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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Bears officially miss early may, but maybe mid or late may will happen. A little progress on the fighters:

Color prime

Reproducable paint coat color to start them off. Should have just started white...
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Meant to post this a couple days ago, but planes are done:

Not sure whats next--got necromunda escher, the knights and started some 8mm terminators. We'll see what happens.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

And paint night, mostly got the terminators greened and the details started, and the transports from last time progressed a bit:

Had the necromunda and bots out, but didn't really touch them. Too many tops in the air, hopefully brain will snap to them eventually.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Kinda slow on posting here, kept having "oh lemme finish this thing before I post." Finally got to a break point.

Dwarves finally got done, and in May even:

and their full regiment:

Plus I finished up the terminators and tiny tanks.

Still no motion on the bots and Necromunda, kinda wanted to push myself to finish them this weekend, but the basing took up most of the time I didn't get distracted. Maybe at paint night tonight.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Paint night again, bots got some very minor cleanup, which I forgot to photograph. Started another couple of 6mm rhinos:

But most of the day was running through two Reaper mouslings.

Trying to do some glow effect on the undead, and then the other one was packaged with them so I did them up to match, and also played a little with OSL. Not super happy with how the glow came out on the undead, but kinda like the other.
We'll see if anything else gets done before the end of the month. Need to figure out what I'm doing for Glow Up and the extended centerpeice project challenge. May break the No-GW-in-the-challenge personal rule and try the Warmaster for centerpiece, not sure what I'm doing for glow up.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

A little progress on the robots, trying to break them down into smaller sets so they don't feel as large to start on:

Will have to buy or build more bases, but we'll get to that.
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Those tiny LI planes are looking great!

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More. - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/800909.page

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks blockade! Glad they came out.

Got the knights done:

And started a fire elemental as my likely entry for glow up, being a bit literal. Glow up was the one where I didn't really have much that inspired me for it:

And a choppy piggy warrior lady, designed by Gaz miniatures and printed for me by McGavin Miniatures off etsy.

Front's pretty good, rear I could have prepped a bit better (or at all) with sanding. A little pin-up style, admittedly.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Nice job one the bear cavalry!
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks aku-chan! Glad to finally get them off the bench.
Started some base colors on the piggy and fire elemental--tempted to go back and sand some support marks off the pig, they're a bit more noticeable than I'd hoped, but for now:

And with the elemental, trying some ink based reverse highlights to try for glow. Red is scale75 inktense red, yellow is liquitex, white is vallejo.

Thinking I might need a darker red "highlight" after another yellow glaze pass for some brightness contrast, not sure. Also thinking maybe doing some blue on the head for white hot flame? We'll see how it goes.
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The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

I do think a darker red highlight on the edges of the flames would be good. I might reserve the hottest blue flame for eyes and mouth

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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

About what I was thinking, yeah Nevelon. Maybe out to black-grey even. Forgot the yellow ink at home for paint night so didn't really do more on him.
Instead pushed some more questoris on, almost there:

Need to do the pink highlight, purple wash, and then base up. Shouldn't be too much longer and then will just be three more in this set.

Also made some progress on the piggy and the tiny rhinos, and kicked out a black and white dragon (but not a black and white bike):

Lots of stuff almost done, actually starting to clear space back out in my travel bag...
Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Good job on the bear cav! You got 5
Have you ever played Heroes-M&M6 for Dwarfs? They have some epic looking Dwarf cav that I wish GW or Reaper would make something similar.

I have 3 bear warriors so far, 1 in progress and 2 are duplicates.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks! Never played Might and Magic, but the strategy guide looked cool. Yours look like cool conversions, and its half tempting me to get another of the bones ones to try something similar to expand the unit...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And some minis, just need the white freehand and tolkeinian names for the second three melee knights:

And the first three double gun guys are just waiting on bases to be even with them:

The bases in question:

Could probably just use the last three resin bases I have, but thinking my home-made ones like the above are probably good enough for same army use, but not quite matched for same squad, and getting more from Ragnarok Hobbies internationally is a chore, so I need enough for the back half of the gun boys. Minor slowdown, thinking I could maybe have these guys and the second acastus ready as a household list by sunday...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/08 11:59:50

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

If you do decide to get that bear warrior, get it in the bones plastic, cheaper than the metal ones.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

I likely would for conversions mothsniper--main issue with the bones is it doesn't like thin bits like swords and spears to be straight much, but if I'm doing a weapon swap that hardly matters. Not one in stock at the game store when I checked though.

Got the bases done:

And got some knights on them:

Actually was considering them done , but then I realized I forgot the tilting shields. Still done enough to take them to a game today, where they all got exploded when two titans reactors went up, and also a couple glue joints failed, so back to repair and adjustment they go. Very close to a 1500 point knight household at least.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Paint night again. Got the dragon done with some veins and glazing on the wings:

And started painting the gorkamorka mutie kitbashes, liking the colors so far:

We'll see if these stall out as well, or if we get some done...
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Schedule got changed, so been a bit off on posting, but mire time to paint, so ..
Made a bit more progress on the taur muties:

And also got some velrock designs prints from spellforged renderings on etsy, and primed and started blocking out:

Takes up project space freed by finishing up the other 9 questoris:

A quick close up at some of the tilting shields before attachment:

And also finally figured put what to do with the missing shin armor on my acastus: turns out reaver knees fit pretty well:

So that also got done, putting me at enough knights for a 1500 point household:

Not as successful at progressing my warmaster which I was thinking of using for the centerpeice challenge, but hey, technically started now:

Paint night tomorrow, hopefully make some progress on the fire elemental then, and we'll see what else pops out.
Made in ca
Powerful Spawning Champion

There is not this idea.

That's a lot of knights. Nice looking knights.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks toasteroven! Eventually might get the unassembled 19 and the armigers I've got done...

Paint night wise, fire elemental ready for basing:

Made some solid progress on the muties, added a few colors on the new fuzzy 3d prints and mostly finished a troll:

And did a bit more on the piggy pinup:

Almost time for another basing frenzy...
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

New work schedule messing with my hobby schedule, getting a bit off time, but still have some things to show.
Fire elemental done, will have to post to the challenge later:

And troll done:

Some piggy progress, going to try taking the shine from the wash off with some matte varnish:

And playing with green stuff to try to get some stuff for trench crusade, lions of jabir to be. Both need something I think to not just be "reaper monsters with the wings off", and also feel like standard armor, but not sure what yet.

And readied another batch of tanks for the solar aux, may try to do more assembly like this in my dead times.

Feelong kinda off, hopefully historicon peps me up in a few weeks like usual, but doesn't do the usual rocket rush down a new cool thing...
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Some paint night progress:

Mutie taurs blocked in, more or less:

Foxes likewise blocked, and some mouslings played with a bit:

And a big batch of 3d printed dracosans and valdors needing metallics, with a bit of guest salamander freehand:
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Nice update, thanks for the reminder to work on my LI.

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More. - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/800909.page

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Some progress on the muties, almost there now:

Also playing with drafting a 2nd hand rat ogre into a trench crusade:

And on paint night, started some more rhinos and some progress on the dracosans:

And pulled out some 3d prints:

Werewolf got a lot of work, it and the fennec just need basing:

And some general progress elsewhere:
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Werewolf is looking snazzy!

Looking forward to see you dip your toes into Trench Crusade, people have been putting out some pretty cool stuff for that.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Yeah, been trying to get some conversions for it, but going a bit slow. Still not sure what I'm doing with the two Lions, but am making some progress with the Brass bull:

Also got the Gorkamorka muties done:

and based up the werebeast and fennec:

and started the challenge models for the month:

then had to back up and start another set because i forgot a proof pic, probably doing the kobolds, but the raptors tempt me...

Hopefully get back into rhythim.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Forgot pics on paint night, but roughly what I worked on once at home:

Almost got the 8mm stuff ready to wash, and played with some kroot color schemes on the hounds. Closer shots of the hounds:

And finished up the dracosans and valdor tonight:

I'll get some better shots one they've dried and I have more time.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Bit slow on getting the pics up, but some dracosans and valdors rolling across the featureless plains of eightfive XI:

And less cluttered I hope pictures of the gnolls:

Plus I got the kroothounds based:

Just some brown texture paste with a drybrush or two iraqi sand and a soft tone wash.
Next up, the lastest Oathsworn kickstarter arrived, so we'll see which get done first, kobold swarm, or burrows and badgers for footslogger...

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So actually got a little done after photos yesterday, ended up starting paint night with this:

Rabbit got the big interest, painted him up in the colors of a local LARP group, and basically just needs basing, so should have something for the challenge:

Made progress on the other three and the cat, too, though with some revision work needed and lots of colors to go:

And started the drybrush on the medusas, and block color on the kobolds.

We'll see how much actually gets done before months end, but lots of stuff humming along.
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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

And post historicon report. Very fun con, as always, and a usual my scheduling got screwed up on my end, so I mostly did hobby U and painting stuff.

Took a shipbuilding class, will likely have to look into it more:

Got the details on dry-texture-pallet drybrushing (model seen here after some minor detail additions and basing paste at home:

Also learned the grid method of freehand (grid it out on both, flip bpth upside down and possibly cover the grids you aren't copying outlines on, then add color and cover gridlines), and tried resizing with smaller grids as well:

Brigade games had a painting conrest for their con swag mini, so painted him up one afternoon and put him in:

And also painted up a gnoll from reaper I bought at the con:

(Likewise shown here after base-o-rama once I got home)

And once I got home, finally matte varnished that pig warrior, and then based a whole bunch of things:
Pig warrior:

Rabbit larper and likely contest entry, depending on how much gets done at paint night:

(Have better, or at least different photos in the gallery for submitting if I don't get the other done)

Some rhinos:

And started priming last con and this con's 3d printed terrain haul:

Productive July so far, though still no real motion on that centerpeice...
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