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KC Mordheimers! Kick-off night and plenty of spoils.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Nasty Nob on a Boar

Galveston County

Ok. I'll try to remember everyones bands, but we had a good crew out tonight. 6 bands in a battle royal for "Monster Hunter" and "Capture the Prince".

We have Possessed, Norse, Human (not real sure which list he was using but I think Mage leader with more hired hands than actual theme), two elf players, and my Brets.

I'm uploading pics right now, but I can say out of the two games we completed - it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Ok - So game one is monster hunter and we roll a Hypogriff - but we don't have one on hand so it becomes a "daemon" with the same stat line.

Deployment sees Possessed and Norse on one long side, both human players on the other side, and the elves have the short ends.

I'm clear in the corner, so I'm not thinking I'm going to get into the "hunt" part of this deal - so I motion the troops forward and try to gain some line of sight. The bowman I have only are equipped with normal bows for cost purposes, so I got to get them closer for sure. 1st turn sees the possessed jump right on that bad boy and almost bring him down.

The Norse try to keep up, but the random event fairy was generous tonight and a Road Warden pops up and ruins their plans to get there first. So while they are dealing with that, I'm trying to get the bowman a little better shot.

As you can see, everyone else is trying to get situated as well because the victory conditions aren't about actually killing the Daemon - it's about holding that center building without another warband within 6" of it! And I'm more than happy to let the tougher lists duke it out and collect the spoils!

Next turn comes around, and I'm in a position to shoot into the close combat on the hill. The Daemon is down to one wound and the Possessed has taken the brunt of the beating.

Couple of close shots later, and I'm killing off the Daemon! +1 for the Brets!

Others are close enough now, the center is also contested. A few more random events sees the humans to my right stupified by an object and having to pass Ld tests just to move, a few houses catch fire and are lost to the warp - but no one is sucked out with them.

Humans gain composure, Norse get back on track, and the elves are making a move. I'm again just a bit to far out, but a bit of bad luck for the humans and I have a knocked down henchman within charge distance and can get to the center.

The possessed then rout off the board, leaving the larger human force having to split into two groups - one to deal with the elf threat on the right, the Brets are the left. But the Elf player is also having to deal with Norse goodness - while the elf player to my left only has 5 models and has been sneaking up the side for a late push. He then promptly takes one shot, and a few ricochets later and they're down to take a test. I hate to face/love to have an elven bow, btw.

Which then also sees the Humans/Elves /Norse all forcing rout tests on each other and routing as well and the game really picks up speed. Having those rout test pop up at 25% of your force being gone really make me glad I took 10 to start. I've only lost one bowman and one squire by the time my turn comes up - but with those three armies out - my lowly Squire is there for the WIN!!!

I manage to gain Much needed GC to by upgrades and some trinkets along the way. I get to upgrade a squire to "near" knight status, all the bowman now have proper Long Bows, and I've got a "straggler" to use at the end of the next game. No other skills though and the Squire I lost earlier is out for the next game...

So I pick up 2 Men-at-Arms for some more meat shield goodness and roll on for Game 2 - Capture the Prince.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Game 2:

So the deployment is almost exactly the same as before, with the Human and Elf bands switching places on my left/right.

With this configuration, the Norse and Possessed decide to team up and get that prince for some early victory. However, the random events fairy would soon change all that . . .

Silly pants prince sitting in the middle of the table! And wouldn't you know his random move takes him directly towards the Possessed band . . .

Here's my "upgraded" group:

Getting a Squire to be able to now wield sword/shield/Light Armor/Helm and now be WS 3 I thought would be a big boost. Not quite though.

So this quickly becomes a mad dash on our parts to get into positions and start hammering the Norse/Possessed combo and with elves to the front and flank, it falls to the humans to actually do the combat work - however out deployments aren't very advantageous for this and the Dynamic Duo quickly have a Prince in tow...

And then the random event fairy came calling and :

BAM! A big o' Troll came in and ruined the Possessed day. We actually rolled a spider, but again no spider available so Troll it was. The flanking elves quickly hit the Norse, and a rout check later, both Possessed and Norse are gone again! But the Prince is dangerously close to a still hungry Troll . . .

And so the Prince was eaten, and there was much rejoicing. Except now it became a Human/Elf game and I would soon learn the pain of a rout test. I am setting up actually quite nicely as some knights try to take a swipe at the lower elves, the Questing Knight and MaA move to hold a line for the top elves so the mage/barbarian and the rest of the humans can come in a help clean up. But:

The top elves promptly romp my henchmen, forcing my dreaded test, and on a 9 we're packing it in...

Overall, I think we did well. I'm now the proud owner of 12 Models, and upgraded QK, 1 reg Knight, and a Squire on his way to making the grade. Two of the bowman now have BS 4 with Long bows, and I have to pick two skills - one for a knight and one for a squire.

All in all, a good start for the Quest of getting my horse back!

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2011/05/21 05:15:23

No madam, 40,000 is the year that this game is set in. Not how much it costs. Though you may have a point. - GW Fulchester
The Gatling Guns have flamethrowers on them because this is 40k - DOW III
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User


As the Shadow Elves who cleared out the henchmen, it was great fun! Looking forward to the league this summer.
Made in us
Nasty Nob on a Boar

Galveston County

Yep! You guys will have to add your own spins on this, as I am getting the Brets point of view

No madam, 40,000 is the year that this game is set in. Not how much it costs. Though you may have a point. - GW Fulchester
The Gatling Guns have flamethrowers on them because this is 40k - DOW III
Made in gb
Servoarm Flailing Magos

Nice reports.

"Praise Be To The Omissiah!"

"Three things make the Empire great: Faith, Steel and Gunpowder!"

Azarath Metrion Zinthos

Expect my posts to have a bazillion edits. I miss out letters, words, sometimes even entire sentences in my points and posts.

Come at me Heretic. 
Made in us
Nasty Nob on a Boar

Galveston County

Played again today - ambush! My rating was 120 and another warband (Witch Hunters) started today at 51 ambushed the Norse player from the first report.

I forgot the camera, though so I don't have any pics :(

Anyway - The Norsemen have/had a rating 219 or so - so I was not really amped for this one. All he had to do was get his hero's off the board edges and he won.

So for me, I had the four bowman get into a decent position where they could see both of my flanks. Then I split the knights to one side/squires to the other and split up a few men at arms so I could get into hth on the flanks as well. Sisters set up directly on the other side of the table - which was good as that made the Norse have to split his attention to get out.

However - the Norse captain has 4 Attacks! She is a beast and gained 9 exp by the time it was all over. The sisters didn't do so well. One of the Norse Henchmen got stuck in the mud and became dog food later thanks to the Random Event Fairy. The sisters had to deal with 3 Henchmen, but they were experienced henchmen - and after 4 turns I think he had 2 survive - but he only started with 5 and his Captain didn't make it :(

I also did not fair very well at first as I only had 2 hero's survive as the Questor and both Errrants bit the dust to the Norse Queen and a buddy. The Queen also took out a Bloodletter that happened to pop up as well. So by the end of the game, I'm left with 1 MaA, 4 Bowmen, and 2 Squires . . .

BUT! The squires and one bowman did a wonderful job! I managed to kill a body guard, stun the Queen, and kill another hero. With too many hero's being removed from the board, and the Queen coming dangerously close to being a casualty, the Norse decided to hit the bricks and run. IIRC, he lost one or two of his hero's to bad recovery rolling and I believe fell back to under 200.

We couldn't rout from this game unless we wanted to, so the sisters left as well.

And since there was a pack of wild dogs on the board, and I'm the only one with active models - I also decided to hit the bricks - but I picked up 4 pieces of Wyrd stone on the way I ended up with 7 of them for the game.

Not too shabby! One squire unfortunately did bite the dust - but that made way for "lads got talent" on my BS 4 bowman! He also now has Quick Shot, and both surviving Squires now have step aside and WS 3, and one even gained another wound!

However, the Questing Knight suffered a shattered leg for his troubles and now is -1 move . . .

He better hurry up and find that stupid horse. And now we're up to 139.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2011/05/23 03:35:11

No madam, 40,000 is the year that this game is set in. Not how much it costs. Though you may have a point. - GW Fulchester
The Gatling Guns have flamethrowers on them because this is 40k - DOW III
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