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P4NC4K3 Gets his teach on! 10mm Buildings  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Monstrous Master Moulder

I dunno...

I've noticed that not many companies (GW in particular) cope with terrain sized for 10mm 'Grand' scale games such as Warmaster, I have decided to help you make your own 10mm scenery by showing you a quick, easy and, most importantly, CHEAP way of making your own.

(Sorry about the poor pics, I had to use my evil Webcam)

In this example we will make a generic Fantasy Farmhouse Building

Stage 1
Dig out that old box of Monopoly in your house that hasn't been touched in years and find a Hotel piece (the Houses are far too small)

Stage 2
Undercoat the Hotel with Black, I used GW Chaos Black

Stage 3
Paint the roof Brown, I used GW Scorched Brown

Stage 4
Using a dull Yellow (GW Iyanden Darksun works best IMO), paint thin lines all over the roof, this represents Thatching!

Stage 5
Paint the Walls and Chimney of the Building Grey, I used GW Fortress Grey, then mix your Grey with a bit of White and Stipple the Walls to create a basic stonework effect (The pic doesn't show this too well)

Stage 6
Using your Black, paint on little lines for the door and windows (Or use brown to represent closed wooden doors/shutters)

Step 7 (optional)
Use a tiny dab of Superglue to fix in a bit of cotton wool as a cute puff of smoke, some versions of Monopoly don't have the chimney, if yours doesn't, don't bother

Other Ideas
There are other ways to use pieces from old board games to supplement your terrain collection, for instance I made this Tower out of a Rook (Castle) from an aged Chess set! I'm sure you could come up with far more inventive ideas!

Bewhiskered Gasmasks: For the Post-Apocalyptic Gentleman

And to this day, on darkest nyte
It can be seen, they tell
A Prynce of Rattes, in finery
Upon a horned bell.
Made in us
Freelance Soldier

This is one of the coolest tutorials I've seen, great use of old pieces
Made in us
Infiltrating Broodlord

Hemet, CA

Is this for epic mainly?

Tired of reading new rulebooks... Just wanting to play. 
Made in ca
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


No, it's for squats.

It's better to simply be an idiot, as no one can call you on it here. -H.B.M.C.

Cap'n Gordino's instant grammar guide:
"This is TOO expensive." "I'm going TO the store, TO get some stuff."
"That is THEIR stuff." "THEY'RE crappy converters."
"I put it over THERE." "I'll go to the store THEN."
"He knows better THAN that." "This is NEW." "Most players KNEW that." 
Made in us
Infiltrating Broodlord

Hemet, CA

That's fantastic. Long live squats.

Tired of reading new rulebooks... Just wanting to play. 
Made in us
Deadly Dire Avenger

Portland, OR

This makes even squats gargantuan... What if you modeled this into an abandoned dog house for city terrain?
Made in gb
Monstrous Master Moulder

I dunno...

Good Idea, I'm starting Epic soon (My Eldar are in the mail), so I may try that

Bewhiskered Gasmasks: For the Post-Apocalyptic Gentleman

And to this day, on darkest nyte
It can be seen, they tell
A Prynce of Rattes, in finery
Upon a horned bell.
Made in us
Death-Dealing Ultramarine Devastator


mount your epics on the monopoly dog .
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