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Made in gb
Despised Traitorous Cultist

Scroll down to see the rules.

The planet of Thessalonica is a massive agri-world that is famous for its Guard regiments. It has 12 moons called
The Government is picked from three different parties, the Capulets, Montagues and Mercuries. They each stand for certain policies, the Montagues want to expand the militery, the Capulets want to build a great trade infrastructure and the Mercuries want to improve the farms. The Mercuries are in power at the moment but it is unlikely they will stay in power after a series of revelations has proved that they have been spending taxpayers money on luxuries and second homes. The Capulets and Montagues are always feuding.

The regiments of Thessalonika are jacks of all trade. While some regiments have a speciality such as the Tanith or are known to be particularly heroic such as the Valhallan 597th, the Thessalonikans practice all forms of Warfare.

However, some of the regiments have particular strengths such as the:

1st Regiment"The Macedonians"-They have a brilliant general named Alexander. He conquered the 12 moons surrounding Thessalonika and would have gone onto conquer the neighbouring systems but after years of campaigning, there was almost a mutiny so they returned home.

10th Regiment "Kitcheners Army"-These are master at trench warfare, they will capture ground through sheer number and then dig in to build trenches and hold it. General Kithchener is brilliant at propaganda.

11th Regiment "The Legion"-These are extremely well disciplined and trained and would die to save their standard-a gold eagle. General Varrus led them into battle at Teutonberg and took huge casualties. The Prime Minister of Thessalonika was said to have said "Varrus, where is my legion" when he heard the news.

The 13th Regiment "The Pact"-These are vicious hand to hand fighters often rushing into close combat. Disturbing reports that they make blood pacts to fight well are being investigated by the inquisition. Several of their members are being held at the inquisition fortress at Spane. Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition!

The 100th Regiment "The Airborne"- These are drop troopers that excell at capturing bridges and destroying enemy infrastructure. They took horrendous losses at Arnhem while defending a bridge against countless hordes of enemy with tanks.

Okay, the competition rules are that i have included many references to films, the news, history and other stuff. You have to pick out my references and you post them. If you know them all and post down all the answers, i will get annoyed so please dont, leave some for others.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/06/21 18:39:44

Im kinda like han solo always stroking my own wookie.  
Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

roaming the internet somewhere

the moons are named for the zodiac
Capulet and Montagues are from Romeo & Juliet
the 1st regiment is a refrence to Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, and conqueror of Greece and Persia
I'll stop now because we aren't allowed to do them all

my armies:
under construction
1750 points
olympia wrote:Clearly playing space marines is a gateway to becoming a full blown fascist.
Made in gb
Despised Traitorous Cultist

Thanks for the first reply! Give yourelf a pat on the back!
They're also all right but the moons were also named after the 12 colonies in battlestar galactica. Give yourself another pat on the back!

Im kinda like han solo always stroking my own wookie.  
Made in us
Unrelenting Rubric Terminator of Tzeentch

Akron, Ohio

The 100th regiment is based on A Bridge too Far.

Made in gb
Despised Traitorous Cultist

Yes, you are right rusty knight! You can have a pat on the back too!

Im kinda like han solo always stroking my own wookie.  
Made in gb
Dispassionate Imperial Judge

HATE Club, East London

oh dear. Monty python.

Made in gb
Unbalanced Fanatic

Buckinghamshire, England

Loving the reference to our recent news about the expenses. Maybe that should be investigated by the Inquisition?

The OC-D

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/06/25 16:22:24

4000 points of Cadian 33rd
English and Proud
http://forum.emergency-planet.com/ The other foum I post on
Playstation 3 Player
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur. 
Made in us
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair

In your base, ignoring your logic.

The 13th regiment has monty references, but for some reason I can't help but think of the 13th warrior.

Kitchener was a british gent who made younger brits want to join the army.
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