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Made in be
Resentful Grot With a Plan

So, a new year a new project^^
With the new edition I think the necrons are now a challeging force to play with. So I picked them for my new army. I'm not sure about my color sheme. So any comments are welcome.
So here are some pics.

Sorry for the bad pics. Next time I'll try to get some better pics

Made in za
Junior Officer with Laspistol

South Africa

Not to be nasty,but it doesn't help if everyone sugarcoats everything...the faces....are...eeeer no so nicely done,maybe it's the lighting.Anyway if this is your first try its good!

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."-Groucho Marx
Made in us

North Carolina

Deff Dread red Edition wrote:Not to be nasty,but it doesn't help if everyone sugarcoats everything...the faces....are...eeeer no so nicely done,maybe it's the lighting.Anyway if this is your first try its good!

I think a more 'polite' way to say this would be that they look flat and some of the details are being obscured. Possibly using a black wash over the recessed areas could help bring some of this back. Badab Black works great for this, but failing that, just a watered down Chaos Black will work as well.

Also building up your white in successive layers can work wonders as well.

The rock on the one base seems a unnecessarily large. I'd consider ditching it, maybe using a small rock, or removing it all together.

Also what are you using for basing? It seems a bit thin. I can muster up a few snow basing tutorials depending on the material being used ^_-.

Good start though, and you should have a force rather quickly, Necrons are good for that ^_-. With a little bit of clean up, they can definitely become a great tabletop army.

Call For Fire

Made in us
Screamin' Stormboy

Winston-Salem, NC

Another thing I've found is when using a white like that as a base, you can add an interesting effect with a drybrushed highlight of a light blue or teal.

-Learning to put yourself in another person's shoes emotionally is something that everyone has to learn eventually. It's part of learning to be a human being. Gamers do it for fun. 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

Familiar looking colour scheme

You can see more of mine here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Legoburner%27s_Necrons

Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
Made in be
Resentful Grot With a Plan

First of all thanks for the comments.
@ deff dred red edition: I think you're right. I should use a few layers of white instead of one...
@grey_death: I use gw snow for my base. But I've you have a good tutorial I would gladly buy the stuff I need
@rage at random: Maby I give it a try. It would look nice I think.
@legoburner: wow, nice army thanks for sharing.

Made in be
Resentful Grot With a Plan

So, here's a very small update...
I redone the base and I think it's better
but what do you guys think?

I know the painting quality isn't so high but I try my best. I've really trouble with the white
But there is a tournie coming up so whitin a month I've to have 1000 done.
Here is my list:
Necron Lord 100
with warschyte, destroyer body,lightning field and phase shifter 95
11x Necron Warriors 198
12x Necron Warriors 216
Fast Attack
3 Destroyers 150
3 Destroyers 150
6 Scarab swarms with disruption fields 80

Total: 989
KP: 6
Phase out: 7

Wish my luck

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/01/15 19:49:34

Made in us
Wicked Canoptek Wraith

united states of america state of: confusion

hey if i were you i would paint the bodies a darker metal color, maybe a 1:1 chaos black and mithril silver mix,

i'm not familiar with games workshop paints, so i dont know if that is what boltgun metal is. i use applebarrel paints, much cheaper and you get a lot more, mine look a little grainy but i dont care.

also i think if you added some blue to their "shin guards" and "elbow pads" (i dont know what you would call those areas just below the knee and the elbow) that it would really help them look better too

you dont have to do that i just think they would look better that way,

next unit i would reccomend getting is a unit of 10 immortals, or maybe some flayed ones for cc (even though i havent used them much in my army since i dont have much of a use for them)

but other that that they look great

Made in us
Nimble Pistolier


Hit the necron symbols with some gold maybe? and use some badab wash to deepen the color in the recesses. But looks great

Made in au
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Standing right behind you...

Yea, they need some base coating - especially around the facial area.

'I once tried to kill the World's Greatest Lover...but then I realized there were laws against suicide,' Sideshow Bob. 
Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

Where people Live Free, or Die

Nice paint scheme! I especially like the Lord. Just a tip - When you are building the Warriors, angle the torso forward a bit. This will eliminate any awkward "Looking up" models. No worries though, my first Warrior attempts were also scanning the sky. Keep up the progress, and keep posting pictures!

Menaphite Dynasty Necrons - 6000
Karak Hirn Dwarfs - 2500

How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?
-- Fifty-Four -- Eight to argue, one to get a continuance, one to object, one to demur, two to research precedents, one to dictate a letter, one to stipulate, five to turn in their time cards, one to depose, one to write interrogatories, two to settle, one to order a secretary to change the bulb, and twenty eight to bill for professional services.
Made in be
Resentful Grot With a Plan

So, I finished my first warrior squad and a unit of destroyers. I really liked painting those destroyers.
Here are some pics...

Next thing to do are the scarabs.

Made in be
Resentful Grot With a Plan

The scarabs are done
So, I'm about half way...

Thanks for looking^^
Made in ca
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Toronto, Ontario

I like them.

Not too flashy, but not that dull all metal paintjob you typically see on Necrons.

IMO the blue really makes the Scarabs pop.

Don't sweat the white on the faces. White is a pain to paint. Especially with things like Necrons who don't have the highest level of details.

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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

The destroyers look really good.

Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
Made in us
Fireknife Shas'el

Richmond, VA

The destroyers look great, I love the gold/white faces, and the blue's a great main color. The blue & gold give me a strong Tomb Kings in Space vibe for these 'crons

Made in be
Human Auxiliary to the Empire


nice army



650 painted but painting 
Made in us


I like the contrast with the bases. The tan of the sand really goes nicely with the dark bodies of the models, much better than the snow you had in the beginning.

Good luck on your tourney.

Trevy's Painting Table
Cheap and easy painting commissions for all wargames. Prices start at .25$! 
Made in us
Madrak Ironhide

If you attach your images to your posts, I can view them from work!

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"...he could never understand the sense of a contest in which the two adversaries agreed upon the rules." Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude 
Made in be
Resentful Grot With a Plan

Hi guys, so yesterday I and a friend had some games. It was only 750 points. My list was necron lord warshyte, gaze of flame and a 4+ inv. , 2 x 10 warriors, 6 scarabs with disruption fields and 3 destroyers. He plays salamanders: 2x 10 space marines(one squad had a rhino), a 5 men squad, whirlwind and a captein with articifer armour and a relic blade.

First battle was Kill-points with dawn of war deployment.

He deployed his rhino as far as possible. I deployed one squad with my lord in cover. In the First 2 turn I tried to destroy his rhino. But after 40 gauss flayers shots and 18 destroyer shots it was only immobilised and had a weapon destoyed… yay^^
Now the pain begins. His captein an squad got stuck in combat with my lord and his squad. My lord dies and some warriors. But I stay in the fight. So, I throw in my other squad. While the rest of his army shoots at my turbo boosting scarabs.
At the end he’s able to kill my sarabs. My mistake I charged them into the big combat. (S6 relic blade against T3 scarabs= dead scarabs). But the tide was turning my warriors were able to break the captein and squad in combat. So they ran away and I was able to rapid fire them to dead only the captein had survived the onslaught . Meanwhile my destoryers were able to wreck the rhino.
So it was a Lucky draw.(2KP-2KP)
@trevy the great: Thanks mate!
@malfred: How?

Next thing to do is another warrior squad.
Thanks for looking!

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