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Question regarding which Guard units can benefit from the Imperial Guard Command squad rule.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator

Seattle, WA

Whether Imperial Guard units such as Storm Troopers, Ratlings, Ogryns, etc can benefit from Imperial Guard Command squad's rule for using their leadership value within 12".

Secondary issue is whether additional benefits such as Iron Disipline can also be extended out to those units.

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President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

What does the rule actually say (I don't have the codex in front of me). I am fairly certain that it refers to "any imperial guard unit" so it applies to any and all of the units you list above (as would Iron Discipline).

The Standard's re-roll doesn't work on some units, but the leadership ability does.

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Storm Trooper with Maglight


The Guard Codex states that Iron Discipline and other Doctrines affect "Guard Infantry" units unless otherwise specified (such as Sentinels being given Deep Strike by Drop Troops). This is on the first page of the doctrines section (don't have the book in front of me). Storm Troopers and the other units you specified are not "Guard Infantry" under the definition on this page, and as such are not able to benefit from Iron Discipline, etc.

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Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator

Seattle, WA

Issue 1: On pg 39 of the IG Codex under the Command HQ section the rule states: Any Imperial Guard unit within 12" of the Officer may use his Leadership when taking Morale and Leadership tests as long as he isn't in close combat, falling back or pinned.

It would seem that any unit that has a leadership value under the IG Codex can use the Officer's leadership if they are within the 12" range.

Issue 2: The rules for Guard Infantry is: In several of the following Doctrine descriptions, the term Guard Infantry unit is used. In this context, the definition includes any command squad along with its Officer and any attached advisors, Anti-tank squads, Fire Support squads, Special Weapons squads (if the regiment may use them), Mortar squads, Hardened Veteran squads, normal Infantry Platoon squads and Armoured Fists Squads.

Iron Discipline: On many worlds of the Imperium, nobles are raised from birth to be officers. They have an air of confidence and authority that keeps their troops fighting to the last man. Any unit using the Leadership characteristic of an Officer or Senior Officer with the Iron Discipline ability, for a Morale or Pinning test ignores the -1 modifier for being under half strength and may regroup even if below half strength. Any Officers can be given this ability for +5 points each.

It appears to me that only Guard Infantry units may take Doctrines, but Guard Infantry units are not the only ones that could benefit from doctrines such as Iron Discipline.
Made in us
Hooded Inquisitorial Interrogator

Seattle, WA

Yak, you're correct on the company standard. The rules on pg. 34 specifically states that units such as Conscripts, Engineers, Ogryns, Ratlings, and Storm Troopers do not benefit from this.

The rules for Iron Discipline does not specifically target these units.

It seems that the rules for Guard Infantry Units primarily limits the type of units that can take Doctrines but not which units can benefit from Iron Discipline. Doctrines such as Grenadier specifically target Storm Troopers but Iron Discipline is the only doctrine which affects a unit other than itself and seems to project out to other Imperial Guard units.

Made in us
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

Posted By inquisitor_bob on 06/21/2007 6:47 PM

It appears to me that only Guard Infantry units may take Doctrines, but Guard Infantry units are not the only ones that could benefit from doctrines such as Iron Discipline.

I say you are correct sir.


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