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Made in nl
Fresh-Faced New User

Hey fellow wargamers,

My story goes like this:
A few friends of mine decided we wanted to start playing Mordheim.
We all picked races for our warbands, I chose Beasts of Chaos because they rock obviously (at least fluff-wise).
After a few games we started making scenery and from then on we basically got hooked.
So we decided to take things seriously and I made a blog where we keep track on our game proceedings and of our custom terrain development.
I'd all gladly like to invite you to give it a glance over at:


Keep in mind, the site has just been up for a week, and we've still got a lot of work to do (on both the site and the game itself) but we would sure appreciate your thoughts on the stuff we've posted so far.

It's good to be here, I've looked around for a bit and seen a lot of very talented people at work. Still much to learn from my side.

Regards from the Netherlands,

- Vince
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Welcome to Dakka...

love to work so far! Keep it up!
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