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Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


Check out all the cool pics. The empire captain kit seems pretty over the top but is cool none-the-less.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click like a mad man.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Southern New Hampshire

I like. If the Captain box contains bitz for both foot and mounted versions, I'm sold.


"There are no problems that cannot be solved with cannons." - Chief Engineer Boris Krauss of Nuln

Kid_Kyoto wrote:"Don't be a dick" and "This is a family wargame" are good rules of thumb.

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka


Well sir you're sold The kit will be of the same format as the Orc boss kit- mounted and unmounted champ/standard options.

"Nothing from the outside world can be imported into Canada without first being doused in ranch dressing. Canadian Techs have found that while this makes the internet delicious it tends to hamper the bandwidth potential. Scientists are working furiously to rectify the problem. "

--Glaive Company CO 
Made in us

Yoor Speeshawl too Gawd!

While I very much like the grim reaper baner or totem I am not likeing the skulls.    I wanted a darker version of the landsknecht and I get 16th century Chaos Space Marines.  At least we know the real reason Chaos and the Empire are bitter enemies, the dwindleing skull supply of the Warhammer world.

Only now do I realize how much I prefer Pete Haines' "misprints" to Gav Thorpe's "brainfarts." :Abadabadoobaddon 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

"...the dwindleing skull supply of the Warhammer world"

Hence the timely release of the Hero Basing Kit, complete with Tub O' Piles O' Skulls ...

But agreed that the skull in captain's hat / hanging from xbow-man's belt / hanging from handgunner's belt is a tad overboard, and no doubt the first of many gratuitous skulls to come.

- Boss Salvage

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

"Skulls for the skull throne of the emperor!"

I think the banner is for the new Dark Angels chapter of Empire knights. They're the bitter rivals of the Middenlanders' wolf chapter knights
Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

No longer do I have to pick up stones from the garden with GW Hero Basing Kit!
Made in us
Fireknife Shas'el

A bizarre array of focusing mirrors and lenses turning my phrases into even more accurate clones of

So will skulls be an appropriate objective for games? Maybe I should start shaving off the icons on top of my Brets' heads and put skulls instead.

I love the artwork picture. Army book cover? It has the skull guy on it!

I took the chance to look at the 40k sneak peeks. LOL, vehicle dice! However, unlike the ones from thewarstore, you don't know which side means which result!


2009, Year of the Dog
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

In your house, rummaging through your underwear drawer

In the Grim Darkness of the Long Ago Past, Skulls are Plentiful.

Kind of foppish, but I guess that is what they were looking for. Perhaps there will be options for a more grizzled general.

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow"~Oscar Wilde 
Made in us

Amongst the Stars, In the Night

Sigmar demands more skulls!

At least they aren't also festooned with spikes... I look forward to seeing the new barded steeds in plastic, though I shudder at the ridiculously steep price GW is certain to ask for them.

OT Zone: A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villany
The Loyal Slave learns to Love the Lash! 
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Posted By stonefox on 09/27/2006 8:04 PM
So will skulls be an appropriate objective for games? Maybe I should start shaving off the icons on top of my Brets' heads and put skulls instead.

I love the artwork picture. Army book cover? It has the skull guy on it!

I took the chance to look at the 40k sneak peeks. LOL, vehicle dice! However, unlike the ones from thewarstore, you don't know which side means which result!
Have another look, they also have numbers on them.

How else could you tell what the little pictogram actually meant?


Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Please dear god let them make that eldar warwalker..... I'm so tired of seeing the poor guardian strapped to the front with no protection at all....

Angron- crushing the theme and fluff of armies one horde at a time.

-The Trooper 
Made in us
Wicked Warp Spider


Boring and uninspired. How are these new models any different from the Empire models currently out?

Give me some Griffin or Cadwallon stuff anyday...
Made in us
Abhorrent Grotesque Aberration

Yes, and the Griffon and Cadwallon stuff is soooooo "inspired". Inspired by the same things by the looks....

and yes, I have some.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. 
Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

i agree, while i love Rakham's beautliful and stylish sculpts, they very obviously (IMHO) borrowed in concept from warhammer and many other fantasy settings out there. And I would say that their sculpts are second to none, but I have come to like GW's plastic kits more than any other models out there. Plastic is less likely to chip, break and is soooooo much easier to convert, plus the ability to pose each model differently and the little bits they include to customize them, ensures that your squad will not look EXACTLY like someone else's squad, baring different colors.

Plus, you can always use Rakham stuff in your GW armies, so long as it is not a GW sponsored event.

Made in us
Wicked Warp Spider


Cadwallon?Griffin are inspired by 16th century Germany? Really? I have no idea where you got that from...

I'd say it's a diverse combination of Medieval costume, Renaissance imagery, a a mixture fantasy themes. The city itself is very inspired by pre-revolution Paris (city walls, narrow winding streets, dense population). And, it appears from the current range of minis and future releases, that Rackham is attempting to make them diverse and imaginative.

GW is still doing the same things with the Empire they've done for 10+ years - skulls, baroque armor, blackpowder weapons, etc. That's pretty uninspired. *yawn*
Made in us
Abhorrent Grotesque Aberration

The City may be, but the miniatures are pretty much standard for any of the time period. Yes, for some reason the Empire imagery will not change much over 10+ years. I would imagine that is why they are called "Empire" and not "Bretonia" or "Kislev".

Yeah um...

No skulls, baroque armor, or black powder weapons there....

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. 
Made in us
Abhorrent Grotesque Aberration

Heh heh,.. been playing WHFB since the mid 80s. Have a lot of old miniatures from the old days. In my opinion the quality is ever improving. Some stuff I don't agree with, or don't like, but overall it has.

That is one of the reasons I am waiting on the English releases of the new Daikinee Elves.

It is all very subjective anyway. Some Rakham stuff I really like, some I hate. Like that with almost any system. Warmachine and Hordes have some of the worst sculpts in my opionion though. I just don't like a lot of them. They have a few sparkling gems, but overall it just isn't that great looking.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Posted By ancientsociety on 09/28/2006 6:17 PM
Boring and uninspired. How are these new models any different from the Empire models currently out?

Well, apparently they will be somewhat less convertable, no longer having separate legs and torsos.

During the late medieval & Renaissance periods there was quite a little cult of death in Europe, what with everyone losing family to plague, etc.  In the Old World, with chaos incursions all the time, I can understand a similar zeitgeist.  Lots of memento morii.  "This is the skull of my darling Leisel, who I lost  to the Dripping Pox three years ago."

He's got a mind like a steel trap. By which I mean it can only hold one idea at a time;
it latches on to the first idea to come along, good or bad; and it takes strenuous effort with a crowbar to make it let go.
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