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Made in us
Stubborn Eternal Guard

Houston, Tx

This is my first Warband I've ever made and I have an upcoming game this weekend! SO here it is.

Warband Name: Carsten's Wardogs
Warband Type: Middenheim Mercs
Warband Rating: 73

Captain: Carsten
M 4, Ws 6, Bs 4, S 4, T 4, W 1, I 5, A 2, Ld 9

Light Armor
Two-Handed Axe

Leader, Mighty Blow, Strongman, and Step Aside

So I am very happy about how much of a beast my captain came out to be, a two handed weapon + crushing blow makes him a whopping Str 7 in close-combat!

Champion: Frik
M 4, Ws 6, Bs 3, S 4, T 3, W 1, I 3, A 1, Ld 7


Mighty Blow





Warrior: Ortis

Burd's Blue-Tooths
Number (3)

(3) Long Bows

So my warband has a total of 7 members and I will be facing against Reiklanders and Undead. Any suggestions/ideas to help me with my upcoming battle.

Edit: I just changed Resilient to Strongman, I can't believe I didn't see it!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/03/29 19:32:24

Made in us
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

Chicago, Il

So, I am a little confused. Is this a one off game where you can buy skills? or an experienced warband? why only one hero?

Sargent! Bring me my brown pants!  
Made in us
Stubborn Eternal Guard

Houston, Tx

its an experienced Warband, you get skills based on how much exp your character starts with and get to spend it before the campaign starts.

I have two heroe and Captain and Champion, I was thinking about fielding 3 but I wanted to have more troops than heroes.
Made in us
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

Chicago, Il

I am pretty sure experience you start with (champion 8, captain 20) are reflected in their stat line and they dont roll or take advances. until additional experience is gained

Sargent! Bring me my brown pants!  
Made in us
Stubborn Eternal Guard

Houston, Tx

Yes that is true for a normal game, but we allowed for exp to be spent.
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