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Sergeant Major


In preparation for the great elephant extravaganza tournament in the wilds of New Jersey, a number of practice games were held. My first two were Classic Indian against the Kingdom of Vijayanagar, and against Alexandrian. Both were unmitigated disasters and do not bear repeating. Indian mixed sword/bow, if your opponent has sufficient light infantry screen, they are just expensive mediocre swordsmen. And with 6 elite elephants costing 96 points, you don't have a lot of points for the rest of the army.
So I jiggered my Burmese and Indian figures to produce a reasonable representation of a Siamese army. A lot less bow, a lot more furious charge!

Note, For some reason, Facebook has issues with this posting. Claiming I am spammer or deceptive. But before that, they claimed it violated community standards. So I rewrote the description removing "fleshing out" and "waiting to die".
For me, it is about getting numbers of readers. I promote my articles to about 15 Facebook groups, in addition to a few forums. And I get about 200 readers. We will see what this does to my reader count.

In the ultimate, victory through excess was cheaper than defeat without waste. 
Forum Index » Historical Miniature Games: Pre-WW1
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