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Fighta/Fighta-Bommer question  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Storm Trooper with Maglight

Milwaukee, WI

I was thinking about making an Ork Airfield/Aerodrome/whatever. What would an appropriate runway length for Ork Fightas and/or Fighta-Bommers be (in real-world feet)?

There doesn't seem to be any information in the IA books or in Deff Swadron so I guess this is a matter for debate. The Fighta looks to be an Orked MiG-15/17/19/21 (with a different tail assembly obviously) and the Fighta-Bommer looks something like a jet-version of an Orked Bf-110 so those might be starting points but I have to assume that Orks would use a fairly extreme version of Rocket Assisted Take Off so I'm really not sure where to start.

Any help would be much appreciated. There isn't going to be a single right answer clearly. Even in the meta-reality of 40k I'd have to assume that take offs and especially landings among Orks would be more art than science.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2008/02/13 18:40:22

18th Gamtilla Secundus Dragoon Guards Regiment: “The Lord Governor’s Own” 
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Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

Spreading the word of the Turtle Pie

These are orks. Why bother with runways?

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