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Made in us
Stalwart Space Marine


Yeah I shouldn't doubt it, I guess it's just me feeling like I'm doing it wrong by painting them Black or not using the most effective models. My models my way I guess. Thanks for the feedback!

Praying to get a game of 9th edition in before Summer. 
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User


If you are painting them black then you are doing it right as the Ravenwing uses black as their primary color anyway.

More 40k armies than 40k time ... 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

yeah, you can absolutely get some mileage out of all Primaris DA. Your Deathwing elements can utilize Bladeguard and a Captain/Lt. Your Librarians are automatically inducted into the Deathwing. You now have a Primaris Chaplain on bike who is Ravenwing. Outriders, ATVs and the speeders are all Ravenwing.
As you mention, fliers don't really have a specific identity.
People have also been converting the storm speeder chassis into vengeance speeders (just need the plasma battery).
You could also model many of the special characters as Primaris, even though you'd have to use stats in book. It's just not necessary.

I think a tri-wing DA would work just fine.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


Took a 1500 point Ravenwing army for a test-drive today against Drukhari Coven list. Our next local tourney is a "Great Crusade" where you have to take a named character as your Warlord and heroics on the tabletop are encouraged. I took Sammael, a Talonmaster, two Outrider Squadrons, two Bike Squadrons (one with an attached Attack Bike), a five-man Black Knight Squadron, a Chief Ravenwing Apothecary (because that's what you do), a Ravenwing Champion with the Invul Debuff and a Landspeeder Vengeance that looked suspiciously like a Darkshroud with the Plasma Storm Battery attached with magnets...

He had Uriel, a Haemoculous, four squads of Wracks, two big squads of Grotesques and two Talos squads of three. We rolled up Vital Intelligence so much geometry ensued. I took While we Stand we Fight, Domination and Martial Interdiction because it fit the theme.

He got first turn and grabbed all the central objectives with Wracks on the objectives and Grots/Talos' in depth. I responded with Bikes going after his wings while the Black Knights went after one Talos Squad. My bikes did well against his Wracks, and this was one of two turns when I had Domination...One Grot squad (which was one of his While We Stand We Fight) squads was reduced to two models.

He pulled that Grot squad to hold his home objective and pushed his Talos against my Black Knights while his other Grots went after my right flank. The Black Knights lost one of their number, but we all knew that this was just a flesh wound. Having lost a Bike Squadron to the Talos my Black Knights used Intractable to fall back and shoot while the Champion cheekily moved up to debuff. One Talos squad was reduced to a single wounded Talos that the Champion charged and dispatched with the sword.

The Champion miraculously survived the other Talos squad. My right flank was not so lucky and was wiped out. I then counter-punched and killed the other Talos Squad.

In turn four Uriel backpedaled but Sammael made a miraculous charge. Uriel was left with one wound...after using his free once per game re-roll.

Uriel fell back, and I cursed my spendthrift ways that meant I had lacked enough CP to use a Statis Shell the previous turn. Lesson learned when you take that Secondary. Uriel got behind the second Grotesque squad on an objective. I went in hard with everything I had left, and Sammael flew over the Grots to dispatch Uriel and garner VPs. The Black Knights killed most of the Grotesques with plasma and Corvus Hammers. Sammael lived, garnering 15 VP for the Martial Interdiction Secondary and another 5 for staying alive.

A wild, swirling battle. I would not recommend that Secondary for rational, competitive players but it sure was fun with Sammael. The Champion with the Debuff Relic was a real weapon, while the Ravenwing Apothecary is money in the bank (he brought back three Black Knights and healed the Champion twice). The Vengeance didn't kill anything. Since the model survived the game I don't think it was shiny model syndrome but rather angry Stone Guardians resentful of having a Plasma battery attached to their sacred vehicle.

9th Edition Ravenwing play much differently than 8th Edition. No more Sableclaw/Talonmaster deathball. Its refreshing. The lack of infantry, though, meant that entire categories of Secondaries were unavailable. Its a "with your shield or on it" kind of list.

p.s. Obsec Outriders and Bike Sqns are great

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/03/17 03:46:50

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Nice write-up. Your list is very much like what I'd like to run as an all-Ravenwing list, although I might try a Storm Speeder rather than a Vengeance in mine and see if it works well. Did you take Attack Bikes in your regular bike units? Because I'm giving that idea some serious thought myself.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


 ZergSmasher wrote:
Nice write-up. Your list is very much like what I'd like to run as an all-Ravenwing list, although I might try a Storm Speeder rather than a Vengeance in mine and see if it works well. Did you take Attack Bikes in your regular bike units? Because I'm giving that idea some serious thought myself.


One of the squads had an attached Attack Bike (I've since edited the post). I am going back and forth on regular Bike Squadrons vs Outriders. The Bike Squadrons shoot really well, but the Outriders are better at "flipping" objectives. Perhaps a mix is the way? I am playing with the list to see if I can put an Attack Bike in both Ravenwing Bike Squadrons. It felt strange in the game to leave Bike Squadrons sitting still, but its an objective game.

The Vengeance is much better than it was before, but I'm still not convinced. Having Flat Damage 4 shots with Weapons from the Dark Age is so good, but it doesn't have Core so you only have CP rerolls.

At 2000 points I think a good design would be a Ravenwing Outrider with a Greenwing Patrol.

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

I played my 2000pt Ravenwing list to great success yesterday. Don't forget their is a strat in SM codex for bikes/speeders to fall back and shoot that is only 1CP. So with Intractable, you can do 2 units if necessary.
I used vengeance and typhoons to sit on my back objectives, often swapping places (I took the Ravenwing secondary which I maxed out early), but also stayed stationary occasionally for the +1 to hit.
Made in ru
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine

Hi everyone.

Was trying to think off a competitive list using only our terminators and so i came up with this:

Terminators x10 330
cyclone x2 50
hammer x7 70
fists x3 15

Terminators x10 330
fists x8 40
hammers x2 20
cyclone x2 50

Command Terminators x5 175
fists x4
hammer x1

Assault Terminators x10 330
hammer x10 100

Ravenwing Apothecary + selfless healer
Bladeguard Ancient + pennant of remembrance
Ineterrogator chaplain jumpack +1 to advance and charge rolls trait

Many say that termies are not very mobile, i dont find that to be true.
5 + Advance +1 to advance has very good chances of getting to a midffield objective.
They are usually 12 inches away -5 move -1 from advance bonus = 6
Objectives control area is 7.57 in in diameter, so you only need to roll a 3+ to get within the objective.

So there should not be any problems with grabbing objectives, and once termies get there they arent going anywhere anytime soon

As for secondaries, there are two missions which allow farming VP easily:
1. Oaths of atonement (no mercy no respite) - just sit in midfield and get 15 vp, easy
2. Stubborn defiance (battlefield supremacy) - pick an objective, park your terminators squad on it = profit
3 For third you could go psychic ritual, or investigate sites which is also pretty solid since you want to be midfield anyways

So all secondaries are scored just by staying still )

I have yet try it out, and i was wondering if anyone else thought or tried maxing out terminators

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

I myself had put together a list I called "Oops, all Terminators", attempting to use only the models in my collection to make a pure Deathwing army with nothing but terminators, but then I realized I was actually one model short of actually being able to assemble the list. So I made a second version that I do have the models for:
Deathwing Vanguard Detachment
No Forge Org Slot:
2-man Deathwing Command Squad: 1x TH/SS, 1x Twin LC
Deathwing Apothecary: Chief Apothecary
Deathwing Champion
Ancient in Terminator Armor: Pennant of Remembrance, Hero of the Chapter (Watched), Twin LC
Belial: Warlord
Librarian in Terminator Armor: Aversion, Righteous Repugnance
2-man Deathwing Command Squad: 1x TH/SS, 1x Twin LC
10-man Deathwing Knights: Watcher
10-man Deathwing Terminators: TH/SS on Sgt., 2x CML, Watcher
5-man Deathwing Terminators: Assault Cannon
5-man Relic Terminators: 5x LC, Plasma Blaster, Reaper Autocannon, Grenade Harness
2000 points on the nose

The list has 39 models and really is not optimal for competitive play, but it's intended as kind of a meme list rather than something I would run in a tournament. Some of the regular dudes have chainfists instead of power fists but they cost the same so I didn't note them. I considered dropping one DW knight and adding other upgrades like more Watchers and making the Librarian a Chief Librarian, but decided to go with more of a "boys before toys" approach. This is basically every Terminator in my collection; I've got like 3 random guys left over.

To truly optimize this for tournament play, I would ditch the meme and probably replace Belial with Azrael, replace the Librarian with Ezekiel, and replace the Apothecary with a Ravenwing one. I would probably drop 2-3 of the Knights and the small Termie squad, replacing them with some Bladeguard for midfield brawling duty. I might have to post what I come up with as an optimized version of this list later.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran



I had a game at the FLGS today in preparation for an upcoming 1500 point tournament. I took the list I was already planning to take but I figured I would test your idea on the tabletop.

Belial and Ezekiel; Deathwing Ancient (Relic) and Deathwing Apothecary (WL); Ravenwing Champion (sorry); Deathwing Terminator x 5, Deathwing Terminator x 5, Deathwing Knights x 5, Deathwing Command Squad (3 dudes) and Contemptor Dreadnought. I went up against Deathwatch and we rolled up Battle Lines. This was a good test since there is no central objective.

With some decent advance rolls I was on the centre at the end of my first turn, chewing through an Incursor Squad along the way. A Deathwing Squad sat on my objectiveto achieve the Secondary. There were some blocked LOS but my opponent could easily see the objective from the wings (he had Eradicators and a bunch of Missile Launchers). He came at me, but the Deathwing Knights burst through his centre by the end of the 3rd Turn while the Command Squad, a second Deathwing Squad and Ezekiel looked after part of Oath of Moment and Psychic Ritual (I guess Ezekiel I was extracting the psychic memory of some Fallen dude). The Deathwing Knights ate a ton of shooting, losing one model who was promptly revived. Heartbreaking really.

Objective control was an issue through the first two turns, but I gradually cleared him off the objectives through assault with some shooting. The concept can work, but a hordier enemy might have been an issue. The Incursers worked against him, as they let me slingshot my Dreadnought forward which then became a scary Distraction Carnifex in his lines. That is what drew him forward with a large close combat squad which in turn was destroyed by the Deathwing Knights. The Secondary was certainly 15 points, but it also took one of my Squads out of the fight (their Cyclone popped off shots).

It was nice to run Belial, but I think Azrael would have done his job better. The Ravenwing Champion was cheeky. I think there is a place for Ravenwing Black Knights in a 1st Company Vanguard.

All that to say, the concept can work on the tabletop, but I am not saying its a slam dunk either!

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in ru
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine

TangoTwoBravo wrote:

I had a game at the FLGS today in preparation for an upcoming 1500 point tournament. I took the list I was already planning to take but I figured I would test your idea on the tabletop.

Belial and Ezekiel; Deathwing Ancient (Relic) and Deathwing Apothecary (WL); Ravenwing Champion (sorry); Deathwing Terminator x 5, Deathwing Terminator x 5, Deathwing Knights x 5, Deathwing Command Squad (3 dudes) and Contemptor Dreadnought. I went up against Deathwatch and we rolled up Battle Lines. This was a good test since there is no central objective.

With some decent advance rolls I was on the centre at the end of my first turn, chewing through an Incursor Squad along the way. A Deathwing Squad sat on my objectiveto achieve the Secondary. There were some blocked LOS but my opponent could easily see the objective from the wings (he had Eradicators and a bunch of Missile Launchers). He came at me, but the Deathwing Knights burst through his centre by the end of the 3rd Turn while the Command Squad, a second Deathwing Squad and Ezekiel looked after part of Oath of Moment and Psychic Ritual (I guess Ezekiel I was extracting the psychic memory of some Fallen dude). The Deathwing Knights ate a ton of shooting, losing one model who was promptly revived. Heartbreaking really.

Objective control was an issue through the first two turns, but I gradually cleared him off the objectives through assault with some shooting. The concept can work, but a hordier enemy might have been an issue. The Incursers worked against him, as they let me slingshot my Dreadnought forward which then became a scary Distraction Carnifex in his lines. That is what drew him forward with a large close combat squad which in turn was destroyed by the Deathwing Knights. The Secondary was certainly 15 points, but it also took one of my Squads out of the fight (their Cyclone popped off shots).

It was nice to run Belial, but I think Azrael would have done his job better. The Ravenwing Champion was cheeky. I think there is a place for Ravenwing Black Knights in a 1st Company Vanguard.

All that to say, the concept can work on the tabletop, but I am not saying its a slam dunk either!

Thanks for your input, i feel a little bit more confident now about the list

Yes, i understand that hordes could be a problem, but i think even then it may be possible to come out even

Anyways, i'll post a write up about how it performs as soon as i get a chance to test it))

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 ZergSmasher wrote:
I myself had put together a list I called "Oops, all Terminators", attempting to use only the models in my collection to make a pure Deathwing army with nothing but terminators, but then I realized I was actually one model short of actually being able to assemble the list. So I made a second version that I do have the models for:
Deathwing Vanguard Detachment
No Forge Org Slot:
2-man Deathwing Command Squad: 1x TH/SS, 1x Twin LC
Deathwing Apothecary: Chief Apothecary
Deathwing Champion
Ancient in Terminator Armor: Pennant of Remembrance, Hero of the Chapter (Watched), Twin LC
Belial: Warlord
Librarian in Terminator Armor: Aversion, Righteous Repugnance
2-man Deathwing Command Squad: 1x TH/SS, 1x Twin LC
10-man Deathwing Knights: Watcher
10-man Deathwing Terminators: TH/SS on Sgt., 2x CML, Watcher
5-man Deathwing Terminators: Assault Cannon
5-man Relic Terminators: 5x LC, Plasma Blaster, Reaper Autocannon, Grenade Harness
2000 points on the nose

The list has 39 models and really is not optimal for competitive play, but it's intended as kind of a meme list rather than something I would run in a tournament. Some of the regular dudes have chainfists instead of power fists but they cost the same so I didn't note them. I considered dropping one DW knight and adding other upgrades like more Watchers and making the Librarian a Chief Librarian, but decided to go with more of a "boys before toys" approach. This is basically every Terminator in my collection; I've got like 3 random guys left over.

To truly optimize this for tournament play, I would ditch the meme and probably replace Belial with Azrael, replace the Librarian with Ezekiel, and replace the Apothecary with a Ravenwing one. I would probably drop 2-3 of the Knights and the small Termie squad, replacing them with some Bladeguard for midfield brawling duty. I might have to post what I come up with as an optimized version of this list later.

I would recommend including a chaplain, 5++ from mortal wounds is very useful, and the rerolls in melee

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/03/17 02:56:41

Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


 ZergSmasher wrote:
I myself had put together a list I called "Oops, all Terminators", attempting to use only the models in my collection to make a pure Deathwing army with nothing but terminators, but then I realized I was actually one model short of actually being able to assemble the list. So I made a second version that I do have the models for:
Deathwing Vanguard Detachment
No Forge Org Slot:
2-man Deathwing Command Squad: 1x TH/SS, 1x Twin LC
Deathwing Apothecary: Chief Apothecary
Deathwing Champion
Ancient in Terminator Armor: Pennant of Remembrance, Hero of the Chapter (Watched), Twin LC
Belial: Warlord
Librarian in Terminator Armor: Aversion, Righteous Repugnance
2-man Deathwing Command Squad: 1x TH/SS, 1x Twin LC
10-man Deathwing Knights: Watcher
10-man Deathwing Terminators: TH/SS on Sgt., 2x CML, Watcher
5-man Deathwing Terminators: Assault Cannon
5-man Relic Terminators: 5x LC, Plasma Blaster, Reaper Autocannon, Grenade Harness
2000 points on the nose

The list has 39 models and really is not optimal for competitive play, but it's intended as kind of a meme list rather than something I would run in a tournament. Some of the regular dudes have chainfists instead of power fists but they cost the same so I didn't note them. I considered dropping one DW knight and adding other upgrades like more Watchers and making the Librarian a Chief Librarian, but decided to go with more of a "boys before toys" approach. This is basically every Terminator in my collection; I've got like 3 random guys left over.

To truly optimize this for tournament play, I would ditch the meme and probably replace Belial with Azrael, replace the Librarian with Ezekiel, and replace the Apothecary with a Ravenwing one. I would probably drop 2-3 of the Knights and the small Termie squad, replacing them with some Bladeguard for midfield brawling duty. I might have to post what I come up with as an optimized version of this list later.

I like either one! I still think that there is a place for Deathwing Knights, and ten is a threat to anything. I also agree that Azrael just seems better than Belial. Teleporting is an option with Belial, but its giving up on two turns of Chapter Master and you can get zoned out anyway. I just ran my Deathwing Knights forward today and they were ahead of where my teleporting Deathwing Squad ended up.

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in ru
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine

Also, when fielding a 10 man terminator squad with cyclones, dont forget that you can split the squad)

if there arent too many long range threats a 5 man squad can easily survive through 5 rounds sitting on a backfield objective.

Toss in a few shields for more survivability and put them in cover
Made in fr
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

TangoTwoBravo wrote:

I had a game at the FLGS today in preparation for an upcoming 1500 point tournament. I took the list I was already planning to take but I figured I would test your idea on the tabletop.
The concept can work, but a hordier enemy might have been an issue.
All that to say, the concept can work on the tabletop, but I am not saying its a slam dunk either!

I have bought + converted more (8 exactly) lightning claw termies, and 4 + 5 bladeguards in case I land on hordes. I think hordes can beat us with little effort by simply sitting on mid table objectives and DSing stuff into our zone for scramblers and stuff. We have too few models to prevent that really (though we have inflitrators but still). So we need to be ablt obliterate hordes around turn 4 I think.

Also, running full termi is a risk against an opponent who runs krrot hounds or 30 kraken hormagaunts, as they can turn 1 body block us into our deployment zone. I would even go as far as to say this is the main threat we face atm. It also works against DG, so we might start seeing a lot of this (though tyranids and tau are, highly mistakenly, considered as not that good atm).

But it really depends how comp your environment is. I play in a WTC preping group with people who read all the latest tricks and constantly try to come up with new ones. Below that "skill level", going all termi is probably fine

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/03/17 10:00:06

Ere we go ere we go ere we go
Corona Givin’ Umies Da good ol Krulpin they deserve huh huh 
Made in ru
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine

In my meta no one has so much terminators) im literally the only dark angels player in town with 30+ termies
We will have a huge team tournament in may, 20 teams 100 people, it could be a surprise for many players to see so much terminators

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/03/17 14:58:06

Made in fr
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

Timur wrote:
In my meta no one has so much terminators) im literally the only dark angels player in town with 30+ termies
We will have a huge team tournament in may, 20 teams 100 people, it could be a surprise for many players to see so much terminators

It probably will, 30+ is indeed a lot. I have 35 and 9 bladeguard, they all together don’t even fit in a 2000 point list (not when Rw talon masters and apothecary are so badly needed in such a list).
It is good to hear about such event being planned, and to see COVID hasn’t killed all hopes everywhere ! That event sounds like it will be a blast !!

Ere we go ere we go ere we go
Corona Givin’ Umies Da good ol Krulpin they deserve huh huh 
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

New Goonhammer Competitive Innovations article showing the top 4 lists at a recent event in New Zealand, and Dark Angels took 2nd place with pure Ravenwing.

Linky for the curious: https://www.goonhammer.com/competitive-innovations-in-9th-equinox-40k/

Apparently 5th place was also pure Ravenwing, but basically pure Land Speeders of various types. Curiouser and curiouser...

My takeaway from this is that I might need more bikes, especially Attack Bikes. I only own one and you can't find them anywhere, either in stores or on eBay unless you want some overpriced "pro painted" ones.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


While folks were melting down over Eradicators my three Attack Bikes with Multi-Meltas were, well, melting things down! That was before they received Jink. Now they are even better.

Maxing out on Death on the Wind is absolutely achievable, although you have to watch for the restrictions. I've run both all-Deathwing and all-Ravenwing. The Ravenwing can certainly pose more of a dilemma to the opponent due to their mobility, and Obsec bikers are great. I am looking for improved ways to make flip objectives through assault. Black Knights can do it through wiping out the opponent holding the objective, but they lack the native Obsec that Outriders get in a Ravenwing detachment. Outriders get plenty of attacks, but stuggle against armoured foes. Might try Rites of War as an additional WL trait on my Champion and see how that works with the Black Knights.

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

I'm actually looking for viable alternatives to Attack Bikes since they are kind of unavailable right now. My ideas for this are:
-Invader ATVs. I do own three of them, but they lack CORE, can't be revived by an Apothecary, and are significantly more expensive, although on the plus side they are more durable, especially with Jink being a thing.
-Eradicators. They aren't Ravenwing so wouldn't work in a pure list, but even with the price hike they got recently I think they are still very good. Not as OP as the doomsayers were thinking, though.
-Land Speeders. They can be okay melta caddies, perhaps, but honestly I like the ATVs better.
-Storm Speeder Hammerstrike: Very pricey, but basically carries a whole Attack Bike unit's worth of firepower. I like the stratagem to give it a 4++ without needing to Advance, which means DA might be the only chapter in which it is viable at all.
-Devastators: The OG melta bros. I like them, but they are basically worse Eradicators.

Speaking of Storm Speeders, I'm actually warming up to the idea of running a Thunderstrike as a backfield unit, using the range of its guns to keep it out of harm's way. It's durable enough that it takes real firepower to kill it, and it's dangerous enough to make the opponent want to spend that firepower on it, meaning that your other units (e.g. Black Knights) won't be eating those shots. I don't think I'd run more than one as only one vehicle can get the 4++ from the stratagem, but exactly one could have some play. Or at least it feels like it.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


Took a mostly Primaris list for a test run today for our upcoming tournament. Haven't run "Greenwing" in a while, so I went mostly Primaris with Lazarus as my Warlord. Ezekiel went along to supervise. Assault Intercessors, Intercessors, Infiltrators, Plasma Inceptors, two Eradicator Squads, a Bladeguard Squad, an Apothecary, a Bladeguard Squad and a Bladeguard Ancient provided the muscle. Oh, and a squad of Deathwing Knights...Lazarus gives that 5++ against Mortal Wounds, so I thought he might work well with them.

Went up against Ravenguard with Shrike, a Smash Captain, Vanguard Veterans, Inceptors, Incursors, Intercessors and Eradicators backed by a Redemptor. We rolled up Battlelines: four objectives.

I decided to test "hold the centre of the battlefield" method again with Oath of Moment and Psychic Ritual and again took Stubborn Defiance. Plan was to park the Deathwing Knights in the centre of the Board with Lazarus and Ezekiel while the Bladeguard and Assault Intercessors seized/contested a mid-field objectives.

He had first turn, and pressed hard on my left flank with all his Jump troops. One of his squads made contact with my Assault Intercessors. The melee was somewhat ineffectual. I was now faced with a decision: keep the DW Knights going to the centre and abandon my left flank giving his jump troops a straight shot at my homefield objective; or send my DW Knights into the Vanguard Veterans and trust the Bladeguard to hold the centre with Ezekiel. I opted to divert the DW Knights. The Eradicators took down the Redemptor while the DW Knights wiped out one squad of Vanguard Vets.

His Smashcaptain vaulted over everyone and took out my Apothecary and tied up an Eradicator Squad. His other VV moved back to the left flank mid-field objective with Shrike and Incursors. He was looking good on three Objectives. I was once again faced with a decision - send the DW Knights back against the Smashcaptain or fowards towards the left flank mid-field Objective and destroy the other Vanguard Veterans. I figured I had enough firepower to kill the Smashcaptain. The Intercessors took up the centre while Ezekiel and the Bladeguard went for the right flank to deal with the recently arrived enemy Eradicators and seize the right flank objective. Ezekiel turned off the Obsec for the Incursors. My shooting reduced the Smashcaptain to one wound...The Deathwing Knights charged and destroyed the VVs but the Bladeguard failed a 4" charge...Ezekiel and the Bladeguard Ancient made a charge into the remaining Eradicators, killing them and taking the right flank objective (the Incursors only had one model within 3").

His Smashcaptain took on my Assault Intercessors who had been repositioned as a speed bump near my home objective. Massed fire wiped out my DW Knights. Things looked grim. Ezekiel joined the Intercessors at the midfield and started the Ritual by rolling a 12... I spent my 1 remaining cp and was successful. My firepower was once again unable to hurt the Smash Captain (one wound remaining...), but the Bladeguard Veterans killed Shrike in melee.

Turn 4 saw his centre/left flank Incursors wiped out by Ezekiel, Lazarus and the Intercessors while my Bladeguard were gunned down. His Smash Captain chewed through the Assault Intercessors and my last Eradicators.

At the start of my 5th turn I was on three Objectives, but his Smashcaptain was on my home objective facing a single Infiltrator who had passed morale. I fell back, since I could score the objective and had already got the max for Stubborn Defiance by passing morale in his turn. The Smashcaptain finally fell to Inceptor Plasma.

I won 73 to 69. Getting 15 for Stubborn Defiance and 15 for Psychic Ritual was great, and Oaths of Moment gave me enough despite falling back twice. My plan for Secondaries made scoring Primaries a struggle. Might be more viable at 2000 points when you have more stuff. Lazarus survived the game despite my trash-talking of him on the first page. I think he could be a support character to Deathwing but competitvely Azrael is just so much better for the points. I also think if Psychic Ritual is the plan then you need to take two Psykers - the powers are just so good.

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Another Goonhammer article, and another top 4 finish for Dark Angels, this time at the West Australia Iron Man event.

Link: https://www.goonhammer.com/competitive-innovations-in-9th-brisbane-west-australia-iron-man/

Interesting mix of Deathwing and Ravenwing, a combo everyone was talking about when the book first dropped.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Two questions for my big-brain competitive fellows...

1. I was lucky enough to get nine Attack Bikes, and am debating their builds. Should I go 9x Melta, or 6x Melta/3x Heavy Bolter, so units of three have some ablative wounds before losing efficiency?

2. Can I take Stubborn Defiance and Oath of the Moment, or is there a restriction on one "special" secondary only?

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

1. The price difference between a Melta and Heavy Bolter bike is pretty small. I wouldn't consider either of them 'ablative wounds.' If anything, putting an attack bike in a Bike Squad would be a better way of getting that effect. Personally, I'd go Melta all the way.

2. You can take both Stubborn Defiance and Oath of Moment as the rules stand. You're restricted to one secondary per book, and one per category. These are separate in both categories.
Made in us
Agile Revenant Titan

Austin, Texas.

I got 3 potential lists I want to bring to a local 1000 pt warhammer tournament. Help me decide.

Greenwing Patrol
Primaris Chaplain on bike, master of sanctity, Catechism of Fire, Mantra of Strength, Benidiction of fury, emperors sword -1 cp

9 intercessors with bolt rifle

4 man deathwing command squad THSS/LC
Redemptor dread, plasma, gatling, rockets

Inceptors x3, plasma

Vangaurd Deathwing Detachment

Ezekial - Aversion, Rightous Repugnance, Englufing fear
Ravenwing talonmaster - rite of war, arbitors gaze

2 man deathwing command squad
6 man deathwing stormbolter/chainfist with 2 THSS
5 man deathwing stormbolter/chainfist with 1 THSS
Redemptor Dread, inner circle, Plasma, Gatling, Rockets

Ravenwing Outrider Detachment

Ravenwing Talonmaster, Rites of War
Attack bike x2, Melta
Attack bike x2, Melta
Outrider Squad
Patrol Detachment
Primaris Chaplain, mantra of strength, benidition of fury, the imperor sword
5 assualt intercessors
2 man deathwing command squad
Inceptor Squad, plasma

Which list sticks out to you as the most all around, do well list? I like certain angles of each of these lists, really torn on what to take. Thoughts?

I do drugs.
Mostly Plastic Crack, but I do dabble in Cardboard Cocaine. 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Sheridan, WY

IMO Ezekial is as close to a must take as you can get. IDK how much work a redemptor is going to do at 1000 pts? I'd personally run Ezekial with 2 command squads and as many terminators as you can fit. Who could stop that?

So i guess list 2 looks the best.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/04/22 15:16:01

Made in gb
Been Around the Block

 ZergSmasher wrote:
New Goonhammer Competitive Innovations article showing the top 4 lists at a recent event in New Zealand, and Dark Angels took 2nd place with pure Ravenwing.

Linky for the curious: https://www.goonhammer.com/competitive-innovations-in-9th-equinox-40k/

Apparently 5th place was also pure Ravenwing, but basically pure Land Speeders of various types. Curiouser and curiouser...

My takeaway from this is that I might need more bikes, especially Attack Bikes. I only own one and you can't find them anywhere, either in stores or on eBay unless you want some overpriced "pro painted" ones.

Both the ravenwing lists are really interesting pitty the speeder one is illegal with the 2 ravenwing champions but other than that very cool.i might give them a try at some point as I do own all the models for both lists
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

So, with DE being the new army to beat, might it be time to bring the Stormcannon Leviathan back into lists? Autocannon profile weapons seem to be more value against their vehicles than just about anything else and the aforementioned Leviathan pumps out 16 such shots.

I've been thinking about a combined Greenwing/Ravenwing list with a Leviathan, some Eradicators and maybe some Bladeguard in a Patrol (plus the obligatory troops and HQ), and then a main Ravenwing Outrider detachment with some ObSec bike units, some Attack Bikes, and maybe either a Storm Speeder or Land Speeder Vengeance. I definitely think you need to have something in there to take some of the heat off the Leviathan or it'll just eat every Dark Lance shot from the DE Raiders (or equivalent from other armies).

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

 ZergSmasher wrote:
So, with DE being the new army to beat, might it be time to bring the Stormcannon Leviathan back into lists? Autocannon profile weapons seem to be more value against their vehicles than just about anything else and the aforementioned Leviathan pumps out 16 such shots.

I've been thinking about a combined Greenwing/Ravenwing list with a Leviathan, some Eradicators and maybe some Bladeguard in a Patrol (plus the obligatory troops and HQ), and then a main Ravenwing Outrider detachment with some ObSec bike units, some Attack Bikes, and maybe either a Storm Speeder or Land Speeder Vengeance. I definitely think you need to have something in there to take some of the heat off the Leviathan or it'll just eat every Dark Lance shot from the DE Raiders (or equivalent from other armies).

yep, the dark lances will rip through the Leviathan in no time. I do think you want to take a lot of Ravenwing, jink tanking some dark lances helps as will the saturation. A couple units of suppressors also has the right kind of weapon to take on Raiders.
Made in gb
Been Around the Block

Yeah ravenwing is are best bet for taking on dark eldar just stay clear of spamming attack bikes and black Knights both units are a bit too short range.you need long range to pop the raiders
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Okay, fair points there. Now I'm actually trying to think of everything Dark Angels have that could be good at killing a Raider at range. Leviathans, as mentioned, are an option but not a particularly good one. Personally I don't think very highly of Suppressors either, although at least they are Core. Other units with Autocannon-type weapons include the Predator Destructor (meh), Invictor Warsuit (also meh) and I think Contemptors can take Autocannons of some kind, or the newly popular Volkite whateveritscalled.

Then I got to thinking about our flyers, and how they might actually have a puncher's chance of causing real trouble for DE. The Nephilim's Avenger Mega Bolter puts out 10 D2 shots (at S6), which is pretty nice, in addition to the heavy bolters and missiles. Then there's the Dark Talon and it's mortal-wounding Rift Cannon, and its bolters can cause trouble for most infantry gribblies. Those seem pretty solid for the Death Guard matchup as well, as each successful wound with the Rift Cannon just flat kills one of those ever-popular Deathshroud Terminators.

The Nephilim is probably overcosted for what it does (and would absolutely be a lame duck in the DG matchup), but the Dark Talon might have some real play potential that I have so far overlooked. Flyers aren't super great in general in 9th edition, but being able to kill stuff in your opponent's zone, particularly either objective holders or transports full of melee nastiness, could be useful.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
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