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1500 Necrons  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Been Around the Block

So after playing with Marines for a while I'm ready to try my old Necrons again, an army I love for its look and fluff, but found quite boring to play.  I'm trying to do something a little different without 'breaking' the army, and hopefully open up some new tactical options.  Basically I want to make the list more fun to use than my old Warriors, Immortals, Destroyers, Veil/Orb and Monolith list. I also want to explore some different applications for my HQ. So the idea is to use two small units of deep striking Flayed Ones, and try out a Destoryer Lord with the Nightmare Shroud which will hopefully add a little more excitement in using the army.  The list is a little light, but I would still appreciate some feedback.  Cheers folks.
Necron Lord with Staff of Light, Destroyer Body, Nightmare Shroud 160
8 Immortals 224
6 Flayed Ones 108
6 Flayed Ones 108
10 Warriors 180
10 Warriors 180
10 Warriors 180
3 Destroyers 150
3 Destroyers 150
5 Scarab Swarms 60
TOTAL: 1500
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

South NJ/Philly

As a new Necron player who is starting out using a " Warriors, Immortals, Destroyers, Veil/Orb and Monolith list" my initial reactions are "NO RES ORB WTF!?!?" but I'm sure you're aware that you didn't take a Res Orb and that the first comment is going to be "Take a Res Orb".

Flayed Ones are hard to use because even with Infiltrate/Deepstrike they still are CC units that move 6" a turn. I can see using them for tie up duty or assaulting vulnerable squads, but you need a Monolith for that to work well.

With this list I just see you getting that eventual matchup where your opponent can see "No Res Orb" and then proceed to force Phase Out by ignoring your WBB's.
Made in gb
Swift Swooping Hawk


Still a lot of Necrons for 1500pts

13 or below = phase. If my memory serves me right (I don't play Necron but do face them).

That means you've got to kill 43 Necrons with Strength 8 or above ranged weapons or with power weapons in close combat.

In my experience it can be done but the list would need to be tailored to fight it especially if the Necron player knew what he was doing.

The only weak point I see is only having one unit of Immortals. Unless you keep one of them out of
sight every time they are visible they will be a fire magnet.

Brave move though with no resi orb or monolith. Different.

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." - J. Robert Oppenheimer - Exterminatus had it's roots way back in history. 
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