cash, for example.

There's a ton of new releases planned with a minimum of two new releases each month. The releases will be a mixture of resin and plastic depending on what they are, but we have several plastic kits in production already as well as some awesome products a little later in the year which we'll announce over the summer!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/03/25 23:53:37

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

"If you see the President, tell him from me that whatever happens there will be no turning back." - General Odysseus Grant, Battle of Bradshaw City 1872

A new logo for a new edition! Warcradle Studios are pleased to present the new logo for Wild West Exodus. This dark and exciting science-fantasy game will see a brand new edition released on 30th September 2017.

The world of Wild West Exodus is a dark reflection of our own. Some of the events that defined our past never happened and the heroes we cherish never existed, while greater conflicts and bolder individuals have taken their place. It is a setting where forces from beyond our own world have a stake in the events that play out here, a millennia old contest now fought on the soil of our Earth. It is a place where a gunfighter can squeeze their trigger and change the fate of humanity; where warrior nations proudly stand against the relentless onslaught of so-called civilisation. It is a world where progress and scientific enlightenment has been embraced at the cost of mankind's soul and where the dreams of empire may be fanned into the flames of conflict once more.

We love reasons to collect and play with miniatures. We have a host of new plastic and resin miniatures in production as well as a wealth of new background material detailing the struggle for the destiny of humanity played out in the Wild West and beyond.

Those hobbyists looking to get into Wild West Exodus and those retailers looking to stock it can rest assured that we will be providing complimentary copies of the new rules for free to all those who have purchased a copy of the first edition from their retailer, distributor or from wildwestexodus.com. So you can jump aboard with Wild West Exodus right now and have no worries about being forced to buy new rules in six months’ time (as hobbyists, we hate that too!)

All the existing miniatures are being retained in the new edition so you can make use of the whole range. We will announce details of our expanding range of new products as well as details of how to get hold of your copy of the new rules over the coming months.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/03/27 18:21:43

Made in gb
Bane Knight

Cat is out of the bag then

I was honoured to be asked to help develop this second edition of Wild West Exodus, and have had a busy month with Stu and the team getting things in to shape.

Looking forward to seeing it in people's hands in the not too distant future and continuing to be a part of shaping the evolution and future of the game.

...and you will know me by the trail of my lead... 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Big News

We have now shipped 5,500+ Legendary Nimue boxes to the guys at Salute. They will be put into the free show bags that everyone will get when they first enter Salute.

This model is stunningly detailed and we are very excited to get Legendary Nimue into your hands. Remember if you are at Salute to come over to the Wild West Exodos stand to see the game, studio painted miniatures, and maybe some news on future releases.

You can view a fun in-boxing video here: https://bitly.com/legendaryheist

* All boxes contain, Model Sprue, Stat Card, Model Base.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

Yay! 2nd edition is coming! Warcradle, it is so great to see you guys run with this game. You are doing a great job.

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

When will there be news on the free replacement rulebook deal?
Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

 455_PWR wrote:
Guess it's ebay for me then. Hopefully the event attendees don't scalp the minis price too much on ebay. Not many conventions occur in central wisconsin, nor do any retailers around here carry wwx (do all my buying directly from both kickstarters, wwx website, and nobleknight.

I've always bought or preordered every wwx mini as each was released (have done so now with the switch in ownership, but I usually wait until closer to the release date). Sad there isn't a chance to buy one or get one as it's now being released at cons, without going to them.

Please someone pick one up and ebay it so I have a chance!


Myself and a couple of friends are going to Salute but I'm the only one teetering on buying into WWX so I should be able to persuade one of my buddies to hand over his WWX mini (assuming we get there early enough to get bags!)

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

There are two new resin miniatures on their way for release on the 27th of May, Legendary Nura & Broad Arrow Jack. Available for Pre-order online or at your FLGS

Made in us

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
When will there be news on the free replacement rulebook deal?

I hadn't heard about this - please tell me more!
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

its a couple of posts back from warcradle...

Those hobbyists looking to get into Wild West Exodus and those retailers looking to stock it can rest assured that we will be providing complimentary copies of the new rules for free to all those who have purchased a copy of the first edition from their retailer, distributor or from wildwestexodus.com. So you can jump aboard with Wild West Exodus right now and have no worries about being forced to buy new rules in six months’ time (as hobbyists, we hate that too!)

it doesn't mention the kickstarter copies but i would hope they'll cover those as well.
Made in us

Well that's where I got mine from, so yes, hopefully us too!

And thanks for the info/pointing out the info too!
Made in us
Evasive Eshin Assassin

yw alpharius...


When will there be news on the free replacement rulebook deal?
and let me add...
when will we see a preview of the changes if any?
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I'm heading to Salute, so should be getting one of these.

It's not a game I play, but as Head Honcho of my FB group (see my sig!), anyone wanting one give me a PM and it's yours for At Cost postage.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/03/31 21:16:23

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
its a couple of posts back from warcradle...

Those hobbyists looking to get into Wild West Exodus and those retailers looking to stock it can rest assured that we will be providing complimentary copies of the new rules for free to all those who have purchased a copy of the first edition from their retailer, distributor or from wildwestexodus.com. So you can jump aboard with Wild West Exodus right now and have no worries about being forced to buy new rules in six months’ time (as hobbyists, we hate that too!)

it doesn't mention the kickstarter copies but i would hope they'll cover those as well.

On FB they said this includes KS backers.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

BigDaddio wrote:
 usernamesareannoying wrote:
its a couple of posts back from warcradle...

Those hobbyists looking to get into Wild West Exodus and those retailers looking to stock it can rest assured that we will be providing complimentary copies of the new rules for free to all those who have purchased a copy of the first edition from their retailer, distributor or from wildwestexodus.com. So you can jump aboard with Wild West Exodus right now and have no worries about being forced to buy new rules in six months’ time (as hobbyists, we hate that too!)

it doesn't mention the kickstarter copies but i would hope they'll cover those as well.

On FB they said this includes KS backers.

It will indeed include KS Backers.

Regarding the specifics, we will be sharing more information about the process closer to release. Ideally it will be through retailers and distributors, however we do totally understand that some people cannot get to a retailer without a significant journey so will have other options.

Owner of Wayland Games 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 usernamesareannoying wrote:

when will we see a preview of the changes if any?

From small bits and pieces I have heard and seen online I am predicting quite a few changes to the game mechanics (and I believe Warcradle has said they plan on changing some core mechanics). One of their staff posted this photo on FB recently, which teases some of the 2nd edition changes:

Not sure exactly where they are headed with the new rules, but I'm curiously watching for further hints. :-)
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

Action deck? Hmm....

Hope you can still do things without drawing cards like before (moving, shooting, abilities, etc). Wwx was awesome before, it juat needed a bit of updating the special rules and balance of units (should be fixed with the new cards).

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I am wondering if maybe the deck is for activating models or something, maybe each player with a hand to use each round.

The "Megan Wild" card in the image is a sample profile card from the second edition. It seems very different than the current cards, with the keywords and the six-gun chamber icon seeming to contain stats of some kind (and that's just what we can see in the picture...who knows what else is on the card).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/01 01:23:43

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

The Viridian have been at the forefront of Watcher incursions across the galaxy for millennia. Though the Watchers take pains to leave no witnesses to their involvement in the shaping of sentient life, their likeness is captured in the crudely drawn cave paintings, diagrams from ancient manuscripts, petrified wood carvings and any other number of ancient records preserved for prosperity and displayed within museums or held as research material for universities on a number of worlds. On Earth, their species has become known as the Locusts.

The Viridian Alpha is larger than its more numerous Locust kin. Its powerfully muscled frame is covered with a gnarled hide complemented with additional armour plates that incorporate various alien devices and defensive systems. It wields the Viridian Staff, a symbol of office and deadly weapon able to cleave a man in twain with a single blow. Mounted on the Viridian Alpha’s shoulders is a Reaper Array sporting two independently targeting energy weapons of formidable power.

As the Watcher’s goal nears the critical juncture, raids against humanity become more numerous as materials are gathered and possible threats eliminated. Posses find themselves faced with a new threat as the alien invaders are encountered more frequently and their presence more brazen. The Viridian Alpha is quite the match for anything a posse of weak and feeble humans might throw at him. To complicate matters further he often leads his Viridian Clade who harry their enemies on the ground as well as from the air. The Alpha's nickname of ‘King Locust’, or sometimes the ‘Big Bastard’, is well deserved.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Come one, come all!

Heading to Salute on Saturday? Make sure to visit the Wild West Exodus and Wayland Games stands at TE05!

All the exciting stuff is happening at the Wild West Exodus stand (obviously).

Come see our;
Legendary Nimue Cosplay
Fantastic Studio Miniatures
...Super Secret UNRELEASED Miniatures!!!

Take part;
WWX Second Edition Beta Demonstrations
Talk to the creators of Second Edition (yup, we knew you'd like that)
Receive information on getting hold of your free 2nd Edition Rulebook...

PLUS, get hold of a FREE 1st Edition Rulebook!

Fancy working for Warcradle?

We are currently looking for a Resin Production Supervisor, check www.warcradle.com for details.
Made in gb
Bane Knight

Looking forward to meeting old players and new, and to start publicly revealing all the fun we have been having getting second edition ready to show.

Stu and I will be on the stand showcasing specifics and talking about the plans for the new edition (with a rather shiny new display board), while alongside us, Daren and his trained demo crew will be taking people through some small scale games, to give people hands on experience of the new engine.

As mentioned, if you don't have a first edition rulebook ,you can grab one free from us this weekend, and if you do, then you will be entitled to a free copy of the second edition rules when they launch later in the year.

What's to lose?

See folks there.

...and you will know me by the trail of my lead... 
Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

Question - per the second edition rules, which faction will allow me to field the most number of Wayward Eight? I've been looking for an excuse to buy them for a while, now, and they would be my preferred 'in' for WWX

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Siygess wrote:
Question - per the second edition rules, which faction will allow me to field the most number of Wayward Eight? I've been looking for an excuse to buy them for a while, now, and they would be my preferred 'in' for WWX

That's a good question; they are wonderful models! For first edition I use them with my Outlaw posse, as they can all currently work for that faction. Will be interesting to see which factions they can join in 2nd Edition. IIRC, Warcradle has mentioned in some interviews that posse selection will be a different process in the new edition, and there's been talk of new factions and blurring the edges of existing ones. Very curious to see what news we can gather from Salute this weekend!
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