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Made in us
Umber Guard

Houston, Texas

I just got a bunch of BFG stuff in a trade for WHFB stuff. I got 9 Imperial cruisers of various classes, 2 Imperial Battleships, one with a bunch of guns on the side and one with hangars and some guns, what I'm guessing are at least 20 escorts of various classes, 4 big round transports, a couple of little defense platforms some mines a space Marine Battlebarge, 9 strike cruisers, a bunch of little SM escorts (look like mini strike cruisers) some thunderhawk flights and an unassembled Ramilies Star fort. Oh, and three books, the rule book, an Armada book, a 2002 BFG annual, and a Warp Storm book.

I traded an older lizardman army (about 4k points worth) and an older orc army (about 2k worth), so I believe I got a killer deal. All of the BFG stuff is either primed black or un primed.

I have a few questions though. The reason he was so willing to part with so much is that he says that Necrons and Tyranids ruined the game so he didn't have the motivation to play. How true is that? Are those two fleets so broken that they make the game unfun? I know of a few people that play and one that's planning on starting to play, and out of the bunch only one plays Necrons. The rest play Imperial, Space Marines or Chaos, the guy who's planning on starting to play is interested in orcs. So in the end I can avoid the necron player, although I would rather not. Is his fleet so OTT that it would just make the game unwinable to anybody but an expert player?

Next is there is a ton of stuff here! I doubt I'll be able to field it (or is space it the better term lol) all at once, but how big are normal battles? I've skimmed through the books and at this point I'm pretty lost. The guy that I traded with wasn't known to be the best player lol so I'm at a loss for the strengths and weaknesses of the two fleets I have now or how to outfit a fleet for beginner battles. I'm guessing trying to float a battleship on my first game might not be so good, as tempting as it is lol.

Your side is always the "will of the people" the other side is always fundamentalist, extremist, hatemongers, racists, anti- semitic nazies with questionable education and more questionable hygiene. American politics 101.
-SGT Scruffy

~10,000 pts (Retired)
Protectorate of Menoth 75pts (and Growing) 
Made in nl
Fighter Ace

Hi, good deal!

Tyranids have quirky rules but aren't broken.
Necrons have (imo) bad rules but are they broken? If exploited: yes.

You can play Necrons, don't worry. Fear the 1500pts Eldar Nightshade list!

Average battles are 1500pts. Perfect for fielding a battleship. Personally I do like battles between 1000-1500pts.

Made in us
Umber Guard

Houston, Texas

Cool. I have my first battle scheduled for Wednsday. Another Imperial/Space Marine, and the guy interested in Orcs is going to proxy a fleet to see if he wants to spend the money to get started in the game. It should be fun and very educational. I'll have to read up on Nova cannons. Apparently the Imperial/Space Marine player likes to have a bunch of them and focus fire the biggest ship in the opposing fleet.

Your side is always the "will of the people" the other side is always fundamentalist, extremist, hatemongers, racists, anti- semitic nazies with questionable education and more questionable hygiene. American politics 101.
-SGT Scruffy

~10,000 pts (Retired)
Protectorate of Menoth 75pts (and Growing) 
Made in nl
Fighter Ace

Nova Cannons are psychological. And a scatter weapon. Keep that in mind.

Made in us
Umber Guard

Houston, Texas

Well, I played my first BFG game, and I have to say I love it. Due to my opponent arriving later than expected and my unfamiliartiy with the rules we only got three or so turns with 1000pt fleets. I used Space Marines and he used Imperial. The nova canons were really nasty, but my bombardment cannons, when I got in range to use them, were worse. I got a better feel for the mechanics and I really like the strategy involved in a game were everything is moving almost all of the time.

One thing I noticed was that my opponent didn't take any carrier type ships, which allowed my Thunderhawks to run amok in his fleet. Reading the effects of bombers, I think I'll have to use my Imperial fleet next time. There are three carrier types in there (an Emperor class battleship, a Mars class battlecruiser, and a Dictator class cruiser). I could launch waves of bombers without fear of fighters with his fleet composition, and as long as I can keep him at more than 30cm away and abeam (not to hard to do if I'm cruising along a board edge) even the might of his Retribution class battleship is all but neutralized.

Your side is always the "will of the people" the other side is always fundamentalist, extremist, hatemongers, racists, anti- semitic nazies with questionable education and more questionable hygiene. American politics 101.
-SGT Scruffy

~10,000 pts (Retired)
Protectorate of Menoth 75pts (and Growing) 
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