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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Link for the confused https://twitter.com/warcradlestudio/status/1658789520886624256

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Previews off the Trade Website for next month!!

Thule Battlefleet Set - SAUCERS!


Minerva Battlefleet Set - Alliance featuring new support ships (including artillery!) and a massive resin aircraft carrier!


Commonwealth Advanced Support Squadrons - basically support airships, hovercraft and corvettes.


A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

If you thought that Skyfortresses, Zeppelins and Giant Squid Colossi were on the weirder side of releases for Dystopian Wars, this month will not disappoint!

Look up to the skies as an aerial unit like no other hovers above the sea, its vast shadow a portent of the carnage to come. The Enlightened are no strangers to weird science, but the Thule Battlefleet Set takes their scientific prowess to a new level! The Italian forces of the Alliance launch an offensive of their own as the Minerva sends Strike Fighters to hit hard and fast.

The whirring of Skydrills can also be heard this month as the Commonwealth Advanced Squadrons bring a whole range of Commonwealth units now available in their separate box. Also available to pre-order separately this month is the Sturginium Platforms & Objectives Set, allowing you to introduce the platforms found in Cyclone of Shadows, Beyond The Sturginium Skies and Beyond The Hunt for the Prometheus to your tabletop.

Sinister circumstances have led you down an unfortunate path as the eldritch town of Myskham invites you in. Take some time, stay a while, but don’t dig deeper than you have to, as the new Warcradle Scenics Myskham Town Set offers an excellent setting for any eerie wargaming scenario where it feels like every dark corner is staring back at you.

Due to be released at the end of June 2023.


Try not to stare too long at the latest marvel of Enlightened engineering, the Thule Sky Fortress, as it charges up an attack to decimate all those transfixed by its physics-defying hovering. As well as the Thule Battlefleet Set, the Minerva Battlefleet Set is here to bombard any opposing force with a volley of Strike Fighters in the name of the Alliance.

Prepare to add Skydrills and Hovercraft to your Commonwealth fleets with the Commonwealth Advanced Squadrons, offering major offensive capabilities. The Sturginium Platforms & Objectives Set will be a great pickup for any Dystopian Wars player, offering components from Cyclone of Shadows and the Beyond sets for the first time outside of a bigger box.

Thule Battlefleet Set

“I’ve never seen anything like it. How can something so massive just hang in the air? Sure, we've got airships but at least they follow the laws of nature.”

This box contains:
1x Thule Sky-Fortress
1x Adamski Strike Saucer (may also be built as Haunebu or Valtar Class)
6x Euclid Scout Saucer (may also be built as Pytheus Class)
6x SRS Tokens

Minerva Battlefleet Set

It was a small unnamed island, part of an unremarkable chain. Uninhabited. If there were anyone there they would have been treated to a glorious site. A formation of Malinois Strike Fighters soared above the battlefleet, pilots seeing far into the distance thanks to their elevated position.

The triangular craft were only visible as specs by the crewmen below and would have gone unnoticed to the wildlife of the island. Even the men of the fleet who did see made no mention of it as they were far too busy preparing for the oncoming violence.

This box contains:
1x Minerva Assault Carrier
3x Scorpio Artillery Cruisers (may also be built as Vulcan or Jupiter Class)
3x Gladius Strike Cruisers (may also be built as Spatha, Auxillia or Pilum Class)
6x Cestus Zebeks
6x Pugio Destroyers
3x Sagitta hunter Submarines
3x SRS Tokens

Commonwealth Advanced Squadrons

Commonwealth engineering is often a case of forcing something to work, whether it wants to or not. This is surely the case with the Irkutsk Skydrill. While checks and balances of the laws of physics must be adhered to, it doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to work around them.

This box contains:
2x Irkutsk Skydrills (may also be built as Saransk or Tunguska Class)
2x Giyena Shockwave Hovercraft (may also be built as Zubr Class)
4x Escort Tokens

Sturginium Platforms & Objectives Set

Isolated in the vast ocean, the platform stood in defiance of nature. A symbol of humanity’s conquest of the globe in the Dystopian Age. It was quiet now. A fire that had previously run out of control had been put out by a recent storm. All hands abandoned the place during the conflict that had caused the blaze, the only inhabitants now were some errant seabirds pausing their migration.

This box contains:
2x Large set of Platforms (with multiple build options)
2x Small set of Platforms (with multiple build options)
2x Wreck Markers
2x Mine Markers


A dense fog clears in an instant and in the distance a mysterious town can be seen, offering refuge to passersby - but there’s more to Myskham than meets the eye. Introducing a brand new terrain set from Warcradle Scenics, perfect for your eldritch investigations and wargames like Mythos.

Myskham Town Set

The air in ‘The Elder Sign’ was thick with whispers. Furtive looks were exchanged between the regular patrons and the clinking of glasses punctuated the suspicious murmuring. Roger Prendergast wondered why the locals, all of whom shared what he called that “Myskham look”, frequented this particular establishment, then he realised that there was nowhere else to drink in this part of town.

This box contains:
1x Myskham Automobile
1x Myskham Firestation
1x Myskham Subway Station
1x Myskham Town House
1x Myskham The Elder Sign
1x Myskham Urban Scatter

Which of the new releases are you the most excited for? You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or at Wayland Games Online on the 26th of May 2023.

Make sure to let us know over on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and stay up to date with all the new releases right here on the Warcradle Studios Blog.

Read the full blog here

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/23 11:05:03

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

The June releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Two teases from the game Expo! Including Sultanate airship and more

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

Whatever that is on the left is a thing of beauty.

Rest are meh.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I could use those Sturginium Rigs for a few games.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in be
Monstrous Master Moulder

I'm absolutely loving that flying fortress from the Chinese.

And the Skytanic there is indeed a thing of beauty. People on Discord who were there said the people from Warcradle mentioned that ship would be a civilian asset that will be used during new mission in the new 2-player starter set (coming around November this year).

The boy, I say, the boy is as sharp as a sack of wet mice... 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Prepare to be amazed by the feats of the Celestian Empire this month, with miniatures sure to turn heads for Dystopian Wars as well as more from Warcradle Scenics.

A monumental shadow is cast across the turbulent seas of Dystopian Wars this month as the Empire showcases the latest fortification in their aerial force with the awe-inspiring Zhanmadao Battlefleet Set. With towering walls and intricate architecture, this imposing castle in the sky is far from the worst sight to see before your inevitable demise.

With the Minerva launching its maiden voyage last month, the Italians continue to support their advances with the deployment of the Italian Support Squadrons this month. Reportings of weird sightings have continued as the Enlightened Aerial Squadrons fly close behind the Thule, ready to blast any helpless vessel out of the water.

The dense fog of Myskham lingers throughout the town once more, the lessened visibility making each building feel completely isolated as the Myskham Town Set becomes available in individual terrain kits.

Due to be released at the end of July 2023.


As if it’s very foundations were planted in the clouds, the Zhanmadao emerges from the sky this month as an exciting release for any Empire player. Sturdy yet ornate, this Empire Sky Fortress is not one to miss.

The Latin Alliance and Enlightened both see more reinforcements released for them with the Italian Support Squadrons and Enlightened Aerial Squadrons, respectively. With units featured in the soon to be releases Minerva and Thule Battlefleet Sets, give your fleet that extra firepower.

Zhanmadao Battlefleet Set

Kai Chen had joined the navy to escape his rural life, see the world and do his part for the Celestian Empire. He’d heard about the Zhanmadao in training camps but even after learning about their use as a central command unit for a battlefleet and seeing diagrams, he was still awestruck when he finally saw a ‘castle in the clouds’ for the first time

At that moment Kai Chen knew he had made the right decision to join the navy and would make it the rest of his life’s work to be posted aboard a Zhanmadao. This was an example of the Empire’s glory and no one could stand against it.

This box contains:
1x Zhanmadao Sky Fortress
2x Ziwei Sky Bastions (may also be built as Qianshao Class)
6x SRS Tokens

Italian Support Squadrons

“While our discoveries of Sturginium and its uses has ushered in a time of scientific marvels, unrecognisable to those of previous generations, there has also been a recent resurgence of older designs but with vastly more powerful results.”

This box contains:
2x Scorpio Artillery Cruiser (may also be built as Jupiter or Vulcan Class)
2x Sagitta Hunter Submarines
4x Pugio Destroyers
2x SRS Tokens

Enlightened Aerial Squadrons

James Spigot reeled across the deck, feeling that what he saw wouldn’t be out of place in a penny dreadful. Strange saucer shapes soared through the sky, unleashing beams of light that carved through the Crown frigates like a hot knife through butter.

This box contains:
1x Adamski Strike Saucer (may also be built as Haunebu or Valtar Class)
2x Euclid Scout Saucers (may also be built as Pytheus Class)
2x SRS Tokens


Travelling down the silent roads of Myskham, it was as if the small town itself grew with every step, as if it didn’t want anyone to leave. Expand your town of Myskham this month as the Town Set becomes available to pre-order as individual terrain kits for your tabletop.

Myskham Firestation

Myskham has a tendency for dampness and so the chances of an inferno raging through the town are slim. Still, a fire station is a part of any good city's infrastructure. Most are well kept and staffed with volunteers eager to do their part, even if that part is mostly waiting around, playing cards to pass the time.

This box contains:
1x Myskham Firestation

Myskham The Elder Sign

The Elder Sign, while not an imposing site, is certainly a local place for local people. Roger Prendergast was feeling more uncomfortable by the minute. Not that he could see the passing of time from the broken clock on the wall.

This box contains:
1x Myskham The Elder Sign

Myskham Subway Station

Most parts of Myskham were connected to the subway system and of those most were perfectly fine to use. Folks living their daily lives, commuting to work, without anything untoward bothering them. There was one station however, on the outskirts of town, that lay unused.

This box contains:
1x Myskham Subway Station

Myskham Town House

Rows upon rows of terraces criss-cross this part of Myskham. While the boom of industry was strong, town planners thought they could set themselves up for a massive profit by luring workers to this part of town with affordable housing.

They may have put profits ahead of building quality and size but surely they could make a fortune once the houses were full of young families looking for a place to stay. Unfortunately for their profit margins, those already living in the location, as well as the foul smelling fish canning factories that they were to provide workers to, scared their potential workforce off.

This box contains:
1x Myskham Town House

Myskham Urban Scatter

A small, bug-eyed child kicked a can past the Grapevine newsstand. Old magazines whipped around his legs in the cold breeze. String-tied packages of newspapers lay mouldering on the sidewalk.

Folks around here didn’t think much of the city boys and their fake news. They spread information by talking. The gossip among these inhabitants of Myskham spread from house to house faster than a truck could deliver a paper. Those with a suspicious mind might think it was a little too fast to travel, almost as if there was something unnatural going on. Of course, that was impossible. Wasn’t it?

This box contains:
1x Myskham Urban Scatter

Myskham Automobile

While not everyone in Myskham has an automobile, they are quickly becoming commonplace. Even the less savoury parts of the city have got their fair share of vehicles. If you were to ask the locals, few would admit to owning one though.

This box contains:
2x Myskham Automobiles

Which of the new releases are you the most excited for? You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or at Wayland Games Online on the 30th of June 2023.

Make sure to let us know over on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and stay up to date with all the new releases right here on the Warcradle Studios Blog.

Read the full blog here

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/27 14:58:11

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

The July releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.
Made in be
Monstrous Master Moulder

That Zhanmadaoh set is absolutely insane. I'm definitely picking up at least 2 and incorporating some of these fortresses in my terrain!

The boy, I say, the boy is as sharp as a sack of wet mice... 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

An eclectic mix of pre-orders are coming your way this month, including a new Battlefleet and Squadrons Box for Dystopian Wars and a new range of Warcradle Scenics.

Eager to prove their restored might and ensure they are never downtrodden again, the Union launch a fervorous fight for their Independence once more with the Independence Battlefleet Set. The possibility of defeat is unacceptable and will not be entertained.

Setting a course across the seas of Dystopian Wars this month is the Empire Sky Bastion Squadrons, previously seen in the Zhanmadao Battlefleet Set. Empire players would be wise to employ these aerial units to complement their fleets.

Introducing Normandy Farm, the latest Warcradle Scenics set that depicts a wartorn farm. A last bastion for soldiers to hold the fort and fight off any oncoming assault it is perfect for historical wargames like Bolt Action, adding an element of realism and detail to your tabletop.

Due to be released at the end of August 2023.

Independence Battlefleet Set

“In short, after experiencing what this former colony has been attempting recently, it would seem that they are taking their so-called ‘Manifest Destiny’ very seriously. I have observed their Farpoint Platforms in action along with the battlecruiser sized Frontier Class vessels. The Union of Federated States can now create a surprisingly defendable location in a matter of days, if not hours.”

This box contains:
1x Independence Battlecruiser (may instead be built as Liberty, America or Frontier Class)
1x John Henry Vitruvian Colossus
2x Akron Sentry Rotors
1x Cheyanne Hunter Submarine
1x Union Farpoint Sentry Platform
1x Valiant Fast Destroyer
1x Gettysburg Heavy Monitor
2x Springfield Corvettes
2x Escort Tokens
1x Yorktown Cruiser (may also be built as Lexington, Intrepid or Reliant Class)
2x Farragut Frigates
1x Roanoke Strike Carrier (may also be built as either Montgomery, Washington, Discovery or California Class)
2x RC-52 Patriot Automata
2x Talon SRS Tokens
1x SRS Token

Empire Sky Bastion Squadrons

The truth of it was mundane. It had to be. It existed in the world so it could be explained with material engineering and Newtonian physics. Despite that, Kai Chen couldn’t help but look upon the site with wonder. His first aerial posting was aboard the Ziwei Sky Bastion, ‘Abundant Peace’. This was the first time since leaving the mainland that he’d had the chance of a quiet moment for himself and so he stood, gazing out at the open ocean. Shafts of sunlight pierced the clouds and danced across the glassy sea.

This box contains:
2x Ziwei Sky Bastions (may also be built as Qianshao Class)
2x SRS Tokens (B)

Normandy Farm Set

D Company took the abandoned farm without much trouble. A rare time of quiet had them brewing up in the cottage, still standing after the battle. Watches were posted but now it was a time to check webbing, tend to the wounded and catch a breather. Despite the recent fighting the old farm was almost peaceful now. Apart from the Tommies joking around to relieve the stresses of the last few days.

This box contains:
1x Normandy Cottage
1x Normandy Barn (can be built as a Damaged variant)
1x Normandy Windmill
1x Normandy Walls (can be built as a Damaged variant)
1x Normandy Farmyard Scatter
1x Normandy Workshop
1x Normandy Checkpoint

You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or at Wayland Games online on the 28th of July 2023.

Stay up to date with the latest news and releases on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and on the Warcradle Studios Blog.

Read the full blog here
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

The August releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

September sees the introduction of two new powerful Battlefleets and a Squadron box to Dystopian Wars, spanning across the globe and even including a new nation.

The Sultanate’s ever-growing reach is unstoppable, with no terrain proving too difficult to traverse. The deserts and oceans of the Dystopian Age pose no threat to their advancements as the Abydos Battlefleet Set proves the might of Egyptian hovercraft!

Horns of war can be heard in the distance as the Scandinavians launch an offensive. First into the fray and arriving on the tabletop soon is the Scions of Jutland Battlefleet Set, striking fear into the hearts of all those unlucky enough to see an Einherjar emerge in front of their bow.

The clash of the colossi continues as the Union Vanguard Squadrons provide Union players with key elements from the Independence Battlefleet Set, such as the John Henry Vitruvian Colossi.

Due to be released at the end of September 2023.


September is a busy month for the seas of Dystopian Wars with the introduction of two new battlefleet sets, the Abydos and Scions of Jutland.

Additional reinforcements arrive as the Union Vanguard Squadrons aim to solidify the Union’s return to form as one of the leading powers of the Dystopian Age.

Abydos Battlefleet Set

The Egyptians have designed their vessels to float upon cushions of air, equally adept at gliding across the endless deserts as well as the open ocean. A prime example is the Abydos Hover Stronghold, numerous gun batteries can be brought to bear while repair crews wait, ready at a moment’s notice to perform remarkable feats of field engineering.

This box contains:
1x Abydos (may also be built as Tanis or Pharos Class)
4x Mandjet (may also be built as Sabah, Sobek or Mesektet Class)
4x Hashashin (may also be built as Kopesh Class)
4x Scarab SRS

Scions of Jutland Battlefleet Set

Any port was understandably scared when they saw the vessels of the enemy on the horizon, defences were manned and military forces were on alert. If the ships sighted were bearing the markings of the Scions of Jutland, it was an altogether more desperate affair. Often a battlefleet will be led by a Valhalla Fast Dreadnought, its paired Sturmbringers and fore-mounted heavy volt gun batteries providing a devastating punch before eager marines perform a decisive boarding action.

This box contains:
1x Valhalla Fast Dreadnought (may also be built as SMS Skjalden or Asgard Class)
2x Thor Assault Raider (may also be built as Loki, Angrboda, Heimdall, Baldr or Gefjon Class)
2x Odin Reaver (may also be built as Jotuun or Gungnir Class)
4x Fenrir Hunter Submarine
2x Valkyrie Hunt Rotor
4x Escort Token
2x Vali SRS Token
4x Hoth Heavy Corvette
2x Einherjar Vitruvian Colossus

Union Vanguard Squadrons

Only moments ago the Alliance patrol was chugging peacefully along. Now there was only chaos and violence. The patrol was making routine rounds 205 Nautical miles from the Bay of Oiapoque that marked the border with SUSA and the Union of Federated States. Merely two days ago this stretch of sea was devoid of any points of interest. Now there was a Farpoint Sentry Platform.

This box contains:
2x John Henry Vitruvian Colossus
2x Akron Sentry Rotors
2x Cheyanne Hunter Submarine
2x Union Farpoint Sentry Platform
2x Talon SRS Tokens
2x Valiant Fast Destroyer

You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or at Wayland Games online on the 25th of August 2023.

Stay up to date with the latest news and releases on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and here on the Warcradle Studios Blog

Read the full blog here
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 Overread wrote:
Previews off the Trade Website for next month!!

Thule Battlefleet Set - SAUCERS!


I missed this post but that Base is a real Star.

Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

I see what you did there.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

The September releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

chaos0xomega wrote:
I see what you did there.

Sigh, lon time I waited to make that joke.

Is that paddle wheel submarine? That's some quality madness right there!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/29 03:04:24

Made in at
Deranged Necron Destroyer

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

That's some quality madness right there!

That describes the setting pretty well tbh
Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Is that paddle wheel submarine? That's some quality madness right there!

Maybe they are for surface level movement only, and there is some jet propulsion on top for submarine travel? I guess it is more to keep the visual style of the faction consistent, common sense be damned.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Newcomers and veterans of Dystopian Wars rejoice! We’ve recently been dropping a few hints about our upcoming pre-orders, but it’s finally time to announce what you can expect to see this October.

Fortune and Glory! This brand new two player starter set for Dystopian Wars sees the brilliant minds of the Sultanate and Union engage in aerial combat. This set offers players two mercenary fleets that work great out of the box but are especially useful to hire as support for any of your pre-existing fleets from all eight factions.

Also available to pre-order this month is the brand new Icebergs and Glaciers Set, offering a great way to represent those cold climate encounters in style. Paired with the Islands and Archipelagos and Sturginium Platforms, you can make sure you’re prepared for any engagement. You can also pre-order the Scandinavian Support Squadrons this month to add to your Imperium fleet, a perfect addition to the recently released Scions of Jutland Battlefleet Set!

Fortify the walls, and hunker down as the Normandy Farm Set becomes available to pre-order as individual terrain kits. Customise your historical tables with Barns, Cottages, Scatter and more.

Due to be released at the end of October 2023.


Fortune and Glory brings a perfect way for new players to jump into Dystopian Wars: two powerful fleets, rules, dice, cards and all you need to take your first steps into the game. These two mercenary fleets allow you to expand your force into any faction that grabs your attention, offering an impressively versatile first experience.

Add additional terrain to your games of Dystopian Wars with the new Icebergs and Glaciers set, containing enough terrain pieces to deck out your tabletop with an icy-cold appearance. Whether you customise them and create impressive story-telling terrain or deploy them as they are, your sea battles will look great.

Following the announcement of the Scions of Jutland Battlefleet Set last month, the Scandinavian Support Squadrons are available to pre-order this month, featuring additional firepower for Imperium fleets.

Fortune and Glory Two Player Starter Set

The Great Powers vie for control of the world’s trade routes, unleashing mercenary forces to disrupt shipping and sow chaos and confusion to destabilise their rivals. Two of the most notable of these privateers are The Crimson League and The Honorable Eclipse Company.

This box contains:

1x Excelsior Class Heavy Aircruiser. (May also be built as Venture or Custodian Class)
3x Steward Class Sentry Airships. (May also be built as Constellation, Republic, Ticonderoga or Ranger Class)
5x Bogota Class Carryall
5x Union SRS Tokens


1x Lyceum Aerial Dreadnought
3x Nasr Class Skyship. (May also be built as Awsbiri or Muharib Class)
3x Hirka Class Skycutter
3x Alsaqr Class Skybarque
3x Sultanate SRS Tokens

2x Titan Class Heavy Conveyer. (May be built as Passenger, Freight or Oil Variants)
2x Merchant Ships
2x Escort
2x Small Ship Tokens
2x Ground Assault Detachment Tokens

Icebergs and Glaciers Set

Able Seaman Peter Harris had been on watch for the last three hours. He was sure he was becoming snowblind. Gazing out at the expanse of whiteness, he wasn’t really sure what he was looking for. “Signs of the enemy” was the order but how could he tell, trapped in this seemingly endless ice flow?

This box contains:
8x Icebergs

Scandinavian Support Squadrons

Commonwealth propaganda states that the Barents Sea is perfectly safe, thanks to its proximity to the sheltered docks of the White Sea from which defensive patrols regularly launch. In truth, however, it is far from tranquil. Raiders from the Scandinavian portion of the Imperium, not to mention the Scions of Jutland, frequently ambush the numerous fishing vessels and exploratory platforms. Loki Shadow Raiders make excellent use of their Ivaldi Shroud Generators to make surprise attacks and then fade away once they have crippled their target.

This box contains:
2x Thor Assault Raider (may also be built as Loki, Angrboda, Heimdall, Baldr or Gefjon Class)
4x Fenrir Hunter Submarine
2x Valkyrie Hunt Rotor
2x Vali SRS Token


Raise a Barn or several this month as the Normandy Farm Set becomes available as separate terrain kits. Customise your farm how you see fit, ready for the ensuing battle to commence.

Normandy Farm - Cottage

Until recently this cottage had only been host to hushed talk and sombre thoughts. Now it was host to laughter again. The fire burned a little warmer and the soup seemed to taste a little better.

This box contains:
1x Normandy Farm - Cottage

Normandy Farm - Barn

The barn echoed with the chatter of soldiers, glad for the chance of rest after the fighting of the last few weeks. In more peaceful times, not one of them would have relished the thought of sleeping in a barn but now, it was luxury.

This box contains:
1x Normandy Farm - Barn

Normandy Farm - Windmill

Private Reggie Wainwright used the windmill as a lookout tower, noting the plumes of smoke in the distance, no doubt the burning remains of enemy tanks. He mused that he would have to return here when the war was finally over, in peacetime, this land would be quite beautiful.

This box contains:
1x Normandy Farm - Windmill

Normandy Farm - Walls

These walls had stood for generations thanks to the odd repair from the owners of the farm. Now they were damaged more than they had ever been. While they may never be restored to their former glory, they would still be strong enough to keep the cows secure come milking time.

This box contains:
1x Normandy Farm - Walls

Normandy Farm - Farmyard Scatter

The tractor chugged back to life once the fuel had been syphoned from the tank. It spluttered from lack of use but it was soon put to work pulling the truck out of the ditch it had been unceremoniously dumped in months ago. If only everything was so quickly returned to normal.

This box contains:
1x Normandy Farm - Farmyard Scatter

Normandy Farm - Workshop

Farmhands finally had the chance to get back to work now the fighting had died down. The first job was checking the workshop for any damaged machine parts, then to check nothing had been pilfered. Only then could they get on with making repairs across the rest of the farm and by the look of it, it would be a long day.

This box contains:
1x Normandy Farm - Workshop

Normandy Farm - Checkpoint

The checkpoint was unmanned now. C Company had chased the last patrol away and they’d made no effort to return. What was once a local symbol of oppression felt now diminished. The shed that once kept soldiers dry held potatoes, a makeshift honesty box for passersby.

This box contains:
1x Normandy Farm - Checkpoint

You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or at Wayland Games online on the 29th of September 2023.

Stay up to date with the latest news and releases on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and right here on the Warcradle Studios Blog.

Read the full blog here

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The October releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/12/27 10:43:23

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

The new starter set is amazing value and it's going to be sooo good for starting the game as both sides can be used as mercenaries, so you can simply field them together as your starting fleet, and still use them later no matter which faction you branch into.

Of course the usual splitting the box with a friend or trading halves to get double of one side are also still completely valid options.

Personally I think I want 3 Union and 2 Sultanate halves.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2023/09/29 10:42:53

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in be
Monstrous Master Moulder

The Skytanic looks friggin' awesome!

The boy, I say, the boy is as sharp as a sack of wet mice... 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Following last month’s massive pre-order announcement, the Alliance have made sure not to disappoint with an iconic miniature for the French making an appearance in Dystopian Wars.

With the excitement of a new Two Player Starter Set releasing very soon, another hotly anticipated release is ready to stand tall in the face of its foes. That’s right, La Dame Liberte can be mounted on a Couronne-class Fleet Carrier in the Couronne Battlefleet Set. This offers Alliance players a new take on this legendary landmark’s venerated visage.

Elsewhere, the ingenuity of the Imperium is on full display this month as a new battlecarrier arrives in the Falkenstein Battlefleet Set. Taking advantage of all the positive characteristics of past designs, the ships of the Falkenstein Battlefleet Set are truly amongst the Imperium’s finest.

Also available to pre-order this month is the Egyptian Frontline Squadrons, ready to fortify any Egyptian force, such as the recently released Abydos Battlefleet Set.

Due to be released at the end of November 2023.


Two new Battlefleet Sets are making quite the splash this month as the Couronne and Falkenstein both offer a new twist on Iconic miniatures that are sure to blow any opposing vessel out of the water.

The Egyptian Frontline Squadrons box is here to provide Sultanate players with additional hovercraft to skim effortlessly to victory.

Couronne Battlefleet Set

“The Couronne Grand Carrier is a masterpiece of form entwined with function. Girders and domes more at home in Parisian architecture than on machines of war are accentuated by extravagant filigree to the fore.“

This box contains:
1x Couronne Grand Carrier (may also built as La Dame Liberte)
2x Chasseur (may also built as Furieux or Voliere Class)
2x Chevalier Cruiser (may also built as Charlemagne, Loire or Picardy Class)
2x Epaulard Artillery Submarine (may also built as Sirene Class)
4x Ecuyere Frigate
2x SRS Token

Falkenstein Battlefleet Set

The Imperium's focus on modular naval vessels is apparent in the Falkenstein Battlecarrier. By making use of the same integrated components and mechanisms of the Elector, Blucher and Konrad classes, the Falkenstein features many of the best traits of these vessels.

This box contains:
1x Falkenstein Battlecarrier
1x Volsung Class Cruiser
2x Sigimer Class Destroyers (May also be built as Toten Class)
1x Blucher Cruiser (May also be built as Augustus or Schaumburg Class)
2x Arminius Frigates

Egyptian Frontline Squadrons

The Shams Rahima skimmed across the coastal waters at full speed unworried about the sandbars that plagued this particular stretch. The Sobek class vessel was flanked by a pair of Kopesh Fast skimmers, ready to change formation at a moment's notice. This was supposed to be a routine patrol but the crews knew that the events of the last few months had been far from routine. Piracy was on the up, even if it had been performed mostly under the label of privateering.

This box contains:
2x Mandjet Heavy Skimmer (may also be built as Sabah, Sobek or Mesektet Class)
2x Hashashin Destroyer Skimmer (may also be built as Kopesh Class)
2x Scarab SRS Token

You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or online at Wayland Games on the 27th of October 2023.

Stay up to date with the latest news and releases on our Facebook, Instagram and X and right here on the Warcradle Studios Blog.

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Another great wave.

No new sprues, but there were 3 last month.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

The November releases are now available to pre-order!

Make sure to check out the Warcradle Studios Blog for more information.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/10/27 10:02:36

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Oooh Union sky fortress spoiled at 2:50 (bottom left illustration)

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Dude you cannot promise me Lady Liberty mounted on an aircraft carrier firing heat rays from her torch and then fail to deliver Lady Liberty mounted on an aircraft carrier firing heat rays from her torch.

Honestly it's better than the first take where Lady Liberty was mounted on two blimps and shot heat rays from her torch, but I think the half Lady Liberty torso and half Eifel Tower just doesn't work. If you're going for madness you need to embrace it full on. A full sided Lady Liberty firing heat rays from her torch.

Made in at
Deranged Necron Destroyer

I like it more than I expected to, thank god there's a non silly statue version.
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