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Looking to start warmaster.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Been Around the Block

I have been looking at starting warmaster, and just recently got the rulebook, along with issue 1-18 of warmaster magazine, at a Goodwill. Now I need to get miniatures and was wondering if there were non-GW brand minis I could use, or if I had to order g-dub.
Thanks for any help, --64mas--

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Stevenage, Herts, UK


I got a decent sized high elf army from these guys:


£5 per blister and you get a fair amount in them, although they are in the UK so postage to you may be a sticking point.

If you are thinking about starting an Empire army, you could check out Armies in Miniature (sorry, no web address to hand - your google-Fu must be strong on this one!!). They do a lot of 10mm historical minis which could be decent proxies.

Hope that helps


(also, I will be adding 10mm figs to my site soon, just saying is all... )

Sculptor of miniatures

Follow me on Twitter: @Silent_Spectre 
Made in jp
Anti-piracy Officer

Somewhere in south-central England.

There's quite a few 10mm historical ranges available.



There are more but that is enough to get you started.


A blog about painting 10mm figures.

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