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Need to start Mordenheim  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

wait wait wait wait... huh..?

Ok.. I desperately need to start mordenhiem, thanks to Migs stupidly amazing stuff on his P&M blog.

So I need both general advice as to how to start... and knowledge as to where I could find a copy of the rules.

as always, assistance appreciated

I play (homegrown chapter)
Win 8

Follow the word of the Turtle Pie. Bathe your soul in its holy warmth and partake in its delicious redemption. Let not the temptation of Lesser desserts divert you, for All is Pie, and Turtle is All

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Made in gb
Been Around the Block

I think you can get the rules in the Specialist Games section of GW's website - look under Mordheim resources.

I'd also point you at http://boringmordheimforum.forumieren.com/forum.htm where you will find lots of Mordheim stuff, plus links to all the Town Crier magazines in pdf format.

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Most definitely head over to the linked Tom's Boring Mordheim Forum, send cianty or Da Bank a PM about the linky to the rules but you can still get the rules off of the GW SG section of their website, just not all the stuff that the forum will direct you to.

You haven't told us much Shrike78, as in what warbands you're interested in playing how many6 people in the campaign, what they may be interested in, what type of campaign your after, the play style of your warband youw ant to do (shooting, combat, bit of both) - any of these details can let us give you feedback.


Auretious Taak.
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

Bristol, England

Also, make some buildings!!!

Start now because the more you have the more fun it will be!!!

Oli: Can I be an orc?
Everyone: No.
Oli: But it fits through the doors, Look! 
Made in us
Adolescent Youth with Potential

Oregon, USA

More Buildings is good. Start by making several tall buildings, then make some Ramps. Adding Vertical distance makes for way more interesting games. If you are starting a Mordheim session for an existing gaming group, wonderful....

Don't plan to have just one warband...Mordheim Warbands are like potato chips laced with crack. I have Orcs, Dwarves, Kislevites, Ostlanders, Marionburgers, Cult of the posessed, Witchhunters, Reiklanders, Pirates, and a Second (partially finished) Possesed warband based off 2nd ed 40k Chaos Cultists....I also have a Crap ton of Beastmen sprues floating around somewhere, but never got started with that particular warband.

Just remember the 10 Commandments of successful mordheim gaming, and everyone will have fun:

1. Thou shalt not use Lustria Warbands, as they ruin Campaigns
2. Thou shalt use the optional critical tables from the back of the book, Everyone loves a Kabob off a building.
3. Thou shalt revile the player who retreats at 25% casualties without fail, for he/she is a blasphemer and a Wussy.
4. Thou shalt not fear to make a "Death from above" attack...Of course your model will be taken out of action, that is half the fun!
5. Thou shalt not shoot the prince/ogre/scenario special character, unless thou art losing.
6. Thou shalt not Punch thy opponent if his starting warband has 4 blunderbusses in it, even though they deserve it
7. Thou shalt not allow Orc Players to Skip their Stupidity check for their troll
8. Seriously, Thou shalt not use Lustria Warbands, Laser pistols and serrated blades are Vile
9. Thou shall not complain about how power the Skaven player's warband is, for it must surely suck in 10 games or so.
10. Thou Shall not play "O Camina Burana" on thy stereo in response to getting 2 Riding Horses.

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the coffee in this cup that thoughts aquire speed, teeth aquire stains, stains serve as a warning. it is by will alone I set my mind in motion... 
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