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Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy was not at all happy to let the bishop slip. But while he kept his head relatively cool and manage to not fly into rage, seeing the interest of Von Gaussenberg's offer, he felt like it was not enough... But for now, his single minded obsession would be content if he could gain the right to more or less legally keep an eye on the munistorum... The PDF had already got munistorum aligned overseers because of their schemes, and this would allow him to catch up on this.

"I will agree with this proposal. If we can't take them out of the picture, at least we can make sure they do not play foul again...

But Fridriech, how do you see this world's place in the imperium? What can we offer our Imperium?" Loisy paused. His eyes lit with the passion of ambition, not selfish ambition, but that that aspires to build big, and sturdy, into the millenias.

"What do you think of the Armour World of Saint Bonifatius' Reach? Of the fortress world of Saint Bonifatius' Reach? Of the Garrison World of Saint Bonifatius' Reach?

Look, I've thought about this, and talked about this with my men: to make this place sure, to make sure it serves at its best. A world militarised to high level, where the mutants could not hope to prevail. Look at how fine our PDF are, seasoned, and already, the regiment we first sent is recognised as elite... Imagine: a world safe thanks to a big garrison, strategic to get the Imperium help whenever it will need it, sending seasoned warriors tempered into the underhive the mad munistorum spawned and in spec ops for decades. A place where people are fed and work in a rigourously organised and safe environment. Could we not become this? Could we not serve the Imperium so well in this fashion?

I know you do not wish to be governor, Friedrich. And I will not have this burden fall on your shoulders. But if we can reach a common vision, then, maybe, I should take it up?

I was thinking if this much: give me a decade, to enact.the transformation of this world into a military jewel of the imperium. And then, past a decade, and if things are sufficiently set in motion, I can step down, and retire to get my duties as commander back and elect a new governor.

Would you be part of such a project? I must also consort with the mecanicus, as none of this would be possible without their machines... But that's one more threat to keep in check if we are the biggest stick around...".

He fell silent, and waited for Gaussenberg's answer to this future he wished for.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg listens until the Colonel ends and considers the idea for some moments "You asked how I see our worlds place in the Imperium. All my time within the Administratum has taught me that worlds go through certain phases, a cycle if you will. In the first stages they unlock their natural ressources, set up ressource extraction and agriculture - as long as the soil is stil fertile. They grow and the first hives are build, they grow, their industry developes until they have the power for that crucial last push to ripe to their fullest potential. The brigthest jewels of the Imperium did seldom start of the way they are now from the beginning, they went through these phases. It takes a lot to become a fortress world, ressources, industry, people... I'm not convinced St. Bonifatius is already at the stage that such a transformation would be successful, certainly not within a mere decade."

He holds his hand in waist height "we are here", he raises it above his head "we want to get there, but the jump is still to big. First we have to get here." he goes back to eye level. "I would... prefer we took another two or three decades to push our industrialization forward, to finish the first hive, reach a critical number of at least some 2 billion souls, set up the ressources in food and warmaterial to equip such a force as you imagine. And THEN is the time to transform it into a Garrison world, right when the capacity for expansion in ressource extraction start to dwindle and Soldiers become the ressource we produce for the Imperium.

But even in this vision of mine I would like to see you already starting to build this up. Construct fortifications at the most important points that will become the cristallization point for future fortresses, groom the officercorps an army of billions will need, recruit and train an army now to become the veterans that will build the backbone when general conscription and compulsory military service become the norm. Take your time to do this the right way and your dream will come true. But in my opinion we have to be patient for that."

He waits some moments to get a grip on Loisys reaction which he expects to not be very happy. But he wanted to get his honest councel across. "All I want is to serve the Imperium to the best of my abilities. I will happily leave the post of governor to either you or the cardinal, or to another candidate of compromise from outside. But I firmly believe that we should all work together and not fight each other. There is no reason why bonifatius reach should not be a center of worship and a fortress world simultanously, although my councel for our esteemed Cardinal would be the same I gave to you... patience."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/16 09:10:18

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy listened carefully. Again, he trusted that his counterpart had way more knowledge and knowhow when it came to economics and politics, and all that mattered was that he would put his expertise to the betterment of the imperium with the goal of becoming that which they should be, in Loisy's eyes. Loisy was not aloof, and he knew this would take more than a decade, but to secure Von Gaussenberg's approval of this plan, he needed to make himself clear that, yet again, this wasn't a coup.

Loisy knew what he had to do to set all this in motion: candidate for governorship, use this position to secure a deal with the Astra Militarum - which should be fairly easy. In fact, while he would give the military accent of the whole, he would not take up a too direct approach in any other matters.

Once the world will be set on the right tack, he believed it wouldn't deviate, even when he leaves the duty of governor. The only true danger was the munistorum - they would necessarily try to backstab hip even more so should they too vote for him. He thought, probably by creating unrest, uprisings, and sabotage the tithes so that the greater imperium denounces him as an incompetent.

But he reckoned that maybe, just maybe, for the good of the imperium at large and this colony, he should put himself at this risk.

And if that didn't work? He'd keep leveraging to steer the new governor into the right direction. As best he could. And he would almost be thankful his mad gambit would fail.

"Thanks you for your honest advice, Friedrich. I'll think about all a.of this ahead of the council. Should I get drinks?"

The rest of the conversation would be about nothing of importance.

(Next up will be for the council, but I'll try to meet with mecadenrite a little before, if this is permitted, to now what the mechanics position would be towards my projects for this world).

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

This time, Cardinal Richemont was not late for the meeting. He arrived early, and was eager to mill with the crowd and the people. He had purposely reduced his entourage, leaving only a few Ecclesiarchy stalwarts to handle important matters and the like. He conspicuously wore an ornamental sabre at his waist, a not-so-subtle and visual reminder of his role as the "Demon-slayer".

He spent time "holding court" in the entryway, listening to supplicants, dispensing blessings, handing out indulgences, and listening to petitions. He could not afford to be seen as aloof. His tour of the outer-shrines and missionary houses, tours of his lands, as well as his regular speaking engagements at the blossoming Cathedral were all vital to show his benevolence to the people. His hand brought prosperity to all it touched.

It was an important contrast to the rough-shod, dictatorial approach that the Colonel had taken. The man had built his base of support with the Kallenese, while the Cardinal was trying to erode the Colonel's popularity in the outer-reaches away from the city. He knew well the stories that were circulating about Loisy outside the proto-hive.

If elevated to the position of governor, the Colonel would surely lean into militarizing the planet. Of course, the Cardinal could gain a lot of power off that pivot; but the man as Governor would quickly turn into an existential threat to him personally. He did not seem like one who was used to compromising, only commanding. He did not want to be the Colonel's enemy, but the man seemed to have an irrational hatred for the Ministorum.

Therefore, the Cardinal's vote was clear. He would recommend Von Gaussenberg to be the new Governor. It was the only choice that could bring balance to the leadership of St. Bonifacitus' Reach. It was best to have a leader in charge who did not want to be the leader in charge. Plus, the man was a true believer in the colony.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

I assume that von Gaussenberg is still oblivious of Richemonts plan to nominate him - at least it will be funnier that way. He would not have talked with the Cardinal about what Colonel Loisy had told him of his plans, it was clear that that meeting had been confidential. But he would have had a similar message delivered containing the corner stones:
- we cannot keep wasting our energy fighting each other
- checks and balances are needed, all three main powers must control each other
- von Gaussenberg wants to keep the Colony going and regarding the rumors within the general public about Richemonts supporters speculating for Bonifatius reach to become a shrineworld and Loisys about a possible fortress world he would mention that both could be done if all three manage to pull at the same rope instead of playing tug of war.
Friedrich just hopes that he - and the colony - not get grinded to dust when the church and the military keep confronting each other... when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object one could say.


As the meeting begins, High Administrator von Gaussenberg arrives in an armored limo, still accompanied by a squad of 4 elite PDF-bodyguards that Colonel Loisy had provided. Even on his way to the meeting he had stiill worked on some filing and paperwork and walking through the corridor he made some last urgent phonecalls. Administration business never ended. His entourage was very small compared to the others, only 2 other leading administrators and a couple of lower ranking clerks specialized in providing their superiors information should they need it. His Uniform was still the same simple yet distinguished black piece, with some accessories denoting his rank in the administratum, but overall he seemed to keep his livestyle relatively simple for a man of his position. He had attended Governor Gallows funeral - the man deserved all respect for serving Bonifatius reach for a good two decades and upon entering the council chamber he took the time to again give his condolences to Gallows widow.
Afterwards he formally greets the other council members and important representatives as etiquette demanded and then settles into his council seat. He awaits the coming minutes with a certain amount of anticipation and a queasy feeling in his stomach. Specifically as he expects Cardinal Richemont and Colonel Loisy to both reach for the position of Governor, putting him in the very unfortunate position of being forced to decide between the both of them. A decision he still hadn't made, despite a lot of time thinking about it.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Coming to the meeting, the colonel was applauded by the crowd, shouting his name in respect and admiration, waving banners of the PDF and portraits of the officer. Unlike Richmont, however, he feared that munistorum operatives could hide in the crowd and thus only saluted from afar them with a wild smile, and let the children come near his bodyguards to get a better view of the man. The Bodyguards themselves were actually recieving a respect and attention they were not at all accustomed to, and their featureless faces covered up entirely wouldn't let one know what they they felt about this.

Loisy firstly went.to meet Mechadandrite outside, greeted him, and processed to talk business: that is, he put forth the possibility of militarising this world as both a way to make it secure and influent, while in the meantime serving the Imperium, and, amongst other things, potentially being an interesting investment for him as well to get a patted on the shoulder by his own organisation considering the huge contingent of techpriests that would get the chance to be formed, live, and go sai' the stars with the Potential Regiments levied to go look for STC, or whatever, the point he tried to get across was: this will be good for you too, Magos.

Loisy, as usual, in his ceremonial outfit, in fact, this was pretty much the only time he would, as outside the council meetings, he always was clad.in standard issue combat fatigues. The famed Kallenese Bodyguards followed, but this time, guns safety off, and ready to pounce at the poor soul or servitor who'd so much as look like he would harm the Colonel.

Even before meeting with Von Gaussenberg, but even more so right afterward, he had compiled a file of Epic proportions that would make the latter envious, filled to the brink with law excerpts, numbers, projections, statistics, scenarii, contacts with the Imperial Guard, military mapping of the system, the proud history of the 1rst Saint Bonifatius' Raid Regiment... All of this was for one sake: to prove by reason that the direction he wanted to have this world head towards was the logical and correct one.

Upon entering the room itself, he collectively greeted all present parties politely, then sat down, and waited for his turn to speak. Now was not the time to overthink, paradoxaly. He was going to make a mad leap into a pool of blood hungry sharks, and in truth, he felt like he was going to make the greatest sacrifice of his life in the name of this world's future and the Imperium betterment. "The heck you are doing?" A voice kept asking, but he nodded it away "this is my duty".

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/16 19:04:15

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Too bad the Bishop and the Tech-priest were not able to vote, as he had spent time and effort currying their favor. Probably for the best though.

The Cardinal stood and made is way to the podium. Time to get the show started...

"Imperial citizens and loyal servants of the God-Emperor. It is a blessing to serve, one that we can all participate in.

Our world is on the brink? On the brink of what is yet to be determined. As I salute the dutiful and faithful service of our loved, and departed Governor Gallows; it is time for us to look forward.

Old grievances must be cast aside, and a new path forward paved in blood, sweat, and tears. Therefore, it is clear to me that of the three amongst us who can serve, there is only one candidate who is clear.....

The old orator paused for effect. He had been consciously using the forms of rhetoric taught to him in the Schola Progenium and that he had been perfecting during all his years as an orator.

"The man to lead us all forward in service to the Emperor can only be..... Frederick von Gassenberg! Long live Governor von Gaussenberg!"

With that he gave the signal, and his supporters in the galleries roared in approval, crying out ""Long live Gaussenberg! Long may he serve!" The Cardinal ceremonial drew his sword, and laid-it on the ground before Von Gaussenberg, and kneeled to the Adept Primaris. His head held low in supplication.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/16 19:26:14

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
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Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg blinks a couple of times and looks around astonished as the cheering people, as he is pretty flabbergasted by what just happened. A silent "what the f..." forms on his lips and if he would have to be a pretty good actor to only pretend his surprise.
A moment later he forces himself to some composure, again being the figure of a dutyful, stern administrator he usually gives as his public persona, not really picking up the chants, but looking at Cardinal Richemont with a questioning look. It was an... interesting move. He could see the arguments for it - at least it would avoid the direct confrontation between Ecclesiarchy and Military for now. And on top of it, it would put von Gaussenberg up as Colonel Loisys opponent instead of Richemont in the election, thereby keeping the Administrator and Colonel from sticking together against the cardinal , which was not a plus for himself of course. Well played one could say.

He sends a still somewhat puzzled look over to the military leader, still processing his options and what further course of action would be in the best interest for the imperium. For now he doesn't proclaim anything, neither acceptance nor refusal of the nomination, trying to get at least a first impression of Loisys next move.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
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Dakka Veteran

The die was cast...but how would Gaussenberg respond?

It seemed to be the most pressing matter, though a few other minor loose ends had also been tied up.

Namely, Mechandrite had reached an agreement with the Colonel. Some of the PDF trainees would assist Ad Mech dig teams for archeotech, and in exchange the Ad Mech would prioritize some high list items for the PDF. Namely, specialty infantry weapons, artillery shells, mortars, and some additional light vehicles, all of much were sorely lacking.

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy's turn came. He stood, and it was time for him to play his own character... Which was surprisingly difficult. Staying normal when you are about to try and convince a million soul that you have got the best ideas and that these might entitle you to command them, it's hard to act normally. But he managed it. He stood greeted people with his usual mix of sympathy and strictness again. And then, whereas Richemont's speech was brief and emotional, his was to be factual and complete, although that cheerfully ambitious tone came back in his voice. This was it. The colonel's paranoia had mutated into a fixed idea about the munistorum's malicious wrongdoing (in which he was more or less correct), and an iron will to protect this place by military means. Not to fortify this place. But the be the fortification.

He first made a shirt history of this place -a history that emphasised both the need, the importance, and the skill of Saint Bonifatius' military and enforcers. This first part aims at convincing that yes, when tithes somewhat faltered or lagged a bit behind, in fact, we have got something to offer else entirely: warriors with grit.

Then, he asked permission to peep into the wider sector. With holomaps, colorful depictions, images, pictures and citations, this show was almost pleasant. Loisy underlined the numerous menaces nearby, the risks of sect (mostly Genestealers) migrating to or via their world, the need for armories and levies for these worlds at war or soon to be, and thus, their ideal position to supply this.

After this, Loisy talked about what was happening with the enemy within. He talked about the rogue that struck this place as well, that tryid to kill him as well -and failed, fortunately. He spoke about how the Emperor's servants are never truly beaten: because Emperor wishing, their I'll begotten nests could be not the death of this planet, but it's forge and furnace to hone the skills of those destined to the guard. And with that, he proceeded to tell the tale of the 1rst Saint Bonifatius' Raid Regiment, asked for everywhere, decorated beyond counting, and biggest, brightest of honours - combined to prolong it's life, being reinforced.

He then thankfully pointed at the help the new mecanicus is ready to provide with this, saying that our industry is sturdy, and that it can, given the time and direction, grow a full military wing.

He bounced of, making an inventory and projection of Saint Bonifatius' ressources productions: at this rate and with the estimated reserves the mecanicus was not certain it could ever become a forge world of its own, nor a full blown hive world... But it could be a military one, spawning small, elite detachments for the imperial guard, hosting training grounds in some of its plains, life fighting training in the tunnels, Navy relay if the space port is extended...

He concluded. This is the best future we can hope for this place, for it to be secure and to bring something more to our Imperium.

Therefore, I am making you this proposition. Make me interim military governor, or regent, or whatever the title. I'll do all in my power to have the place walk at the best pace towards this future. I say walk, because this will need time. He looked at Von Gaussenberg, to say "I have heard you, and I will not rush this". But when it is done, I shall step down, and take back duties as a commander in chief, and give it back to the rightful owners: the imperial administrators. I make a solemn pledge of this.

He had said it. And the crowd erupted in acclamation, while the soldiers present around here roared their warcry as if to break their lungs under the strain. The Colonel remained as expected of him: stern, serious, and determined, standing straight and honourable.

Now, he could only wait for the vote to decide. Part of him almost hoped it would fail and he would not be crowned governor. But he suppressed it, reiterating these worlds "this is my duty to serve".

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Colonel Loisy's speech was exactly what the Cardinal expected. Cardinal Richemont stayed quiet, clapped politely when the time was right, and made a show of stifling a yawn at times.

There is no doubt that Colonel Loisy is a brave defender, and a hero of ST. Bonifatius' Reach! We should all give him another round of applause for his service.

It is clear, that he is a faithful and dutiful warrior for the Emperor. Such faith is what we need going forward!

HIs words speak to me. Dangers of the mutant, the xenos, and the heretic. In addition, we know that the Colonel has a track record of success against these threats. He has been blessed by the Emperor to be of service.

Therefore, it would be a sin for any of us to keep him from his calling. I maintain my motion for Von Gaussenberg to be our new Imperial Governor, as no one knows the world better than him!

However, stirred by the Colonel's speech, and mindful of the threats around us, I wish to make a second proposal. It is time for our planet to think of not just protecting itself, but to use our might to help the people of the Imperium across the sector.

We should raise an additional two regiments for our tithe, equip it with the help of our Mechanicus brothers, and promote our esteemed Colonel to the position of General. At the head of three regiments, the General can than lead this expeditionary forces out in the name of the Emperor. With such an accomplished leader as General Loisy, they will not fail in their duty and bring military honor to us all and complete the goals the General has laid-out in front of us.

I fully support two promotions today, Von Gaussenberg for Governor and Loisy as General for our expanded military tithe!

Glory to Him-on-Terra!

The Cardinal's followers roared in approval and heartily thanked the soldiers around them for their service. The Cardinal bowed graciously to the Colonel and then stood up to lead the round of applause for his fellow triumvirate member.

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Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy waited for the vote to take place as the protocol wihsed for, but he was almost disappointed in the Cardinal's proposal. The string to sned him offworld, for starters, was ridiculously obviously, but, mostly, it was precisely Loisy who nominated the leaders of the regiments to depart. Puzzling as it was, he did not reply, and waited for the vote. It seemed that his bodyguards caught the trick too, as he felt they wear about to go and take the C ardinals head right there and then, but he gestured them in a fatherly manner as if to say "not yet, comrades".

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg seems very much deep in though during Colonel Loisys presentation but also soaks up the provided information and arguments like a sponge. After all, that was a language he understood - facts, projections, forecasts - which in a way was also a well played out argument comming from the Astra Militarum representive. And he had to admit that already confronting him with the general concept and adopting his council of patience did a lot to win Gaussenberg for the cause. But there remained quite some doubt if the position of governor would not break the man

Cardinal Richemonts proposal started of and adressed some of his concern he wholeheartedly agreed to - loosing their best officer to the torture of day-to-day politics and diplomacy would be a waste, but the following ploy to promote into what was basically exile was as obvious as it was dishonest.

As only the three of them - Richemont, Loisy and himself - had a vote in this, it all came down to himself, and he figured he had a couple of realistic choices.
He could support Colonel Loisy as Governor - which might work for a while but might drive the man over the edge and it would likely escalate into a fullblown conflict with the Ecclesiarchy
He could support Cardinal Richemonts movement to promote the Colonel away - which would either led him to open revolt right now or would leavy von Gaussenberg alone with a chaotic headless Military and an Ecclesiarchy much to powerful for his own liking
He might also as well nominate a completly different, neutral candidate from outside, spliting the vote into a stalemate until one of the others moved to a more sensible position - good luck with that...

But there was of course another possibility, even if he really did not like it. Nobody would really loose out, but everyone would be equally unhappy about the outcome - which was always the sign of a GREAT compromise. A dirty compromise that might, possibly, just work for now.

Through the back and forth cheering of supporters of both sides, he raised his hand and made eye contact with Adept Dophilous who had the chair, calling everyone to order with some slams of his hammer.

When von Gaussenberg finally spoke, it was with solemn words and much less orchestrated and flashy then the other too - but in a way is calm, rational and stern speech might as well be a kind of role he played as well.

"I fully agree with Cardinal Richemont, a promotion of Colonel Loisy is long overdue. Our planet has a population nearing a billion and our PDF is much too large to be led by a Colonel. But I must remind you, that any intervention into the Astra Militarum hierarchy is far out our jurisdiction. And even if this was possible I can only advise against robbing our planet of its most competent officer - a hero of the recent crisis on top of it." which was a formal way of rejecting the proposal of sending Loisy off world without shedding any doubt that the man deserved a promotion - making some of the Cardinals supporters unhappy while gaining the favor of the Colonels.

He turned over to Colonel Loisy and continued "The vision you laid out for us is indeed very well thought through, founded in hard facts and will set a path into the future that will benefit the Imperium as it will ensure the prosperity and security of our world. So I fully support it, your excellency." which obviously made one half of the crown start to cheer "... but..." the crowd fell silent again "I'm afraid robbing our forces of their commander right at the beginning of this critical step into a new area for the colony would be far from a wise decision. For this great vision of yours to be carried through, we need you as a military commander, not entangled in diplomacy, politics and paperwork." - which somewhat turned the favor of the crowd, as he more or less rejected Loisys candidacy for governorship.

He turned towards the other councelors - the Mechanicum Representative and the bishop, but also the members of the higher noble houses, trade komglomerates and artisan guilds before coming back to the Cardinal and the Colonel in turns. "Before we set our votes, you all should know that should this burden really fall on my shoulders, I will set the plans drawn out by Colonel Loisy in motion. There might be some minor adjustments, but overall, what he so expertly laid out for us WOULD become the future of our world. And to fulfill that dream we ALL must pull together, work side by side for these goals and everyone has to play their part - for us all to prosper under the emperors grace." here he takes a long look at both his co-rulers, making clear that while he would fullfill Loisys vision, there would be no way to do this without the Ecclesiarchy - no matter how much Loisy might want this.

"Taking into account what I just said, do you still uphold your nomination?" he directly asks Cardinal Richemont, before turning to the mentioned other councelors asking "before we cast our votes, I would like to hear if any of the other dignitaries wishes to give us their councel."

As he finished speaking, an attentive judge of character might see how von Gaussenbergs shoulders slump a little and that he seems under quite some stress currently. He was not at all happy with the prospect he had just laid out - especially as it would put him between all chairs, forced to juggle dozens of balls at once. But he thought that he achieved what needed to be achieved with his proposition - a compromise that gave everyone a little while making everyone unhappy enough that one could be satisfied that ones competitors are suffering too.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/19 07:45:23

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy stood again. He new he needed to express himself to make sure the crowd of militaries that wish him so strongly governor are not disappointed - as he knows what can happen when that occurs. So He was about to amend his proposal. He could not be an equal to the ecclesiaechy- as this would jeopardise the whole future they envisioned.

"Soldiers and faithful citizens of Saint Bonifatius Reach. You have heard this man. He says he will lead us to the bright future we deserve. Know this much: thus far, he has held up its world in any matter and he knows the intricacy of running in long term better than anyone of us.

Should I cast my vote on him? Would you trust?"

The crowd that supported Loisy started to whistle and protest "No, YOU are the hero, you deserve to be promoted!"

"Soldiers and faithful citizens, let us make a deal. My promotion doesn't need to be to be military in nature. Von Gaussenberg, if you are governor, will you hear the cry of the people, and elevate me to a higher degree of overseeing and responsibility in your government? I am a man suited for the future we would like to make happen. But I am not power hungry, as I serve none but the Emperor and it's cattle. I will gladly lay down my candidacy, if only I can rest assured that my know how in military sphere will be put to its best use".

In shorts, he was offering Von Gaussenberg his vote in exchange for a position of prime minister of sorts.

The crowd, in fact, started cheering "Make the Colonel Prime Minister! The Hero deserves the promotion! Make him General!".

With the same fatherly gesture he used with his soldiers, Loisy calmed the cheering, half of which, spoken in Kallenese, was not understandable by his counterparts.

Loisy was visibly starting to gain experience in politics. He knew of Von Gaussenberg was fond of compromises, and using the crowd, he understood there was a way to force an ever so small meaning in his direction, thus making sure the government would actually follow the guidelines he laid, while saving the compromise, and while gaining the people to the cause.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Richemont saw where the Colonel was trying to box him out of power. Clearly, the man was a better orator than he had been, but he still had no grasp of politics. Politics was not a command and control process. It was a negotiation and a balance. No one had to do anything for anyone else, unless they wanted to. It had to be mutually beneficial, and that was something the blunt instrument of Loisy did not understand.

The Cardinal stood-up, "If we wish to fulfill the dreams and ambitions of the Colonel, then we are well on our way to be the next Kallanese stronghold, likened to the soldiers of the death world of Krieg." The Cardinal purposely called out the foreign tongues being spoken by Loisy's supporters.

"Such a path is useful to the Imperium, so we can send our sons and daughters into the stars to defend us, and if they are skilled enough in arms to receive their own planet in the distant Marches far from here." Again, the Cardinal chose his words carefully. He wanted to stir the crowd against these foolish ideas of foreign conquest when their own world was still in the early stages of growth. He needed to sow doubt about the heavy boot of Loisy in charge.

"Big dreams from the Colonel and his PDF troopers, troopers from a different world; and born of their own fire. I think of their glorious record of enforcing their ideas with the barrel of a lasgun. However, force without faith is not what St. Bonefatious himself stood for. To quote the great Saint, "The works of the lasgun are temporary, the work of the soul is enduring." Those with the lasguns need to be strong in faith, to enforce the Emperor's Creed and will, and not in service to the demons we all carry within ourselves. The Cardinal purposely was calling attention to Loisy's service record and previous failings, those that he knew Von Gaussenberg was well aware of.

"The Great Enemy delights in turning the savior of today, into your damnation tomorrow. Therefore, we need to entrust in the great bureaucracy created by the God-Emperor himself, and set in motion by his own hand. The Administratum, the Ecclesiarchy, and the Munitorium as demonstrated in the Holy Aquila itself," The Cardinal made the sign of the Aquila as a visual demonstration.

"We have come this far, thanks to the Emperor's guidance, and using the model he set forth for his divine realm. To seek to change it now and undermine the divine sanction of Him-on-Terra...... seems the height of dangerous hubris. We risk the great things we can do for the Imperium by straying from HIs path. " The Cardinal was openly speaking to the crowd as well as to the Governor.

"I am just a humble servant, a mere man who listens to the words of the Emperor from scripture. A soldier without food, is not a soldier. A warrior with no weapons, is but an empty vessel. A guardsmen with no spaceport, is a statue. Can we build and create armies for the Imperium? Yes, but what good are these armies when they can not be fed, equipped, or moved? They are like grox dung, useful for making a fire in your own hearth only." Here the Cardinal was pointing out how so many soldiers, undert he control of one man was more likely to cause revolt and unrest at home, rather than be pointed at the stars. He hoped Von Gaussenberg was hearing him well. His words were also a coded message to Loisy, that his dreams were just that dreams, for without the Cardinal's aid his soldiers would starve, his soldiers would drill with wooden sticks, and they would be stuck here on this world. Soldiers couldn't grow food, build weapons, or fly themselves to the stars. Something that the blunt instrument of the Colonel needed to be reminded of.

"Therefore, let us put our faith in the model the Emperor himself has shown us. I nominated von Gaussenberg to be Governor, and ultimately it is up to him. If he is ready to take on the burden of leadership, I will support it. However, the burden is for him alone to lead, and the rest of us to act as his steward and guides, as equals. He would be the first among equals. As the charter and God-Emperor intended." The Cardinal again made the sign of the Aquila and bowed low.

This time, he did not ask for his followers to cheer. He left the great hall silent, giving the space to contemplate his words, to let their subtext sink in.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/20 15:09:16

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Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy could not hold it to himself and broke the silence instantly.

"Oh, but I am well aware of this, Cardinal. I know my business well, as I just aptly demonstrated with this full exposé. I must say I got to train at it a lot while you where nursering the heretics I chased in the meantime."

He laughed. Besides, I am not aware that I either canceled nor disapproved the construction of the cathedral in the meantime, nor forbade any of these men, who attend church everyday, to do so. I am not certain where the reproaches come from, Cardinal. Unless, maybe, you are afraid of something. Are you dissatisfied with these people who have been defending this world since it was settled? If you have a grudge about all this, refer to me, but so not let this sabotage out future."

Loisy was being blunt on purpose. He had matured. He understands very well that those who back him up are people who are themselves blunt, whole, and determined. And that this council was a show, unlike the previous ones. Thus, he intended to show all spectators that he feared no man, and that nothing would stop him in his tracks. He knew full well that Von Gaussenberg, at this very instant, was probably at the brink of fainting from the incident.

The second goal of Loisy was, obviously, to push the Cardinal to the fault. He had learned, and this time, he would not get at their throats right there and then. No. Instead, he would make them made, put them on the defensive, under such scrutiny that they can't hide.

At this stage, the Colonel was fully letting loose the scars of his psyche: while no fit of rage overtook him, the full ruse of his intelligent mind was focusing on the fight he had set himself in. But hopefully, in a way that would not, truly endanger his long term view for the world.

Loisy looked at Von Gaussenberg. He understood full well that the best that could happen was the administrator calling the fight off right now, and have Loisy's world's hang in the air instead.

Tensions were riding one notch....

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Mechandrite grabs his electro staff and knocks it on the ground in response to Gaussenberg's question.

"The Mechanica supports your candidacy for Governor."

Meanwhile the Bishop weighs in with a different point.

"I support my Cardinal as it is the right course of action. But if you (Gaussenberg) have doubt in your mind about this course of action than perhaps the High Lords should consider another proposition.

Perhaps you simply divide the world between the three of you? Three Principalities, three Governors in their own right. Three entities with their own men at arms so that no single source of corruption can overcome us? And one council to coordinate on the important matters, such as the division of tithes."

I imagine the settlement would be a simple matter. Half of the great city for the Cardinal, and the other half for Gaussenberg and a nice ferrocrete wall to separate the two halves. And the Colonel can enjoy a peaceful reign over the countryside."

"It is my...humble proposal to you High Lords."

Mechandrite whirls and hums as it processes the words of the Bishop before speaking in a hollow metallic voice.

"The lack of a centralized authority would be extremely inefficient. I calculate a 96.34% chance of economic stagnation were this to occur."

A pause...

"However, I acknowledge that the Mechanica have also been inefficient in eliminating corruption within our own ranks. So I acknolwedge approximately 3.66% validity to the Bishop's argument."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/21 00:40:39

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

That was really, really bad... Friedrich had half a mind to just leave the Cardinal and Colonel to it, duck in cover with the most essential parts of the colony, let the two of them nuke it out and pick up the shards afterwards. Especially since being in charge in any way and form while sh** hits the fan because the vendetta between the two of them would mean his head would be on the chopping block too. But as much as he hated it, just leaning back and watching meant neglecting his duty against the Imperium.

He listened to the councel of Mechandrite and the Bishop, considering this option, just as he thought about Colonel Loisys demand to be made prime minister. Cardinal Richemonts and the Colonels only barely veiled threats against each other doesn't really do much to make this easier. Non the less he had to do his best to salvage what could still be saved.

He raised his hand to speak and when it is his turn he first calmly adresses Loisy, who had offered to elect Gaussenberg for the promise of being made prime minister. "I'm not insinuating you to be power hungry or questioning your loyalty to the Imperium. But as you know the the Decree Imperialis Militia Separare, created by Primarch Guilliman after the Horus Heresy very clearly states that power - especially military power - has to be limited and separated to make it impossible for enemies of humankind to subterfuge and turn them against our people to cause war and destruction. It is not for us to question the wisdom of the son of him on earth." which is... an interpretation of the decree that split up the Imperial Army into the Astra Militarum Regimentos.
"The great Primarch was of course more than capable of handling affairs military and excecutive duties, but for mere mortals like us, that is to much to ask for - hence he set these rules into motion. I cannot promise you to elevate you into a position of excecutive political power AND leave all the duties and responsibilities of PDF, Astra Militarum and Enforcers to you - lest you would perish under the work load. If you wish to play a greater role politically I - should I be elected governor - would unburden you from some of these responsibilities by giving the stewardship of our every day security and police work to someone else..." which heavily implied the cardinal.

Gaussenberg was tiptoeing on eggshells, but hoped that what he meant was more or less clear. He could not and would not give Loisy full contol over all armed personell AND more political power. That was too much. If he wanted more of one, he would have to surrender some of the other.

Now that was his immediate response to Loisys demands, he came over to the Bishops proposition and Mechandrites opinion on them "I too think that dividing this world in three would weaken us, for the mere prospect of avoiding a supposed conflict of interests that I'm not sure is really there." which was a blatant lie, as it was obvious to everyone that this conflict was very much present.
"I'm still convinced that for this colony to be a success, we need to pull together, pool ressources and act as one - and a devision would seriously hamper that. It is difficult to fully lay out, how the future will play out, but I deem it wise to task Colonel - and soon to be General - Loisy with all affairs concerning our military and the military-industrial complex as far as it concerns the PDF and Astra Militarum. Our Good Cardinal on the other hand should be in charge of the civilian populace, agriculture, industry and of course and above all our spiritual well being - which in my mind also includes relieving pressure on the PDF by supporting them with a force policing the everyday live of our populace. And for the well being of us all and the Imperium as a whole, there will be shared and reciprocal controls of each institution to root out corruption early and at least plant and foster the seed of mutual trust. I see my own role in this merely as a mediator, focussing on keeping the machine running. Could you live with that?" he looks at both his Co-rulers in turn

So another attempt at a compromise. What Gaussenberg tries to lay out - still unhappy about it himself, as his head was on the block if things went south - was that Loisy and Richemont basically get almost half of the power on the planet. Loisy would have the Military and the parts of industry elementary for his field of work, Richemont the rest of the industry, agriculture and a much better grip on the civilian populace including his own armed force. His proposition even went so far that Gaussenberg himself would only go for a minor slice of the cake, spliting it somewhat like 40:40:20 instead of fairly, hoping that this offer was tempting enough for the two of them to grab it and maybe let their conflict rest for now.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/21 13:56:27

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
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MN (Currently in WY)

The Cardinal smiled, "I would like nothing better, and hence why after much prayer, I pushed your candidacy forward. You can count on my full-support and cooperation Von Gaussenberg."

The Cardinal assumed they could deal with the details later, after Von Gaussenberg was comfortably the Governor. For now, he was satisfied that the once-and-future Governor had recognized the threat that Loisy posed to the balance of power if he had all the firepower to himself. The Colonel's blunt talk had played right into his hands and let the Colonel expose his own limitations to Von Gaussenberg and the other power-players in the room. Colonel Loisy's ambition and goals were clear to all with the ears to listen.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/21 14:29:57

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
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Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy pulled up a stunt, and brought the latest crisis at hand:

"I agree with most of what you say von Gaussenberg, and I'm glad you envision this world as the nest of warriors it must become in the future. For that, because I acknowledge your innate understanding of politics, administration, and your integrity, I still support your candidacy over mine, as again, we have got common goal for the Imperium's and this colony's sake.

However, I have amply proven that I too know my business, and I say: we have seen what it lead us to to arm other people than the regular army, and what said army had to contain against, fighting its own people, bred but its own institution. For this, I assure you - none other than the Imperium's dedicated servants should be able to look after our forces at arms. For this reason, only the imperial guard should oversee us, the soldiers. Besides, I dare remind that most imperial institutions that are not the PDF or the guard are not to get access to force, lest it could arise and seize the planet, as we, once again, nearly saw it happen already. But as still understand your concern that the PDF should also be the enforcers. For this reason..." Loisy paused.

"Von Gaussenberg, I'll amend what I ask for. If we want a force of police to look after me and the traitors in our ranks, then, it should be offworlders, and not just any ones. Call for the adeptus arbites to settle in this world proper - this way, none can accuse us of treachery.".

Loisy's reaction was as blunt as always. They wanted to look after him, but not the cardinal? Then, Loisy presented that option which they couldn't deny. Not wanting the arbites to increase presence was a sign of having something to hide, and he would pooint it out.Willingly calling for the arbites dismissed all doubts that he was power hungry - none would call these stern law enforcers if he wasn't sure of his own innocence.

At the same time, these enforcers would not have got anything to do with the Ecclesiarchy, while actually fulfilling the demand of von Gaussenberg. But the such a maneuver would also bring more scrutiny to the world in exchange.

This time, the crowd didn't cheer. The atmosphere was getting tense again, and fingers were itching on the triggers of a fair few. It is probable that would Gaussenberg not have stated he'd follow Loisy's general direction, the crowd may have gotten out of control. Or at leat, it felt so.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/24 16:25:58

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Well... that was it. Loisys assumption was right - or at least von Gaussenberg came to the same conclusion - he couldn't really deny letting the Arbites handle the policing of civilians and controls of Loisys forces instead of handing that power over to the Cardinal. And he could fully see why the Colonel proposed this, still hellbend on confronting the Ecclesiarchy and keeping them down. The flip side of this was: while Friedrich would have dared to try and dance on the edge of the volcano as long as the two other powerplayers were equal enough in power to balance each other out, what was layed out on the horizon here was nothing worth taking that risk. He would be held responsible for what happened in the next years and decades while being only a ceremonial figure with an all too powerful prime minister. A puppet in all but name and title and yet still the one who would have to take the fall if things went wrong - which they inevitably did sooner or later.

He took his time to show the audience how he thought about Loisys words, nodding in agreement before announcing in a measured tone, friendly and agreeable: "That is indeed a wise proposal, which I fully support. Nonetheless I have to beg the forgiveness the esteemed council, as hearing the arguments brought forth, I have adjusted my opinion. I hear your deepfelt dedication to this cause and your adamant conviction in your ability to not only be the excellent commander you have been for our armed forces so far but also handle the burden of political power that comes with a higher political position. I was wrong in doubting that you could handle both. I don't think it would be right or fair to only promote you to a rank like prime minister if in fact you are utterly devoted to handle both affairs at once. Such a load of responsibilities should come with the corresponding rank, instead of me occupying the throne while all the reigns in truth are entrusted into your steady hands.

Therefore I will content myself with my current role as a humble servant of the Imperium, focussing on the necessary administration, taxation and so on while watching in awe how the vision you so expertly presented to us takes form. I cast my vote for Colonel Loisy as Governor."

Now the fun was about to begin, as he was curious how the other two would react to that. Gaussenberg himself had tried to compromise, but he would not walk to the shambles blindly and be a puppet governor ready to be the scapegoat while others reigned in all but name. Meanwhile he hoped that his mention of the load of responsibilities reached Loisy who would have to take responsibility for ALL the colony, not just the military as he would have under Gaussenbergs compromise proposition. And his last sentence of concentrating on administration and taxation made clear that he might focus on his own projects instead of fully investing in the fast transfer to a garrison world, depending on what transpired in the future. Loisy wanted all the power, than let him have the responsibilities that came with it. And if he wanted to fight the Church, let him have a go and see where that leads...

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
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Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

The Cardinal did not expect that! It was obvious that Von Gaussenberg had taken the measure of the man, and found him wanting. However, trying to lead or compromise with the Colonel was a fool's errand. HIs paranoia and trauma was etched too deep. Instead, Von Gaussenberg intended to let him burn-out like a wildfire.... the question was who was going to get burned in the process?

The Cardinal carefully removed his towering hat, and threw back his head and laughed heartily. He then, careful put his hat back on, picked up his sword, and re-sheathed it. He stalked over towards the Colonel.

"One should be careful what they wish for, as the Emperor may just grant it! the Cardinal gave a huge grin.

'I agree, let us turn to off-world support. We will call in the Judges of the Emperor to enforce the Lex Imperium and ensure we are meeting our obligation to the Imperium..... via the tithe!

In that same vein, I also vote for Colonel Loisy to be given the Governorship; and responsibility for meeting that tithe!

May his reign be long and glorious, with the wisdom of the Saints guiding him.
" With that the Cardinal turned and gave Colonel Loisy a blessing. A huge grin on his face.

Now, the largest question was, what would the new balance of power look like. He was confident in his position with the Bishop and Magos Mechandrite, since he financed and provided the workers needed for the Manufactorums. He needed to understand Von Gaussenberg's vision for the next decade.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/24 20:01:22

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy almost choked on himself. The crowd was cheering madly and raising banners and guns up high in enthusiasm, covering up his -for the first time in ages- almost panicked face.

The voice of his reason was telling him that he had gone too far. But he shook it away "this is my duty".

He quickly regained composure, and he stood to speak. He could not step down now and jeopardise everything.

"I am honoured by your proposals. In that case, let the burden of leading this world towards a glorious future fall on me, and that I perish if I weaken.".

"THAT WE PERISH IF WE WEAKEN" the crowd roared.

Loisy's mad mind had now one new focus: to achieve the genesis of the garrison world of St Bonifatius Reach. And to that effect, he'll have got to take reach out to his contacts in the Astra Militarum and Munistorum.

However, for all his obsession, he remained loyal and while he doubted the loyalty of most, he still knew that he was not omniscient and was neither an economist nor a politician. For that reason.

"Then, Von Gaussenberg, in regards to your invaluable skills and longsightness, I henceforth make you prime minister. Cardinal, as for you, I have no higher mandate to give, than that of upholding the Holy Emperor's Church - and this is already a tremendous task as it touches to the spiritual and not just the mondane.

I would like to see the both of you in private afterwards, to discuss like men, and not just officials, what's next."

Loisy could not give anything to the Cardinal yet, but in a way, the order -and not just proposal- to meet in private was sort of a hand towards him. Have a fair talk, and settle things as right as they can. As blunt as he was, Loisy could not again spit harsh words in front of the crowd. He understood all the threats in his grin and the hypocrisy in his blessing. But this was of no matter. He'd have had to sort it out anyway, governor, or not.

As for Von Gaussenberg, he genuinely recognised his usefulness. And there has been a sort of respect that grew for the man, and Loisy, as the brute that he was, reckoned that it'd.be better to settle objectives eyes in the eyes with a glass of liquor, rather than amidst the theatrics of the council. This was the style of leadership he had already in the army: talk to the people in question, exchange a few blows if need be, and move onwards.

Loisy was set. He was going to do all he could to achieve his goal. In contradiction to this blunt and relentless nature, he truly was ready to crumble and perish under the workload if it meant he'd.leave this colony in the glory he wished. Was it apparent to all others? Probably not. To him and his partisan? Water clear.

Whether he'd actually be up to this task, only the future will tell......

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg falls in with the general round of applaus and agrees to a meeting in private with the new appointed governor later.

When they meet in more secretive manner the Prime Administrator would repeat his intention for the immediate investments he is planning:
1. transfer the support for the Cathedral construction he had pledged and promised the last decade, to show that he is a man who keeps his word and also to improve the compliance of the populace through the proven influence of the imperial faith
2. Invest in interplenatary communication. One thing the latest crisis showed was the vulnerability of their current Astropathic choir, so he wants to ensure that there are secure channels to reach their contacts off world. Specifically he will ensure that each of them - the Cardinal, the Colononel-to-be-governor and himself have a heavily encrypted phone to directly call each other in case of crisis to avoid misunderstandings as well as another secure line to reach their respective imperial higher ups without interference of the other two rulers. A precaution to keep the scales of power balanced. He would also continue networking and lobying in the Imperial Administration.
3. Pay for the Genescanners they talked about to be installed, but with some modification. They should not only be used for detection of mutation but also for plague detection and possibly even to track vaccination stats and the like. Basically they shall play a role in pandemic prevention.

Regarding the bigger long time picture, when it comes to dividing the tasks between the three of them, von Gaussenbergs would go for an overall approach of foccusing on crisis prevention, production improvements and infrastructure. This would in the next decades include for the first: things like vaccination campaigns and stockpiling of medicine for the most common plagues, improve water purification and general recycling systems to keep enough ressources for the growing population on world, maybe even stuff like early warning systems for asteroids and the like.
To meet the tithes von Gaussenberg would generally steer towards keeping the bureaucracy somewhat at bay and the red tape limited. If a certain measurement makes it easier to meet the tithes, the paperwork can be quite forgiving under his rulership.
Infrastructure wise he would focus on making the hive and manufactorums work as efficient as possible and use up the ressources provide with the least possible losses.
In general he would not interfer with the other twos powerplays, just generally trying to serve the Imperium as good as he can.

Edit: also there are no hard feelings towards Loisy. Von Gaussenberg remains a teamplayer and would stick to his word not even recruiting a personal Bodyguard but completely relying on Loisys men

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/26 15:12:37

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Time passes quickly and uneventfully for the next 20 years and many wonderous things come to pass. The world develops from a C- (Underveloped Civilized) to a G- (Minor Garrison world). You witness the following events unfold.

-The spaceport and orbital dockyards are finally completed, opening up the world to vast amounts of trade. Ships from all over the sector begin to arrive, and the Imperial Navy itself establishes a presence at the dockyards as the world becomes a place for ships of the line to re-supply and repair themselves. Ancient wise Tech Priests immigrate to your world, beinging the knowledge to fashion larger warships with them.

-Transport ships carrying Imperial Guard regiments also begin using your world as a port of call and soldiers often journey to the planet's surface to enjoy shore leave.

-The planet raises 3 Imperial Guard regiments which join the Primarch Guilliman's Indomnitus Crusade. Meanwhile, a handful of survivors from the fabled first regiment return to your world and re-join the PDF as trainers. They're tight lipped, but rumor has it that the first regiment was nearly wiped out and combined with other regiments during the long war against the Tau Empire.

-On the civilian side, the exportation of raw materials increases exponentially, as does immigration coming into the world. By the end of the 20 year period, the population stands at 3 billion souls, most of which are crammed into the single main hive.

-Your proto hive becomes a true Hive and it is named after the late Governor, Hive Gallows. Construction of the massive Cathedral is also completed and it attracts pilgrims from across the sector.

-The Arbites establish a few precinct houses within the Hive and outside the Hive. Regular enforcers still uphold the law, but the Arbites invest heavily in under hive special operations, and other more clandestine efforts.

-The Inquisition is never spotted though there are rumors of Inquisitorial agents lurking about quietly.

-A few minor cult rebellions are crushed, though nothing that required an extensive military operation. No genestealer cults though (that are known anyway).

-The bio scanners are large and cumbersome, and sometimes unreliable, but a few are installed in critical locations. (The space port, PDF HQ, and the Arbites also have one). It is unknown how well they perform but the ocassional mutant is identified and executed as a result.

-The Colonel starts having nightmares that he will become infected by a genestealer cult and that the world will fall because of his failings.

-Everything seems to happen so quickly. A wise old man is heard saying that in the Era Indomnitus, worlds are birthed and died more quickly than ever. Does that saying apply to your world?

-Faction Leaders:

Governor/PDF Commander: Louise
Prime Minister: Gaussenberg
Ad Mech: Mencandrite
Ecclesiarchy: The Bishop/the Cardinal
Arbites: Senior Judge Dreyfus (More like Judge Dredd than the whig wearing type)
Imperial Navy: Commander Nadlin Summers.

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The Council Chamber

The chamber was larger than it had been in the past, and had significantly more gothic ornamentation but was otherwise little changed from the past. It was late at night and the room was dimly lit.

It did have a few new faces though.

Commander Summers was an Imperial Navy Captain of the Lunar Class Cruiser, the Rightous. She appears as a middle aged woman, pale white skin from spending a lifetime in the void, with just a few wrinkles in the skin, and a few augmentations, just a simple augmetic eye, but her biography placed her age at well over 100 standard years.

"Good Evening gentlemen. I am sure you have heard the news. Your world is now subject to tithe grade Exacto Extremis. All available resources need to be shifted toward ship building. This is necessary for the Navy to recover from the losses inflicted on us by the So Called Ark of Omen at the battle of Solidado. Unfortunately, the rumors are true. A Bale fleet of the Dark Mechanicum have overrun nearly a half dozen worlds and inflicted heavy losses on our fleet. Your world will play a crucial role in rebuilding the fleet. Do you have any questions?"

Mechandrite whirls and buzzes at the mention of Exacto Extremis:

"I calculate significant hardship resulting from the revised tithe grade. Malnutrition will increase by 25%. Disease will increase by 45.2% life expectancy for un-augmented human life will drop significantly as well."

The Bishop frowns at the thought. "Commander, is there anyway we could defer the tithe? Our people are not accustomed to this degree of hardship. The adjustment would be...a difficult one."

Summers shrugs. "Your only alternative would be to find wrecked ships to salvage, and be successful at it. There have been some space hulk sightings in the sector, and I would gladly provide you with that information if you planned to hire privateers to investigate. There are obvious risks to that course of action as well though."

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Prime Minister von Gaussenberg had followed the planets development with quite some satisfaction, as most of the pessimistic events he tried to calculate for did not come to pass. No planetary pandemics, no asteroid impacts, no Xenos invasions - yet. Overall they had an almost perfect start with more like... minor hickups. And knowing about other worlds stony way from the birthing throes to being fully fledged imperial worlds, he could put the sting of their sudden increased tithe rate in the right perspective. As bad as Mechandrites prediction sounded, they were preparing for this a long time and would do their part, as the Imperium demanded.

Therefore he greeted Commander Summers with all respect that was due for a high ranking officer of the Imperial Navy, chipping in to put Mechandrites doubts into the right perspective "Bonifatius Reach will of course comply with what the Imperium is asking in these dire times. While the price seems harsh at the moment, we are fully aware of the importance of it and will be proud to do our part - just as the Imperium always held its protective fatherly hand above us.
Please understand all seemingly objecting points made in this councel merely as musing over how to best preserve our ability to maximize the tithes we can exact in the future. The more of our workforce we can preserve now, the better we will be able to repair and produce ships in the future.

The space hulk does sound interesting, but my knowledge in this regard is very limited. Could you elaborate on the immediate risks that would be involved? And for the immediate situation, could your subordinates forward to my people a list of ship repairs and ressources with highest priority to get the surviving ships in the fight? We should at least get that going immediatly while we are planning forward."

Summers should soon get the impression, that von Gaussenberg is fully on board with fullfilling what the Imperium asks for and seems to have little ethical problems with sacrificing a significant price in lives and wealth of the planet, if this is necessary. He would PREFER to not cripple Bonifatius Reach though as in the long term, more ressources can be provided for the imperium if the workers are not worked to death now.

As he by now goes in the second half of his second century, the Administrator starts to feel the limitations of rejunivation treatments and since some years is always accompanied by Konrad von Bülow, jokingly often called "Gaussenberg junior" as the younger, 50-something Administrator Secundus is a very close protegee of the Prime Minister and quite similar in focus, world view and methods. Born on Mordian like von Gaussenberg it is obvious that he is groomed to succeed the elder and therefore attends most meetings as his secretary and assistant.
[Thumb - Gaussenberg and Bülow4.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/27 19:21:39

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Summers was expecting that kind of answer from Von Gaussenberg...compliance from the local authorities. Not that there was much they could do. She commanded a cruiser in orbit over the planet, which...until she left the system, made HER the De Facto Governor of this world by simple virtue of firepower alone.. and everyone in the room knew it.

Still she was determined to appear to be magnanimous in this situation.

"It simply comes down to salvaging wrecked ships. That's always much easier than building from scratch. You have six system defense vessels, three of which are capable of warp travel. If your vessels assist the Navy in salvaging wrecked ships, either within your system or out of your system, than the bounty is deducted from your tithe and your people can breathe a little easier. I think it's a very generous offer. We usually just commandeer the system ships when a tithe like this comes due."

"As for the risks, salvage is extremely dangerous for the salvage crews. And you run the risk of attracting the attention of heretics and other threats. To be quite honest. I think the only reason why your world hasn't been attacked yet is because it is relatively new...er re-established. That could change quickly if you became more...pro-active in the sector."

"Of course, I'm sure your Faith will steer you toward the correct conclusion." She glares at the Bishop.

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg nods "And we are very greatful for your patience and trust in our capabilities to handle your requests." The question of how to best use the SDF boats and deploy troops for potential boarding parties he leaves to Governor Loisy and his associates - they were far more capable of answerung these. He does have some other questions though, making notes and already shifting recources on his tablet while he is at it. "Regardless of these ships being restored from salvages or build from the keel: sooner or later they will need crews. Does the Navy prefer to provide the crewmen themselves or should we begin drafting and training an adequate number on world? What about other ressources like water, food, fuel? Especially regarding the former we are in a bit of a pinch, as you might have noticed that Bonifatius Reach is rather dry. Forgive me if the request is too frank, but is there a possibility of your ships helping our own boats to tow some ice asteroids from the outer rims of the system into our orbit? It would make supplying the fleet much easier. And while we are at it one might think about towing some rock asteroids too to provide the raw materials for repairs without the need of lifting them up from the surface."

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

With the completion of the Cathedral, the Cardinal was free to spread his influence across two new fronts, the first was building up the Out-Hive missionary and shrines. In addition, he began building his contacts across the sub-sector.

He had a tight grip on the food production and a strong hand on luxury manufacture on St. Bonifactius' Reach. In addition, he had a strong hand in managing the Space Port itself thanks to his funding and land grants. He had considerable sway in what cargo could land, where it could be stored, which cargo had easy access to distribution, and what cargo could leave. This power gave him lee-way with the Ad-Mech, but he mostly left them to their own devices; confident that Mechandrite had learned from 01's errors.

However, for the most part he contented himself with gaining more wealth, influence, and power here and abroad. Several times in the two decades he left the planet in order to conclave with his peers, leaving the day-to-day operations to the Bishop. The man lacked some vision, but he managed as an administrator in the Cardinal's absence. However, the Cardinal still preferred to travel lightly, with only a few priestly aides and his own sense of pomp and grandeur to accompany himself.

While off-world the Cardinal looked to three key tasks. First, he strove to negotiate and authorize the opening of a new Convent for the Order of the Sainted Choir of Battle Sisters on St. Bonifactious Reach. Second, he also updated and received, painful Rejuvenate treatments. Third, Richemont spent time building an off-world support network, should his new Governor decide he no longer wanted to play nice with the Cardinal's power network. Afterall, he needed counter-balances to the new powers Loisy held.

The Cardinal had a strong grip on St. Bonafactius" Reach, but one should always hedge their bets.

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