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Made in se
Primered White


 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I like that bomber, where in the sprawling SW galaxy is it from?

It was first mentioned in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections back in 2005. The current Disney Canon reintroduced it in 2018, but it is still a very rare ship. Other than source books its only notable appearance seems to have been in an RPG supplement book, Stay on Target from 2014.

As for in universe, it was supposedly used by the Republic during the Clone Wars but it has certainly never been pictured in any movie, show, or comic book.

Made in se
Primered White


And here is a TX-225 GAVw "Occupier" combat assault tank from Rogue One for use with Star Wars Legion. It's not the official model, it is instead a fully 3D printed model. The original runs on threads but the commissioner felt it would be more 'Star Wars' to make it be a repulsor vehicle. To the end, the threads have been removed and the model converted slightly to make it look like it hovers above the ground.
[Thumb - TX225Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - TX225Fin2.JPG]

[Thumb - TX225Fin4.JPG]

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Not one of my favorite SW designs. Partly due to the treads, and partly due to the GW Land Raider style guns.

That being said, good job on it.

Made in se
Primered White


Rogue One is the only good Star Wars movie produced under the House of the Mouse umbrella. Fight me! Or seriously don't, I only like fighting in video game form.

Anyway, here's a squad of Shoretroopers.
[Thumb - ShoretroopersAllFin6.JPG]

[Thumb - ShoretroopersFin1.JPG]

[Thumb - ShoretroopersFin3.JPG]

[Thumb - ShoretroopersFin5.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


And here's some rebel scum to oppose the good guys.

[Thumb - PathfindersFin1.JPG]

[Thumb - PathfindersFin2.JPG]

[Thumb - PathfindersFin3.JPG]

[Thumb - PathfindersFin4.JPG]

[Thumb - PathfindersFin5.JPG]

[Thumb - PathfindersFin6.JPG]

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Space Terrorists.


Made in se
Primered White


A few more Pathfinders today, two astromechs as well as two named Characters, Bistan and Paodok'Draba'Takat Sap'De'Rekti Nik'Linke'Ti' Ki'Vef'Nik'NeSevef'Li'Kek. Yes that is his full name, though thankfully Pao is the short version.

[Thumb - BistanPaoFin1.JPG]

[Thumb - BistanPaoFin2.JPG]

[Thumb - PathfindersFin7.JPG]

[Thumb - PathfindersFin8.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


And now for something not related to Star Wars. This is basically how I envision Kratos from the God of War series, specifically the PlayStation 2 games, would look if he were a Warhammer Ork. Kratork as I have begun calling him is not meant to used on the battlefield, instead this is purely a display model.
[Thumb - Kartork1.JPG]

[Thumb - Kratork2.JPG]

[Thumb - Kratork3.JPG]

[Thumb - Kratork4.JPG]

Made in us
Huge Hierodule

land of 10k taxes

 Macross_VF1 wrote:
And now for something not related to Star Wars. This is basically how I envision Kratos from the God of War series, specifically the PlayStation 2 games, would look if he were a Warhammer Ork. Kratork as I have begun calling him is not meant to used on the battlefield, instead this is purely a display model.

Nice Ork!

was censored by the ministry of truth 
Made in se
Primered White


Back to Star Wars. This is Blue Leader from Rogue One, which I still maintain is the only good/decent Star Wars related thing to come out of The house of the Mouse. Yes I will die on this hill.
[Thumb - Blue1_1.jpg]

[Thumb - Blue1_2.jpg]

[Thumb - Blue1_3.jpg]

Made in se
Primered White


Here's a what if scenario: What if Ashoka Tano had repainted an A-wing in the same colors as her Delta-7B Aethersprite from the Clone wars? This is my take on that idea.
[Thumb - AshokaAwing_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - AshokaAwing_Fin2.JPG]

[Thumb - AshokaAwing_Fin3.JPG]

[Thumb - AshokaAwing_Fin4.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


I didn't know that Ezra Bridger from Star Wars Rebels fame piloted an RZ-1T trainer A-wing. Heck I didn't even know there was a trainer version of the A-wing, though in hindsight it does makes sense.

[Thumb - EzraAwing_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - EzraAwing_Fin2.JPG]

[Thumb - EzraAwing_Fin4.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


The Sentinel-class landing craft, the big brother of the far more well known Lambda Shuttle. This one is 3D printed but I actually scratch built one of these many years ago. This one is obviously better in just about every regard, except one. Mine had moveable/folding wings, something this model can't do.
[Thumb - SentinelFin_1.JPG]

[Thumb - SentinelFin_3.JPG]

[Thumb - SentinelFin_4.JPG]

Made in us
Spawn of Chaos

Syracuse, NY

Awesome work as usual!

I always loved seeing your stuff, especially the X-Wing scratch builds. Good to see you're still at it.
Made in se
Primered White


Hatemonger wrote:
Awesome work as usual!

I always loved seeing your stuff, especially the X-Wing scratch builds. Good to see you're still at it.

Why thank you. I've never stopped scratch building stuff though it's been a while since I did a Star Wars scratch build.

Made in se
Primered White


This is a bit of an oddball. I was commissioned to paint a Kihraxz using the same colours and style of markings as a factory painted G-1A Starfighter.

However, the commissioner admits that he thinks the stock G-1A paintjob is bloody ugly, and despite that wanted another ship to match. Oh well, he was certainly happy with the finished result.
[Thumb - G1AKhiraxz_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - G1AKhiraxz_Fin3.JPG]

[Thumb - G1AKhiraxz_Fin4.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


Time for some early holiday cheer and I can think of no better way to do that than show a ship with a big honking skull painted on it.

This is one of three ships painted with the same skull theme. This particular model is a fairly low quality 3D print, but I think I've managed to make it look fairly good despite that.
[Thumb - SkullVaksai_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - SkullVaksai_Fin3.JPG]

[Thumb - SkullVaksai_Fin4.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


Second ship with a skull painted right on top of it however unlike the previous model, this isn't a 3D print. The skull motif might look crooked, but that can be attributed to the angle the photo was taken from and the raised and rounded middle section of the ship, it looks much better in real life.
[Thumb - SkullRogue_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - SkullRogue_Fin3.JPG]

[Thumb - SkullRogue_Fin4.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


And here is the third and final ship in the trio of skull themed ships. I'm not the first to paint the Firespray in this style, but I don't know who did it first, so I can only take credit for my particular take on the idea.

Anyway, happy holidays and see you next year.
[Thumb - SkullFirespray_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - SkullFirespray_Fin2.JPG]

[Thumb - SkullFirespray_Fin3.JPG]

[Thumb - SkullFirespray_Fin4.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


It's been a while since my last post. The reason? Baldur's Gate 3. I'm 100 hours in and it will probably hold my attention for at least 100 more hours, it's that good. Anyway, here's an SS-54 Assault ship for you to enjoy.
[Thumb - SS54_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - SS54_Fin2.JPG]

[Thumb - SS54_Fin3.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


This is a follow up to the SS-54 I posted previously. These two ships have been painted in the same style and colors as the SS-54 and they are all supposed to form a squad.

[Thumb - SS54_HWK_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - SS54_HWK_Fin4.JPG]

[Thumb - SS54_StarViper_Fin1.JPG]

[Thumb - SS54_StarViper_Fin4.JPG]

Made in fr
Fresh-Faced New User


Nice work, pretyy SS-54 !

A great store in France with great miniatures! Don't hesitate to visit us one day at Oupi or on Oupi.eu. 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Those are some really nice ships!
Made in se
Primered White


It's dangerous to go alone, take some clone troopers and Captain Rex.
[Thumb - DSC07583.JPG]

[Thumb - DSC07585.JPG]

[Thumb - DSC07587.JPG]

Made in se
Primered White


A bunch of Mandalorians for your viewing pleasure this time. We have two Super Commandos, Axe Woves, Koska Reeves and Gar Saxon. Take your pick, I have enough for everyone!

These are all 3D printed to a very high quality and it really shows in the sharp and crisp details and very little stepping. I also quite like the poses as they are suitably dramatic but also reasonable and realistic. I very much want to contrast these models to GW models. I feel this is how you do poses, not every model need to be pointing, shouting, or stand with one foot on a skull, or all them at the same time.
[Thumb - DSC07594.JPG]

[Thumb - DSC07596.JPG]

[Thumb - DSC07588.JPG]

[Thumb - DSC07590.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/07 19:40:10

Made in us
Brigadier General


Really enjoyed reading through your thread. Impressive stuff all through.

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

My Project Log, mostly revolving around custom "Toybashed" terrain.

Visit the Chicago Valley Railroad!
Made in se
Primered White


I don't really know how to classify this one. The model is supposed to represent Cad Bane's Justifier though it is clearly not. Perhaps a better word is 'inspired' by or an alternative take on the original?

[Thumb - CadBaneJustifierXanadu1.jpg]

[Thumb - CadBaneJustifierXanadu2.jpg]

[Thumb - CadBaneJustifierXanadu4.jpg]

Made in se
Primered White


Good old Captain Rex was the inspiration for this particular LAAT
[Thumb - RexLAAT1.jpg]

[Thumb - RexLAAT3.jpg]

[Thumb - RexLAAT4.jpg]

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Very nice collection you got there. Beautifully painted and very creative.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in se
Primered White


This latest offering is from Mel Miniatures and it's an alternative take on the Gauntlet Fighter. It's smaller and more detailed and I feel it is a better design than the official model. However it is printed in a cheaper material than I usually work with and a lot of details on the top half lacked definition. Instead of being discouraged, I decided to treat is as a challenge and forged on. I had to painstakingly enhance and sometimes recreate nearly non existent details using nothing but highlights and shade. I'm going to shamelessly claim that I actually managed to do a pretty good job.

This also marks my ten year anniversary of doing commission work. To that end I've collected some statistics:

About 300 models painted, modified, and/or scratch built as part of a commission.

Breakdown of game systems:
Armada 1
40k 3
X-wing 217
Legion 38
Scratch builds 24
Misc 17

Most painted model:
Y-wing 15
Z-95 14
T-65 X-wing 11
[Thumb - BoKatanAltGauntlet1.jpg]

[Thumb - BoKatanAltGauntlet2.jpg]

[Thumb - BoKatanAltGauntlet4.jpg]

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