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Mordheim - Undead wolf pack  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
One Canoptek Scarab in a Swarm


I'm just getting back into Mordheim, and was wondering what people thought of this slightly odd 500pts starter warband...

Vampire - two handed sword, bow, heavy armour (185pts)
Necromancer - Bow, axe (50pts)
Zombie (15pts)
5 Direwolves (250pts)
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

You won't draw much money from exploration.

A fan-based small-scale skirmish game designed to enhance the gaming experience of the never ending wars of the futuristic 41st Millennium

Made in gb
One Canoptek Scarab in a Swarm


Yeah but most of the undead can't use weapons and armour, so costs are quite low anyway...

I'll post some pictures once I've put it together as I have a feeling it may be a better looking warband rather than a good playing warband.

Just thought I'd try something different this time, and the wolves movement of 9 was pretty tempting
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

I'd wait with the 2hander until you have the strongman skill... strike last sucks hard...
Made in gb
Emboldened Warlock

Vampires strength is his S, I and A. he is already S4, so why do you need to be S6? Youre unlikely to be coming up against T4 in the first few games, drop the 2 hander, get 2 hand weapons.

Dire wolves are for flanking. If you flank them all, then theyll be killed after their initial chargem being unsupported and waay ahead of the rest of your force. If you choose to keep them with your force, then they may as well be zombies.

drop 2 wolves and get 2-3 dregs and a few more zombies. Even hiding the drags at the back of the board for a game will generate enough money to buy back the wolf they replaced, while including the wolf will never get you money to buy the dregs.

Made in gb
One Canoptek Scarab in a Swarm


I think you're right about the two handed sword, think I may replace it with a mace/club and an axe or sword...

I know what you mean about dropping the wolves to get the money, but it kind of changes the whole character of the warband.

Plus I think that a large pack of wolves can be used fairly effectively against most other warbands, rather than just having one or two for flanking. They're strength 4 and have 2 attacks when they charge, plus cause fear so are actually pretty useful on their own.

The vampire has movement 6, plus a bow and the necromancer's magic should provide some support.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I am considering swapping the vampire's heavy armour for light armour though. This would save 30gp and allow me 2 more zombies...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/12/05 18:03:18

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