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Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

There are bases sold by GW as 'Extra Large Bases'. They are 60mm, but are thinner than and without the beveled edges of the bases sold as '60mm Bases'. Can the two be used interchangebly? (It makes a difference because with the bevel the 60mm bases are more like 65mm).

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Unfortunate Ungor

US of A

Necron wraith bases are 40mm. and yes, you can use the unbeveled bases as normal ones

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Longtime Dakkanaut

In the interest of completeness on the bases:

The Beast of Nurgle was packaged in the spearhead boxes with a 60mm base, and is shown on GW's website and in the codex on the 60mm base as well. However, it is listed on the website as being supplied with a 40mm base, and there are reports of it arriving in the individual packaging supplied with that 40mm base.
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Ultramarine Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

Yorkshire, UK

Addition for Necrons - all destroyers, heavy destroyers, destroyer lords and tomb spiders have large flying bases

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Made in za
Hungry Little Ripper

The Restaurant at the end of the Warp

Could someone tell me the base sizes for Tyranid Tervigons and Trygons? Please, and perhaps update the article too?

Thank you

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/07/28 14:53:50

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Tail Gunner

Waltham, MA, US

Cavalry bases have been omitted from the list. The only codex unit I know of that I'm absolutely certain uses them are IG rough riders (though presumably any unit of the Beast/Cavalry Type would use them); however before they made up the new Bike bases many players mounted bikes on cav bases as well (and presumably those veterans' bikes are still thusly mounted). While out of date, the How to Paint Space Marines book still indicates that this is how bikes should be based.
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Fresh-Faced New User

I would like an edit on this article (that's what I signed up for!) I was quite annoyed when someone at a game questioned my use of the 30mm flying base with Tau Crisis suits, pointing to this article. They are supplied with the box along with 40mm's (that I think noone in their right mind would use with the Ostheophoritic ankles that Crisis suits have!) and it needs to be included here. Thanks in advance.
Made in us
Tail Gunner

Waltham, MA, US

Metal Handkerchief wrote:I would like an edit on this article (that's what I signed up for!) I was quite annoyed when someone at a game questioned my use of the 30mm flying base with Tau Crisis suits, pointing to this article. They are supplied with the box along with 40mm's (that I think noone in their right mind would use with the Ostheophoritic ankles that Crisis suits have!) and it needs to be included here. Thanks in advance.

I believe the 30mm flying bases in the Crisis suit box are intended for use with the Gun Drones included with that box. Then again, I haven't built a Crisis suit since 3rd ed.

But every Crisis suit I have seen fielded or photographed, including ones on flying stems, have been mounted on 40mm bases.
Made in no
Fresh-Faced New User

There are two flying bases included in every single XV8 box.
Made in us
Tail Gunner

Waltham, MA, US

Metal Handkerchief wrote:There are two flying bases included in every single XV8 box.

Well I'm not spoiling for a fight, and as I said it's been 2 editions since I've paid attention to what's in the box, but the photos for the kit on GW's website pretty clearly show 2 gun drones, each on a 30mm flight base, and the suit itself on a 40mm infantry base. Either that clarifies things for you, or it doesn't.
Made in no
Fresh-Faced New User

Alright, well, since they are supplied with the box noone can really argue against it unless GW writes it into the core book. I'm just going to keep on using them as no kit can ever 'require' mandatory conversion. I say mandatory because the XV8's legs are too brittle to hold it's weight, and conversion because drilling a hole in a base is modifying their plastics.
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Fresh-Faced New User

I just received my new Saint Celestine in the mail, and it came with a 25mm slotted base and a 40mm base...

Suggestions? I have the feeling I'm supposed to put her in the slotted base and glue that to the 40mm... but that seems a little silly.
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Brigadier General


Just edited to reflect the correct size of GW bike bases. Formerly it said "25x50mm", the correct size being "25x70mm".

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Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

Can't find an answer to what I'm looking for. I'm currently doing a conversion of the blue scribes of tzeentch wants to give him the flying base as the herald. but I can't find the height of this base.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

It's also worth noting that some older models can be mounted on one of a couple base sizes.

Terminators, for instance, used to be based on 25mm bases but now come with 40mm bases. If one is buying models from eBay (as per the article) that may be a useful consideration.

The old metal hive tyrant was likewise originally sold with a 40mm base instead of the current 60mm round.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

streamdragon wrote:It's also worth noting that some older models can be mounted on one of a couple base sizes.

Terminators, for instance, used to be based on 25mm bases but now come with 40mm bases. If one is buying models from eBay (as per the article) that may be a useful consideration.

The old metal hive tyrant was likewise originally sold with a 40mm base instead of the current 60mm round.

And the Termies in 25 mm bases are still legal to use provided that they came that way.

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Focused Fire Warrior

If I may, I have some forgeworld Tau suits, namely the XV-9 Hazard suits and a Shas'o Rym'r. Both came on the 60mm bases with the beveled edges. Only saw a Greater Knarloc entry for Tau Forgeworld

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/03/08 23:42:18

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Frothing Warhound of Chaos

Great article, thanks for the info, much appreciated!

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President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

This probably needs to be updated with a note that GW looks to be moving Space Marines onto 32mm bases slowly but surely.

I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games?
yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
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Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

I call not it. I bailed on 40k madness long ago. :(

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Made in gb
Auspicious Skink Shaman

Louth, Ireland

Yeah it seems that power armored doodsmen are 32mm. I'm assuming that scouts are remaining on 25mm since they are smaller.

Sisters of battle are in Power Armour but are smaller than genhanced marines so I'm guessing would be 25mm still?

Made in gb
Audacious Atalan Jackal


where are Imperial Knight base size?
Length and Width.

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Fresh-Faced New User

Needs an update to cover Genestealer cults.
Made in ca
Been Around the Block

Should be updated to reflect the change in Ork Infantry models going from 25mm to 32mm.
Made in dk
Loyal Necron Lychguard

AFAIK both 25 mm and 32 mm are legal in most events. So I've added 32 mm as an option for all the relevant models, but kept 25 mm as an option as well.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

GW site lists knight base as 170mm x 105 Oval.
I added that to the list - so is that a Huge Oval, or do you downgrade the Large Oval to a Medium Oval? hah.

Also updated the Chaos Space Marines with some of the new units and bases sizes from Shadowspear and some of the new wave of releases.
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Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Great article, thanks to everyone keeping it up to date, it was just what I needed.

Made in nz
Longtime Dakkanaut

Auckland, NZ

I fixed some entries in the tyranid section. A couple were out of date, and one was just entirely incorrect.

One out of date entry was Hive Guard/Tyrant Guard 40mm, which I changed to 50mm.
I was a little bit torn on this, as I noticed that in some places we're recording old base sizes, such as with the Broodlord where both the old 40mm and the new 75x42mm are noted. So I wasn't sure whether to keep a record of the old base sizes too.
However I notice we're already missing information. For instance around the same time as the new Hive Guard/Tyrant Guard kit came out, the Biovore was changed from coming on a 40mm base to a 60mm base, without even getting a new model. Yet this isn't recorded here.

In the end I decided to just list the most recent base size for the Hive/Tyrant Guard, as that's probably the most relevant information for people viewing this article. I think it gets a bit cluttered otherwise.

Also added a section for genestealer cults.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/06/12 14:11:41

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Is Daemon Prince a 40mm or 60mm base is shown as both?
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